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5th grader free time

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My 5th grader finishes all her work by around 2:00 each day (she starts at 9:15). 

With the long, dark days/nights there is nothing to do outside, and she doesn't have any afternoon activities outside the house (which is fine by me since driving to lessons is a disaster that time of day).


What do your 10-12 yr olds do to keep busy during non-academic learning time?

She's tried loom knitting... didn't finish a project.

She likes French and will spend some time on Duolingo, but not long.

She's not into knitting or crochet.

Reading is not interesting to her.  She is known to reread books more than once rather than try new ones.


So...any ideas for longer term projects?

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My 5th grader:


Legos, regular building and robotics

Cleans house for a couple older ladies (once a week)


Types (stories)

Plays outside

Draw squad

Sculpts with clay



Eta: mine also love to do"school" with the little ones. She "babysits" twice a week and does arts and crafts/puzzles/games with some toddlers while moms are nearby. She's VERY good. She sat in on my ds3.S speech therapy for nearly two years-and picked up some great teaching skills!

Edited by athomeontheprairie
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6th grader:

- Reads

- Strengthening, flexibility, stretching, tumbling, handstands, conditioning

- Draws, other arts and crafts, this time of year she spends a lot of time making gifts

- Sews

- Rides bike, practices unicycle

- Plays with cats

- Texts friends

- Watches DIY and art videos on YouTube

- Cooks

- Cleans/chores

- Listens to music, practices singing


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My DD11 loves to do DIY.org and find projects to do and then upload. She has tried a lot of new things that she was inspired to do because of challenges/skills presented on that site.


I also let her browse on my Pinterest account and she likes to spend time crafting and cooking based on ideas she finds there!

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My 12yo dd likes:


- baking, she bakes something about every other day

- making videos on the ipad

- writing stories

- drawing

- printing off pictures to color

- playdates with friends, we have a couple favorites that we schedule with

- going to the library

- reading

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My son is really into paper engineering right now.  There is a Usborne Paper Engineering book, and I just got him a Make book about Paper projects that use electricity. 


I love puzzles. My kids don't though. 


If you have an IPad the kids love their Toontastic App.  They've made a lot of cartoons with it. 

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My fifth grader likes to do the following in his free time:

-play his guitar

-play video games (limited)

-play board or card games


-build with LEGO or other similar things



-make stuff out of tape, cardboard, etc.

-run around playing with light sabers and play weapons

-practice martial arts

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