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Three things I can't do.


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1. Play chess. I've tried several times, but I have either a mental block or lack the patience required to learn. 


2. Highlight, underline, or make notes in any book.  


3. Listen to audiobooks. Podcasts and audio lectures are fine, but my attention wanders when I put on an audiobook. Dh and our kids are the same way. 

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1. Eat mayonnaise in any form, like tuna salad, chicken salad, etc.


2. Eat hot (not temperature) food. I have Sjogren's Syndrome and therefore have limited saliva and hot food is totally unbearable.


3. Heights.  I definitely couldn't go on a helicopter or balloon. But even high buildings give me problems. I was only able to go to the first level of the Eiffel Tower where I waited for my family. I didn't even attempt the CN tower in Toronto. What is weird is that I used to not mind. When I was younger but still an adult, I went to the Arch but now I could never do that.

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I cannot


1) Fail to fold and put away laundry IMMEDIATELY from the dryer.  I can't stand wrinkled clothes.  It would drive me batty to leave something in the dryer or just in a basket (gasp!) sitting around.


2) Be around people who use perfume.  I can't even go to most church events.  I don't know what it is about that particular group but they all seem to douse themselves in the stuff.  You can smell them coming and going 100 steps away.  It's awful. 


3) Make up my mind about paint colors.  I've been waffling for weeks on a couple of rooms.


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Things I cannot do: 


1. Read in the car - severe motion sickness. I can't even look at a map. 


2. go to an animal shelter - way too much emotion - I worked for a vet for 5 years and have some issues that would make it a panic attack inducing situation


3. Ride in the car without the radio on  (except when my mom is with us) - Ds and I have been having classic rock quiz time on the way to school to round out his rock-n-roll education. He has to name the band and then gets a random bit of trivia about them from me.  :lol: He likes the music, not mom's commentary. 

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1) Go barefoot in a hotel room. Or put the socks I wore in the hotel room into my shoes. No, just no.


2) Identify faces in movies/tv on first or even second viewing. And don't get me started on the agony of trying to identify established characters after they've changed their hair color or, gasp!, are trying to disguise themselves.


3) Wake up feeling rested no matter how much sleep I get. This resolves itself after thirty minutes awake...I don't need naps or anything, I just feel exhausted when I wake up.

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1. Watch a movie, particularly one I didn't choose, without falling asleep.


2. Stay up late. I can barely function past 8pm.


3. Call a business or make an appointment without writing a script first.


Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

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1.  See, hear, read about, think about, or be told about a snake.  Any snake.  In my immediate vicinity or across the globe.  Just cannot stand it.  The very word makes me :svengo:


2.  Eat or smell anything banana.


3.  Go to the bathroom if anyone is within earshot of me (my DH of 18 years included).  I cannot tell you how many times I walk into and right back out of a public rest room.  Luckily, my bladder is huge.

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Fall asleep when others are awake. (Oldest child, obviously... made for fun times in college. o.0 )




Eat or drink some things with a really strong smell/taste (green peppers, parmesan unless it's mixed in with other stuff, beer, wine... I do like coffee with a great deal of milk and sugar).

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1.  See, hear, read about, think about, or be told about a snake.  Any snake.  In my immediate vicinity or across the globe.  Just cannot stand it.  The very word makes me :svengo:


I'm sure you can relate to this -- When I was a kid, I avoided the "S" section of the dictionary & the entire volume of the "S" encyclopedia lest I accidentally see a picture of a snake. (I was brainwashed well by both my grandmother & mom, who are both terrified of snakes.)


I did not want to pass on my (extreme) phobia to my kids &, when they were little, we would visit a local nature center (that had snakes). During the 'animal encounters', I even let the workers there rub a snake on my arm (just to show my kids it was ok). Kind of gave me the willies, but I survived.


I don't wish harm to snakes, but I also don't want to cross paths with a snake & I'm pretty sure the snakes don't want to cross paths with me. So I guess we'll both be happy to avoid each other. Lol.

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