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Tasty whole grain pasta?


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What is a brand of whole grain pasta that tastes good?


Several years ago I had tried many brands and didn't like them (mostly because of texture)and ended up just buying  Barilla white fiber pasta to at least get more fiber in the pasta. Now my grocery store has stopped carrying the white fiber pasta. Do you have a whole grain pasta that you like?

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The whole wheat kind they carry at Trader Joe's.  It does take a little time to get used to a whole wheat pasta.  You don't get the carb rush you do with the white versions, but once you've converted, it can actually be more satisfying.  

And be careful about "whole grain" anything - it's one of those labels that could mean what you hope it means, but often doesn't.  Read the ingredient list to be sure you're getting what you want.  Remember that "wheat flour" doesn't mean "whole wheat flour", for instance.

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I think they have improved all of the whole wheat pastas. A few years ago we tried them and they were awful, but recently we made the full switch over and they're all actually pretty good. I've been buying a generic version from our local grocery store that's only whole wheat flour and it's very good. I'm careful about ingredients do I'm sure I'm getting the wheatiest version. LOL

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I'm allergic to wheat, so take this for what it is, but I love Tinkyada's gluten free pastas made from brown rice.  They are super hearty (filling), still delicious if you get distracted by a kid and overcook them, and I've had people refuse to believe they were gluten free (I got into an argument about it once when I made pioneer woman's lasagna recipe, though I added extra water to the sauce to avoid pre-cooking the noodles).

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I like Ronzoni Ancient Grains.  Ronzoni Smart Taste isn't bad either.  One thing with these 'upgraded' pastas is that they always come in packages under 16oz to normalize the cost and blend in with other pastes.  This discrepancy messes with my mind.  Just charge me +25% more and put it in a 16oz box already!

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