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How many old-timers are still around the TWTM Board?

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Hi :)

I check in every once in a while :)  I learned lots from the board, remember some of you... am FB friends with some... My daughter is doing college... son is in a charter school, but I still check on things sometimes.

I'm going back for my M.A.T degree, because I've always really wanted to have a classroom :)



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I've been on TWTM boards since 2002 when my oldest was 4yo. I remember spending a lot of time researching what to use to teach her to read, and now she will be graduating this May and was just accepted to her first choice college.  :blink: Where did the time go?!


 I don't post frequently, but I have been helped and encouraged so much by TWTM community. I prefer this newer format to the old board. 

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I've been around since 2008...back in those first 3-4 years, I spent ALOT of time here....like every single day I was here reading and posting.  (Usually evenings after children were in bed).   Today is the first time I've been here in probably six months or so.

Why?   For one, Facebook has a ton of homeschooling groups, and many are very active.  Back in the day before Facebook, the WTM boards were one of the active forums around.   Now FB is where people post and chat.   


  For two....I'm no longer a curriculum junkie.  In prior years, I started in January researching curriculum for the next year....coming here to read conversations about any particular curriculum...cuz it was almost always talked about here....and I started purchasing in March  (looking for used, and the For Sale forum here used to be the best before they changed the forum format)....and continued purchasing throughout the summer.   I no longer do that...I've settled on what we will use, I realized I don't need to purchase all the readers, and mostly get them from the library...and once again, the FB Curriculum groups are super active to buy used. 


   For three...I'm an old timer when it comes to homeschooling...like I've been doing it for 13 years at this time....sometimes I just don't have the patience for newbies....haha.   Nothing against them...but the questions that are asked...I've probably heard and read a million times over the years....I just gotta move on now.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm a little late to the game, but I was here with the old timers too....probably about 2003.  I remember many of your names and even met up with some others that used to be on here.  I stopped viewing and posting when the boards switched.  I still don't prefer this format!! So I'm not here much, but after so many years homeschooling, going on 17 now, WTM will always be my foundation and anchor.


And I also remember Ree before she became famous.


And I remember Butch...thought she was fun.


And I think I was even first to post after the board flip one time!


I miss the close camaraderie of the small group old boards.

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I check in every now and then...not as much as I did when I started on the boards in 2001.  I know many of you old ladies are not fond of the new board format and don't bother visiting here much anymore.  Just wanted to check in to see who was still hanging in there.  haha.  


After 18 years of homeschooling, we are still following SWB's protocols for home-education.  I still recommend WTM Guide to newbie homeschoolers and receive compliments and thanks because of this awesome book.  


I am so thankful SWB wrote this book!



I think I qualify?  ;)  I was here on the old boards, since Ana was 4? 5?  So that would have been 2000/2001.  


I am on my third or fourth copy and it's falling apart. ;)  I still use a lot of it, have tweaked quite a bit.  Still in love and it's still the first book I have new homeschoolers read. :)

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Hi :)

I check in every once in a while :)  I learned lots from the board, remember some of you... am FB friends with some... My daughter is doing college... son is in a charter school, but I still check on things sometimes.

I'm going back for my M.A.T degree, because I've always really wanted to have a classroom :)


And because you should. :)

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I was around on the old forums. I think my first post was in or around 2005, when my oldest was almost two and I was wondering what curriculum I should buy for my brilliant, advanced first born son who already knew his alphabet and could count like to one million or something. Lol. You ladies quickly set me straight. Thank goodness! Those were the good old days. 😊

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I can't remember how long I have been around.....since the wonky Veg Source days or before.  My oldest is now 28 and I started homeschooling him at 8.  My girls are now in public school and seniors.  We currently also have a 12 year old foster boy (been with us for 16 months) and a 15 year old foster boy (been with us 6 1/2 weeks).

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I haven't been here in ages. Just dropped in to see what was up and found this thread. I have no idea when I joined the forums but we have graduated 7 of our kids now. On the home stretch.  :hurray:


Good to see you Quiver! I miss your recipes and updates. My hat is off to you for continuing in the home stretch ... I think those can be the hardest years to homeschool. 

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