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I am SO, SO mad!

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I have just discovered that my house sitters (who are staying in our house while we are in CA) have ruined my very beautiful, formal dining room table. The one we only sit at twice a year for special occasions.


Glass rings all over. it is peeling and rough and dh does not know if it can be repaired. (Dh is there to evaluate damage due to Ike and just discovered this. Hasn't checked our dresser yet.)


I am LIVID! LIVID!!!! :angry::mad::banghead: :cursing:

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Any chance you can make them pay for refinishing it? Maybe you have some pictures of it showing it in good condition before you left? Did you make the house-sitters sign a contract?


I'm sorry!




It is my newphew and his young wife. So, no.


They were / are doing us a HUGE favor staying there with my 4 cats, 1 dog and keeping the house from being empty.


They are just STUPID!!!!!!!!!


I can't tell you how bad I want to tell them to get OUT of my house right NOW! Before they can ruin anything else!!!!


:banghead: :mad::angry: :cursing:

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I'm so sorry. Amazing repairs can be done, so hold out hope.


I came home the other day (gmom was here with the dc) to find that my dd gave her piano teacher a coke and the piano teacher put it on the BRAND NEW, very $$ to us, piano. I almost fainted dead away.


Just so I sound like an old codger...."what are these young people thinking?!"



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My mil did the very same thing to my dining room table when she visited us for dd's first birthday. I was busy running around getting things ready for the party, and didn't notice that she had put a cold cola down on the table. She knew what she was doing, just didn't care. I never got an apology.:glare:


So :grouphug: I hope your table can be fixed!



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My mil did the very same thing to my dining room table when she visited us for dd's first birthday. I was busy running around getting things ready for the party, and didn't notice that she had put a cold cola down on the table. She knew what she was doing, just didn't care. I never got an apology.:glare:


So :grouphug: I hope your table can be fixed!



That is just heartbreaking! FWIW, we have an AMAZING furniture repair company here. Maybe there's one near you that would be able to help and wouldn't be too expensive.


Best wishes,


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Um...errr...forgive me... My tabletop is wood and slate, so I guess I'm clueless here.


You can't put a glass down on your dining room table without it getting ruined?


I, too, would have left a ring just because I did not know...


OTOH, I wouldn't have sat at that table if you had a more casual place available...


I'm so sorry. I hope you can get it fixed.

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Um...errr...forgive me... My tabletop is wood and slate, so I guess I'm clueless here.


You can't put a glass down on your dining room table without it getting ruined?


I, too, would have left a ring just because I did not know...


OTOH, I wouldn't have sat at that table if you had a more casual place available...


I'm so sorry. I hope you can get it fixed.


It is a real wood table...very heavy, very nice...but the TOP had a thin wood veneer. If I'd only have known. It isn't one ring. It is many rings. This was done over a period of time as far as I can understand. If it was done on ONE occasion, then I can understand. But if they saw a ring appear and then continued doing it.....totally different.


I did find out our dresser in the bedroom (same type of furniture) is fine. Thank goodness.


I'm more upset about the disreguard for our things, than the table itself.


And I was about to blow earlier anyway. Very upset over dh leaving me here. The table was the final straw. I'm more rational now. :tongue_smilie:

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That is horrible, so sorry - hey do you still need that R&S book?

email or pm and maybe we can meet up this weekend -


You are the greatest. :) I think we are going to be ok without the book. it is pretty simple stuff. I just have to read through the word problems. No biggie. Most of R&S is just review and he is doing just fine with it. I think we are going to drop down to using it just twice a week and start using Family Math Middle School. It will be a nice change.


Thanks again!

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Oh, I would be sick!


My in-laws had my dd and another older young adult house sit for them for a year. My dd tried to be careful, because she knows how Grandma runs her house, but the other girl did things like that. And, even though dd knew better she did some stupid stuff too. :glare: MIL said if she ever has to leave again, they'll just lock up the house (they don't have pets) and have friends keep an eye on things.

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Um...errr...forgive me... My tabletop is wood and slate, so I guess I'm clueless here.


You can't put a glass down on your dining room table without it getting ruined?


I, too, would have left a ring just because I did not know...


OTOH, I wouldn't have sat at that table if you had a more casual place available...


I'm so sorry. I hope you can get it fixed.


This would be me, as well. I just figured tables were meant for eating and drinking. It wouldn't have occurred to me that it would be unwise to eat or drink there. But, yeah, if it were that fancy, I would be finding a more casual place to hang out.


And, Hey! I learned something new! So maybe I won't make people think I'm stupid if I ever run into one of those fancified tables. ;)

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And, Hey! I learned something new! So maybe I won't make people think I'm stupid if I ever run into one of those fancified tables. ;)


Exactly what I'm thinking!


And Rhonda, I really *am* sorry about your table, and everything else that you're dealing with right now. I hope things start looking up for you soon. :)

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I have just discovered that my house sitters (who are staying in our house while we are in CA) have ruined my very beautiful, formal dining room table. The one we only sit at twice a year for special occasions.


Glass rings all over. it is peeling and rough and dh does not know if it can be repaired. (Dh is there to evaluate damage due to Ike and just discovered this. Hasn't checked our dresser yet.)


I am LIVID! LIVID!!!! :angry::mad::banghead: :cursing:


*sigh* Like -- "Please, don't *help* me anymore!"


Some friends of ours offered to "take care of" my antique oak upright piano when we moved and had no place to put it. When I got it back a year later, I found out that the parents had moved to Reno and left the two kids to "take care of" the house while *they* moved -- the kids were 18 and 19. The piano was absolutely *destroyed* -- it was filthy, keys were missing, the finish was . . . I can't go on -- "Oops! Sorry about that!"


Because of that, and other "helpful friends" along the way, I now just lock up my house and hope for the best if I'm gone for more than a day or two -- and I don't tell *anyone* we are leaving. I can honestly say that with this plan, the worst I've ever found when I got home was a dead plant or two.

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some of the worst things can be repaired by a professional who specializes in such. I haven't had this problem, but I have had to consult a furniture repair specialist after a pipe burst in my home. They can do wonders.


I would consult a professional and get it fixed. I would just add the furnitre repair payment as part of the cost of not having the cats kenneled while you were away. Stuff happens. Not everyone takes care of things (theirs or yours) the way you would. Not everyone has experience with nice stuff.


I don't recommend locking the house and not having it monitored for long periods. Like I said I got to experience a pipe burst. It happened in late summer, at night when I was home. I needed new ceilings and walls in my basement and new floors on the main level and basement. If I'd been away the water would have run longer and the damage would have been worse. I always have someone (truste neighbor) walk through my house once a day to make sure this nothing is amiss. If you are going to be gone a month or more. you need someone to walk through a flush the toilets and turn on faucets regularly.

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