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Anyone else feel like the days are just packed?

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Homeschooling, cleaning, cooking, gardening. It fills the day. And it always feels like I didn't get to something- like today we didn't even get to math- geez. But we were homeschooling all.day.long. cooking.cleaning. laundry. taking care of garden produce. My littlest is feeling left out and I'm tuckered by the end of every day. Anyone else there?

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I spent two hours schooling youngest, one hour on homework with 6th grader, one hour consulting with high schooler on her school work, two hours working on school paperwork including planning and transcipts for two high schoolers, one hour running errands, two hours cooking, cleaning, doing dishes and laundry, one hour double checking cell phone bill, and about an hour just shooting the sh*t with the kids. I was also busy the rest of the day but I have no idea what else I was doing. And pretty soon I have to wrestle the youngest to bed. The only reason I have let her stay up this late is because the olders are letting her play Scrabble with them and hey, that's educational right? :tongue_smilie:

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Yes. I find myself gasping at odd moments in the day, struggling to see how it can all get done. Usually it doesn't all get done, and my perfectionistic nature rails against that, but I am trying to learn to be content with getting enough done.


At this stage, I often find myself yearning for some nice, tiny shack in the middle of the woods. Housecleaning that can be done in an hour. No yardwork to speak of. We could spend our days reading, learning, and communing with nature. Ahh . . .

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Yup. Between school, dance, soccer, and activities at church - not to mention having a normal social life and making dd's Halloween costume- days just fly around here! Cooking? The last meal I cooked was last Wednesday. Does piling things on the loveseat no one sits on count as cleaning? I would be seriously embarrassed to have company right now. Thank goodness I don't have time for company this week (lol).


But tonight I do not have to be anywhere. So I am having a homecooked meal in a clean kitchen tonight.

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Homeschooling, cleaning, cooking, gardening. It fills the day. And it always feels like I didn't get to something- like today we didn't even get to math- geez. But we were homeschooling all.day.long. cooking.cleaning. laundry. taking care of garden produce. My littlest is feeling left out and I'm tuckered by the end of every day. Anyone else there?


Yes, I'm there and just came to post along these very lines. We started school this week and I am already totally overwhelmed, wondering how I can really make this work...

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My days feel filled up, and yet...I am taking a 15 minute break and I am here...

I just got a new book..."Brinsigr". it's the 3rd one of Eragon and Eldest...I have been looking forward to it since..well...it seems like forever...Now, I recieved it yesterday and I haven't read more than the title of the 1st chapter! I cannot read it during the day...because, honestly, I would get nothing else done...no school, no lunch...just me and a book... But by the time 8 O'Clock comes around I am very sleepy...I'm going to try tonight...but I am only reading one chapter..or tomorrow I will be too tired.....

Now, back to housecleaning and school!

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I am overwhelmed if I think about all the stuff that I have to do. Honestly.


Yesterday, dh had the day off and took the two littles with him to run some errands. The two olders and I had almost 2 hours to ourselves. I couldn't believe how much we got accomplished. My two youngers are really not a pain, but they can be distracting. I also don't want them to feel like I'm not paying attention to them, so I can't just work with the olders for hours on end.


On top of the schoolwork, we're supposed to be cleaning the house, preparing food, getting ready to have a new baby, and going to activities. Plus, I know have a weekly chiro appointment, weekly midwife appointment, etc. The midwife takes me at least 3 hours.


So yeah, life is full. I'm not sure I would change it.

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I was two years ago, but have taken time to re-evaluate so many things.


I got rid of clutter, less IS more.


I've learned to say no.


We've cut back activities and running.


I made a list of my "hot spots" around the house, like the kitchen sink, main bathroom that guests would use, main trash can, etc.. I used that list to make up a rotating chore chart that involves the kids. I'm not the maid.


I've learned to cook ahead and always have a few items hidden in our extra freezer I can just heat up in a pinch.


