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Did your children watch the debate?

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What did they think?


My dds (12 and 10) were shocked that Obama is the first African-American candidate. They truly do not understand prejudice.


They heard the current crisis being described as the worst financial crisis since the Depression and today asked me if that were true. They know all about the Depression from the Kit books, and other books they have read about that era (and SOTW, of course). So I think they are now a bit worried.

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What did they think?


My dds (12 and 10) were shocked that Obama is the first African-American candidate. They truly do not understand prejudice.


They heard the current crisis being described as the worst financial crisis since the Depression and today asked me if that were true. They know all about the Depression from the Kit books, and other books they have read about that era (and SOTW, of course). So I think they are now a bit worried.


Yes. Ds watched with a crowd, and all I know is that he liked the pizza. :tongue_smilie: The conversation veered to something else before I heard his impressions. Dd is just getting interested in politics. I had to explain stuff. We discussed, but not extensively. Then the conversation drifted to which translation of The Odyssey is superior, and we kinda lost the politics thread. We'll pick it up again, I'm sure.


Oh, we did talk about Ole Miss and race relation and tactics and such.

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My 12 year old watched the whole thing. My 10 year old wandered in and out. My 8 and 6 year olds had no interest, though I think the 8 year old *tried* to have interest. :)


What did they think? We talk a lot to them about politics and issues, so my 12 year old already knew a great deal of what was going on. But still, he's 12, and what he thinks is still a reflection of what DH and I think.


He did note (sharp child) how often neither candidate actually answered questions :D

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My son is 9. He was very excited about the debate, but he only lasted about 20 minutes. He wandered in and out of the room after that. He is a huge Obama supporter, and he is concerned about the economy. He's afraid that we might have to move to the farm where I grew up, and he's not the least bit interested in doing that.

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Yes, my oldest watched the whole thing and took notes. She was really into it. My 11yo watched a little bit. On Friday we discussed the idea of recession/depression as we stocked up on some food I had been meaning to buy. It *is* scary, honestly, but I also know Who holds the world in His capable hands. :001_smile:


I am very careful in our conversations about the things going on. My oldest is very perceptive though and reads me pretty well. I don't trouble the younger ones about it since they just would not understand.

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We went to the Rock the Debate events on the Ole Miss campus, and after four hours, I didn't want to push their attention spans much further. :D


I listened on the radio when we got home, and the kids watched a movie with dad. (We don't get broadcast TV.) I'll show them clips from online this week... hopefully, they won't fall asleep. :001_smile:

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Oh, yes!!


My 14yo especially! He's a big fan of politics and already a card-carrying democrat, so he watched it through blue-colored glasses, so to speak. ;)


He's following this race very closely -- he followed the one in 2004, but not as intently. (Our big lesson that year was, "We don't cry when our candidate doesn't win.")


He was VERY bummed that he couldn't attend the Obama-Biden rally in Fredericksburg at the University of Mary Washington (which is about 20 minutes away from our house) because my hubby and I had a birthday party to attend -- and I was bummed for him, too, until I read the paper the next morning and 26,000 people showed up! They stood, in the pouring rain, for 8 hours to listen to them!


I love the ticket but....not that much! :D

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Our big lesson that year was, "We don't cry when our candidate doesn't win.


LOL! We had that lesson here, too, after this year's primary season was over. We also learned that our guy's loss does not give us the right to name-call or stick our tongues out at the remaining candidates. :D (My 11yo is nothing if not loyal.)

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Our big lesson that year was, "We don't cry when our candidate doesn't win.")




We also learned that our guy's loss does not give us the right to name-call or stick our tongues out at the remaining candidates.


Here we learn those lessons through football, but politics works too! :)


Yeah, Obama spoke near here and I was tempted to go, but it wasn't until 9 PM, and I was pg and tired and didn't want to deal with crowds and parking and I had to teach the next day. So we didn't go.


I'm sure he will be back - he thinks he might have a chance in my state although we always go Republican. He's been here a lot.

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LOL! We had that lesson here, too, after this year's primary season was over. We also learned that our guy's loss does not give us the right to name-call or stick our tongues out at the remaining candidates. :D (My 11yo is nothing if not loyal.)


LOL!! I agree!!!


I had to have a talk with my son about respect when he made the "L" for loser sign on his forehead when McCain was speaking.


He MAY end up being President and, while I love reading Bush-isms as much as anyone, there IS a certain respect that we must give to the leader of our country!

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left out a word
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Yep, my 12 yos watched it with me, Fallacy Detective in hand. ;) We had a lot of fun pointing out all the red herrings. Ds was particularly adept at noticing those and also the "answering a question with a question" type answers. He caught quite a few that I missed until he pointed them out!


And despite my strong political leanings, I made sure to do the right thing and tell him that even though we might prefer a certain candidate, we have to look at the debate objectively, and not just say that "our" candidate won. A candidate we disagree with could well win that particular debate. I think he agreed with me in the end that it was a draw, though.


He's really enjoying this whole political season, and he's learning a lot. It's fun for me to share with him, too, because I love this stuff.



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is taking AP Economics this year and both candidates economic plans have been the source of many discussions. So, my dd actually cut the TV on herself to watch the debate (without me suggesting it). This class has really upped her interest, along with the election year.


What I found really interesting is that when dd and her classmates disected Obama's economic plan with his tax increases and all of the expenditures he plans on making, they found there's no way he can balance the budget. Additionally, through looking at taxes on corporations and the inherent job loss and increased prices that will occur when Obama raises their taxes, the class realized that it will be the taxpayers who Obama wants to lower taxes on that this will hit the hardest; either through paying higher prices or by losing their jobs when the organizations either go bankrupt or when they move oversees to pay lower taxes.


This class has really opened her eyes to the economy and I'm so glad we studied logic last year as she has been able to look at the election and pick apart the fallacies of both candidates.


One interesting note about logic in the election. Dd and some of her classmates have noticed that the candidates on the left use words like "fairness" and "feelings" (I feel..... or It's not fair....) rather than using logic to defend their positions. The left tend to especially focus on fairness when it comes to the economy and what everyone should have (entitlement?) versus what they deserve to have based on the decisions they've made.


Just my Monday morning musings....

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Dd7 watched it. She watched it on a different TV and we paused ours so she was about 10 minutes ahead of us. It was hilarious hearing her comments. She that both candidates did okay in terms of performance. She thought McCain was completely off base on the economy but did better on foreign policy, and that Obama did not go after McCain enough.

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No, but they enjoy the political discuusions. As McCain/Palins supporters, they were very upset that so many neighbors have put yard art up supporting Obama/Biden. I love that there eyes are being opened to different view points, since we are strong homebodies and don't hear much else. I have given them the freedom to ask all the questions they want to find out what other people like about their guy and what they don't like about our's. With my in-laws here for 5 days, it hasn't yet happened, but I am excited to see what they do with it.


When Sarah was announced as a running mate, my newly turned 10yo quickly figured out this if Palin gets into office, it won't be long until we have a female president and she (dd) has plans for running when she grows up. We'd never talked about females in office before so that came as a surprise. Equally surprising is her passion for politics. Dh had the debates on the computer, but with guests there was too much other activity happening so we eventually turned it off. The 10yo could've gotten a lot out of it.

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