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Menu Monday

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Can we do menu Monday again? I really liked the ideas! We have a very busy week with something out every night, so I'm trying to come up with quick, cheap meals.


Here's mine:

Monday: Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread

Tuesday: quesadillas with all the fixings

Wednesday: Veggie Burgers, fruit salad, baked beans, chips

Thursday: Heidleburg Soup (a cheese-vegetable soup), cornbread muffins

Friday: ??? Don't know yet, hoping for ideas from all of you!

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Here are my ideas for quick and cheap meals.


Chili & cornbread


Homemade pizza


Rice from the rice pot topped with a stir-fry or left over chili


Crock pot meals are great for busy days.


This thread is making me hungry.:001_huh:


I never use my crock pot. I find cookbooks, but the meals rarely seem to interest me. I need to use it more because it would make my life easier. My ds is a very picky eater and my the rest of us have varying dislikes as well (some green peppers, some mushrooms, etc.). Do you know of a site with "kid-friendly" crockpot meals?

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Friday is a good night for pizza. We use the roll out dough you buy in the canned biscuit section of the grocery store. Each person can 'decorate' his section of pizza crust with a variety of toppings. Everyone helps each other chop and dice. Easy and fun. This leads to great goofy bonding in the kitchen.

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Tonight (Monday), we're having pita with hummus and couscous, some chopped veggies to be stuffed in the pita or eaten on the side, and some sliced canteloupe.


I have to go grocery shopping this evening after dinner, and I'm planning to lay in supplies for the following, to be eaten other nights:


Black bean burritos or Mexican casserole (more or less the same ingredients, so just a matter of what I feel like on the given day)


Spaghetti and garlic bread (because my son mopes when he doesn't get his weekly pasta fix)


Indonesian rice salad with something-or-other on the side (We had lunch from the Whole Foods bar the other day, and we all liked this. So, I've found a recipe to try re-creating it.) I'll probably do this one on Thursday, because my son has choir practice until 6:30. I can make this ahead and have us ready to eat when we get home.


By the way, ideas for things to go with this would be most welcome.


My husband will be on his own Friday night, because our son has dance classes until 7:00, and it's too late to eat by the time we get home. I usually feed the kiddo something before we leave and pack a snack for him to eat in the car afterwards.

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My family and I have a little food co-op going (my parents, my two sils and us.) So three nights a week we have food coming to our house and one night a week I make and deliver a meal. It is one of the greatest things ever!!!

Monday: Pork tenderloin, tortelini salad, fried apples, bread (brought by my mom)


Tuesday: Stroganoff and rice (made by sil)

Wednesday: Marlboro Man's Beef Sandwiches (made by me)

Thursday: left overs

Friday: out to fast food

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I use my crockpot all the time! It is your friend, use it.;) On Sat we had an all day boy scout activity so I put a roast in the crockpot, poured in a packet of powdered italian salad dressing mix, poured a can of beef broth (about 1 1/2 cups) over the top and let it cook all day. When we got home I just shredded the beef with two forks and put it on italian rolls. I then put provolone cheese on top and put under the broiler just till the cheese melted and served them with little dishes of the aujus it was cooked in, they were delicious.:) Best of all it was pretty much ready when we got home.


Our menu this week


Mon - Sloppy joes and oven fries with cut up veggies


Tues - Will be away from home


Wed - Homemade meatball calzones, tossed salad, melon


Thurs - tacos, refried beans, spanish rice made with some peppers from my garden.


Fri - Homemade pizza, tossed salad

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Is this an accountability thread or a "let's look for ideas from one another" type thread?


I have today's meal plan. :D It's one of my emergency, low-fuss meals:


Monday: Tilapia, broccoli, and a mix of Yukon Gold and Red potatoes drizzled in olive oil, spiced, and baked.


As for the rest of the week, it'll unfold as it happens. :001_huh: Maybe I should use this thread as an accountability thread? I do best when I have planned out my meals.

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Is this an accountability thread or a "let's look for ideas from one another" type thread?


Ha-ha! You sound like me! I've got Ree's bean soup cooking, and I'll have that with her cornbread, but after that...I don't even know what we're having for breakfast tomorrow! :001_huh:

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Can we do menu Monday again? I really liked the ideas! We have a very busy week with something out every night, so I'm trying to come up with quick, cheap meals.


Here's mine:

Monday: Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread

Tuesday: quesadillas with all the fixings

Wednesday: Veggie Burgers, fruit salad, baked beans, chips

Thursday: Heidleburg Soup (a cheese-vegetable soup), cornbread muffins

Friday: ??? Don't know yet, hoping for ideas from all of you!



I love the idea! I posted mine last night on my blog... link in sig....:lurk5:

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I was getting really bad about not planning and serving too much last minute junk, so I finally made a rotating menu and know what we're having every day of the month.


Monday- chicken and rice casserole (I found a recipe that sounded good and didn't involve cream of whatever soup).


Tuesday- Oven fried (farmed)catfish, collard greens (I have never attempted to make these, but kept reading about the health benefits of eating these and mustard greens, so decided to try it, let's hope my kids will eat it), and baked sweet potatoes.


Wednesday- Meatloaf (ground turkey), garlic green beans, seasoned brown rice


Thursday- Minestrone soup, italian breadsticks (Olive Garden copycat recipe)


Friday- Linguine and red clam sauce, tossed salad


Saturday- Family game night so we'll just make some snacky finger foods

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