I've switched to the loop/flow chart for school, my little guy is no longer squeezed out, I'm not longer stressed about not completing everything in one day or throwing off the dates in my planner. I've rearranged our school area to make it more functional.


I've learned that while I can't control "Murphy" I can control my response when Murphy knocks on our door.


I've learned if I am positive and focused, it will rub off on my children.


I've been asking myself "What is the best use of my time now?"


I will always have a "to do" list, but what on that list "really" matters?


I've learned to turn the phone and computer off during school time.


I've had to lower my standards and realize it doesn't matter where utensils are put away as long as they are in the kitchen or how laundry is folded.


I've learned to spend time with dh daily. It's hard with him working 12+ hour days, the moment he walks in the kids are all over him. He's also been calling me on the way home so we can chat and catch up before we are interupted by the kids. Every evening I make it a point to sit and talk with him when the kids go to bed.


I've learned to listen more and talk less.


All too soon my boys will be grown, the house will be quiet . . . I don't want to have any regrets.

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Homeschooling, cleaning, cooking, gardening. It fills the day. And it always feels like I didn't get to something- like today we didn't even get to math- geez. But we were homeschooling all.day.long. cooking.cleaning. laundry. taking care of garden produce. My littlest is feeling left out and I'm tuckered by the end of every day. Anyone else there?


Oh my. Yes.


There's the homeschooling, the cooking, the cleaning, running the errands, the vegetable gardening and the yardwork. On top of that, we do all of our horse care ourselves. We muck out stalls, clean up the paddocks, groom, feed, train/ride, do all the basic vet care, we even do all the hoof care (I trim the hooves, and let me tell you- professional farriers do not get paid enough).


The girls are all old enough to do their share, and we use this time as "together time". But I know what you mean. Our days are busy and satisfying, but it's impossible to get everything done every day.


The only thing that really bugs me about our schedule is others' lack of understanding. I am getting pressured by some of the girls' friends' moms to have their kids over with no notice for playdates. We CAN do playdates, but obviously, with all the stuff we have to do, I need to plan ahead for it. They want to be able to call, see if we're home, and drop their kids off within the hour. It frustrates them when we're always busy, and it frustrates me to always be saying no. They won't plan ahead, because their kids might have too much homework to come over. We live in an area with no other children on our street, so all playdates involve driving, dropping off, picking up, etc. That is time I just don't have unless I have planned ahead for it.


I understand that there is no way for them to really understand this, because although they have all the same things to take care of, they hire help to get it done. (Gardeners, housekeepers, pool guys, horse trainers, and horse boarding facilities.) But I'm getting sick of the guilt trips and starting to feel a little resentful when they tell me that their kids are so sad when they can't come over. As if I am the one disappointing them! Geez, work with me and plan ahead and they can come over!! I can't interrupt my very packed schedule at the drop of a hat just because there might not be a lot of homework that day.


I guess that turned into a rant. :glare:

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I was so overwhelmed again this morning (and I'm not pmsing!) My dh ordered me to go outside and play with the kids. We played badmitton for an hour and laughed and made fun of each other (if you saw how well/badly we played, you would too!).

I just stand in awe of people like SWB who are writing and publishing and teaching and joggin on top of it all! Do they not sleep??? Actually I stand in awe of so many of the peole on these boards. Ya'll rock!

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Homeschooling, cleaning, cooking, gardening. It fills the day. And it always feels like I didn't get to something- like today we didn't even get to math- geez. But we were homeschooling all.day.long. cooking.cleaning. laundry. taking care of garden produce. My littlest is feeling left out and I'm tuckered by the end of every day. Anyone else there?


Yep. It's hard to make it all fit into a day, isn't it?


I know! I feel like a failure sometimes! :(

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Yes, I do feel like that! I can't fit it all in a day. I'm an avid list-maker & it's disheartening to move items to the new to do list each day.

So far school is getting done faster than I though it would -but I run out of energy before the housework is caught up. I'm going to chalk it up to having a 4 month old.

It's good to have more things to do all the time, but right now I'm looking for more time to do all the things!

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