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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Well doggone it...I have to work again.

Morning: Studying, dog walk, exercise, prep my dinner and snack, call bank b/c of erroneous charges right before Christmas :cursing:

Get to work by 2pm.

Come home by 10:30pm

Check the board for interesting tidbits

Try to get to bed before midnight!!!!!!!!!

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Get dinner in crock pot (spaghetti sauce) to simmer slow and low all day...done


Mix up last 1/4 of my dog's meals for the next 2 months (this is a mixture of meat, bone meal, cheese, yogurt, spinach, brussel sprouts, pumpkin, banana, carrot, squash, green beans, peas, raspberries, blueberries, bananas and apples).  We rotate her food (1/4 is meat, bony meat, sardines, 1/4 is meat, bony meat & egg, 1/4 is meat & bony meat, and the other is meat, bone meal & fruits and veggies).  It looks weird...


School...answer e-mails...make lists of things I need to get done before Friday.


laundry (mostly folding, most of the washing is all caught up)


My Italian class


Speech Therapy/commissary & grocery run (eggs and milk, mozzarella di bufala, tomatoes & bread for dinner)


Swimming & more of my Italian class


Praying dh's car can be FIXED for 500euro vs. buying another $3,000 car right now...just would rather put off buying cars until later this summer.  We're going to switch to diesel, and I'm going to be driving a stick, too.  We're looking at an Opel Zafira, a Ford S-Max, or a Volvo crossover.  All seat 7.  My van is still running strong, but it IS 14 years old.  Switching to diesel will enable us to buy fuel more cheaply AND get better mileage (about double our mileage between the two vehicles).  My van will become more of a utility/hauling vehicle.  Parts are just difficult to come by.



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Good morning, today will be a 30/30 app day

- go back to sleep- done

- school work- med terms due today are done, working on critical thinking worksheets

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- fold laundry- everything sorted, towels folded and put away, both girls clothes folded and put away

- tidy house- round 1 done

- dishes

- get dd1 off bus- done

- mom taxes

- FAFSA- done

- dinner- done

- baths- dd1 took a shower

- bedtime routine- done

- anything else I get done- picked up dh's paycheck, deposited that and his co-worker's check, picked up dd2's meds, picked up a few things before the storm hits, watch the power flicker and the listen to the sleet falling outside

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Good morning!


I didn't fix the van window because it was going to be $300. I don't even need the window to come down, just stay up. They said they would have to charge labor to just get in the door panel and see if it could have a temporary fix.  I brought it home and wedged some cardboard pieces in the side and am going to see if it will hold. 



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats



To Do:

shower/get dressed


pay bills

go to bible study

go to a friend's house because her daughter is doing a Japanese tea ceremony for us (We are using the same history curriculum and getting together for activities.)

finish school



tidy house


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Good Morning!


Amy....labor cost are outrageous!  I detest car troubles of any sort. 




quick clean main floor---aka suck up the dog hair --I feel like I live to vacuum.

ds school--on his own

Go to Ollies for books for the grands--mail package

Go pick up 5 rotisserie chickens at Costco --remove meat and bag up and put bones in crockpot to cook 24 hours for bone broth

Make Chicken poblano popper soup for dinner

Day 2 of challenge...stay on task! :) and exercise.


Have a good day! 



Edited by TammyinVA
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Good morning!


Top priorities today:

B/L/D- & Dinner prep.. need to thaw the ribs

School-Math, Science, IR & RA, Language Arts

Baby school with ds- Last night I was so tired we ended up just reading story books. He enjoys the counting bears & "Real" school things so I need to make an effort to do that with him today.

Keep the house clean

1x Laundry

Feed animals & Clean litter box


I would LIKE to do:

Watch some TV- my DVR'd shows are really piling up (this is why we are considering cutting cable! :p We never watch it!)

Start looking into next years curriculum

Walk the dog/more outside time if it's warm enough

Vacuum again!

Edited by Mrs. Hound
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Good Morning!


