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Off to google Firefly.


Remudamom, I think you'd LOVE Firefly! It's a Joss Whedon TV show that was only on one season and then there was a movie that wrapped things up called Serenity. It's a Space Western basically. Great cast, character driven, HIGHlarious (though sometimes poignant and moving). Netflix!

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I thought that was a picture of Layla!


OMG! I did, too! I cannot believe I didn't realize that was Kaylee. I specifically remember looking at Leila's avatar and thinking, "Aw, she's so cute... you know, she kinda reminds me of Kaylee."

D'oh! whacky026.gif I feel like such a maroon.


Leila, you had me totally fooled! :D

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Would y'all believe that I was, um, WATCHING FIREFLY and missed this thread?!


Seriously. It was "The Train Job," for those in the know. Love it!!


May I just ask, though: What prompted the thread in the first place?!


(And I'll have you all know that I can now NEVER meet you IRL because you will think that I'm a shrew compared to the actress who portrays Kaylee. What was I THINKING?!) :D

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Well, I know that some folks recognized her right away--Mama Lynx springs to mind--but I have gotten several PMs asking if that pix was really me. I guess I thought that those few PMs were the only ones who didn't know.... ACK!! :blushing:


I'd put up my own pix, but, y'know, it's hard to get all three of my heads into the same picture. :D

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Well, I know that some folks recognized her right away--Mama Lynx springs to mind--but I have gotten several PMs asking if that pix was really me. I guess I thought that those few PMs were the only ones who didn't know.... ACK!! :blushing:


I'd put up my own pix, but, y'know, it's hard to get all three of my heads into the same picture. :D


So, that's not you? I think of you as this exotic red head. So no?

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So, that's not you? I think of you as this exotic red head. So no?


Well, I am a redhead. Exotic? I'd like to think so, anyway! But Kaylee's...just a petite person, a little flower. I'm SO not: 5'8" and broad shoulders here. I think mine is euphemistically termed an "athletic" build. ;)


A shrew, you say? Hey, we might be related! :lol:


No way, Sleepy! You rock! You could be the twin sister of Cruella DeVille, and you'd STILL be a peach. Beauty's on the inside, baby. :001_smile: (Why is that so much easier for us to say than to hear? Hmmm, ladies? Talk amongst y'selves.)


Goodnight, all! Time to take my spaceship into drydock and catch some Z's. :closedeyes:

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Leila's avatar is a picture of Kaylee from Serenity. Several of us are just now realizing that it wasn't a picture of Leila. :lol:



OOOHH - I never knew!! I have always loved that avatar. When I see it, I think "She looks like she would be fun to know". Although Leila sounds like lots of fun, too!

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