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To pre-cook pie crusts or not.... that is the question


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I'm busy getting pie ready for tomorrow and my usual pie-cooking cunundrum has arisen....  Do I pre-cook the pie crust (bottom) or not.


I've gone back and forth.  Sometimes it seems like uncooked pie crusts createa a soggier crust after cooking.  But then when I pre-cook, the edges can get burnt.


So which is best?  Is there a good rule of thumb on this?



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I'm also not much of a pie baker but I bake pumpkin pie with uncooked crust in a glass pie plate with foil protecting the crust. I take the foil off about 10 minutes before the pie is done and it turns out pretty good. I don't end up with a soggy bottom, at least. :D

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It depends on the filling and if it is a double crust, tbh.  You can also do things like put down a caramel layer (I do this with apple pies) or a cookie crumb layer etc to make the bottom less wet.


If it has a top crust I don't bake blind.  And yes, use foil over the edges to keep from over browning. I was given silicone rings that go over the edges. Those work very well. I think they cost about 3$. 


And bake your pies near the bottom of your oven.  Move that rack as far down as it will go.  One cook book, The Pie and Pastry Bible, goes as far as telling you to bake on the floor of your oven. I have considered putting my baking stone on the bottom to bake my pies, but I just haven't got around to it yet.



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It depends on the filling and if it is a double crust, tbh. You can also do things like put down a caramel layer (I do this with apple pies) or a cookie crumb layer etc to make the bottom less wet.


If it has a top crust I don't bake blind. And yes, use foil over the edges to keep from over browning. I was given silicone rings that go over the edges. Those work very well. I think they cost about 3$.


And bake your pies near the bottom of your oven. Move that rack as far down as it will go. One cook book, The Pie and Pastry Bible, goes as far as telling you to bake on the floor of your oven. I have considered putting my baking stone on the bottom to bake my pies, but I just haven't got around to it yet.

I just relocated my pies mid-bake because you said this. Mind you, I don't blindly follow every internet person who posts; just people who have a really good rep with me for knowing what they're talking about on the subject. You fit this description. My pies are in your hands.

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I just relocated my pies mid-bake because you said this. Mind you, I don't blindly follow every internet person who posts; just people who have a really good rep with me for knowing what they're talking about on the subject. You fit this description. My pies are in your hands.


Sweet fancy jebus, I hope they come out ok.  I really did learn it from this book:




 But I am sweating now.  I seriously hope they come out ok.  I can't believe you tried a new thing in your oven on Thanksgiving!  You are brave.  I only try new things when its just for my kids.  They never complain.

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Sweet fancy jebus, I hope they come out ok. I really did learn it from this book:




But I am sweating now. I seriously hope they come out ok. I can't believe you tried a new thing in your oven on Thanksgiving! You are brave. I only try new things when its just for my kids. They never complain.

That book is goin' on my wish list! :D

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