Amy....labor cost are outrageous!  I detest car troubles of any sort. 




quick clean main floor---aka suck up the dog hair --I feel like I live to vacuum.

ds school--on his own

Go to Ollies for books for the grands--mail package

Go pick up 5 rotisserie chickens at Costco --remove meat and bag up and put bones in crockpot to cook 24 hours for bone broth

Make Chicken poblano popper soup for dinner

Day 2 of challenge...stay on task! :) and exercise.


Have a good day! 


The bolded... :seeya:Me too! I realize I forgot something from my list now. What breed do you have?

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Good morning, everyone!


Fed pets and read bible - done!

Make nice breakfast for dh who had to work until midnight last night

academics with kids

take to history class and then run errands (must remember to mail check!  I keep forgetting!)

p/u from history class

Prep and then teach RE class

p/u pizza for dinner

I hoping that at the end of the day I will still have enough energy to vacuum upstairs (something I've been planning to do since Saturday!)

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The bolded... :seeya:Me too! I realize I forgot something from my list now. What breed do you have?


We have a border collie and we brush her every.single.day...but she still sheds. ;)    I've had her 8 years and I still love her to bits, so....I vacuum......and vacuum! ;)

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Good morning! We got about a foot of snow! The girls rolled out to practice and dd1 said it was adventurous driving :) Everything is cancelled, except practice this afternoon. Because the Y never closes and our German coach doesn't believe in snow days.


The girls practiced outside last night.


To do:


School for all


Jen things


PM practice


Have a great day!

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Today is my youngest first birthday so my older 2 are trying to convince me that means no school today. Silly kids don't realize how easy they have it at home with the hour of school we do. I'd like today to be as productive as yesterday so I'll make my list reflect what I hope to accomplish.


- school

- clean my room

- clean entryway and entryway closet

- kids clean their room

- exercise DVD

- read for an hour

- start garden layout planning

- fiddle with new way of budgeting we're attemping

Edited by hjffkj
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Work.  Yes, I am still working on the stuff I wanted to finish on the weekend.  Plus new stuff of course.


I was hoping to go to TKD today, but my kid may have sprained her wrist.  If she is still hurting a lot tonight, I think we may have to skip the upcoming belt test.  Boo!

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School was slooow today, but we did a solid day's work. Dd is pokey and daydreams.

Dinner is ready; we are waiting a few more minutes for Dh to get home.



Got a couple of school books ordered today. AAS 7, the last spelling book I will ever buy. :)

Sent a bunch of emails.


Still need to check consignment shifts and reconcile YNAB.

And redo the checklists.


But not a lot more will get done tonight. After dinner is clean up and play games or read with kids time.

Then I am too tired and my brain doesn't work anymore.

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Dd definitely has something wrong with her.  My Energizer Bunny is listless.  And she didn't complain or fuss when I said that she needed to stay home from volunteering tonight.

She got science done - today's emphasis - but nothing else.


Went to the grocery store and the pet store and Starbucks.


Thought very briefly about doing some yardwork since it was really nice today but the feeling quickly passed.


Folded and put away one load of laundry

Washed and dried one load of laundry.

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Well Miss A did complain of a sore wrist, so we will probably have to wait until April to go for our brown belt test.  :/  Then suddenly at the end of the evening, she said her wrist was healed, and began doing back handsprings in the hall.  :/


So the kids had some time to do a little "mom work" after their homework.  I worked with Miss A on some math, and they played the piano.  Then we let the parakeet out of her cage for the first time.  I hear you are supposed to do this daily, but I was always afraid she would fly away and hide and not want to go back to the cage.  She was skittish until recently.  Now she will climb on the kids' hands, so we decided to let her fly.  That was fun.  Then we did yoga with a kid video.  It was a nice evening.


I almost forgot that I was supposed to do a couple accounting reports today.  Who knows what else I am forgetting ....


The auditors have pointed out a $10 discrepancy.  Dangit.  I don't know if they are right, but I hate when that happens.  Though I don't know how it could be true when I reconcile the bank accounts every month ....

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