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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I had my to-do list all done, and then I got caught up in a completely unscheduled project.  But, I cleaned out about half of LEGOManiac's closet/drawers, pulling out clothes that are too small, dirty, or otherwise are not his.  I found the missing single legs (zip-off) to three pair of scout pants (which I cleaned out from his stuff before).


Laundry (towels, darks #2, whites #1)

Put away clean laundry

Shower (me)

Kitchen (counters/table/floor)


Swim practice

Parent meeting for winter sports (dh)

Scouts (dh)

Work on Christmas Lists, some on-line purchases, trip planning for this weekend, other paperwork.

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    Go help at church putting up Christmas decorations


     Commissary shopping


     Welcome home my daughter from College


      Make cranberry sauce


      Make crust for tart that I am making later this week.


      Make dinner

Edited by transientChris
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I love your to do lists, Jean!  I have so much to do today, I need a list!!


So far:  Lunches made, 2 kids and dh out the door.  One more to go.  


To do:


Remember to take waterbottle for dd with us

email sister about pie making supplies

email violin students

sign up for online thing that dh keeps asking me to do

check status of my cell phone?


tidy up

big clean up:



sewing area clean up

vacuum basement

wash sheets

clear out bookshelf


That should be a good start... I'll check back at lunch time!


Have a great day!


Edited by wendy in HI
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College Girl is home for break :)



--walk to/from training session at gym (dd20 has my car for work)

--daily; Monday

--some cleaning

--double-check groceries still needed for Thanksgiving

--make pumpkin bread, because why not


--bio lab w dd

--ACT prep w dd

--bunch of emails

--work on Christmas gift list

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I have to send some stuff out this morning that I was supposed to do over the weekend.  Well, I ended up cleaning most of the day yesterday.  So I stayed up most of the night and got up early to work.  I'm close to sending it out now.


On the positive side, my room is somewhat neat for the first time in months.  The rest of the house is fairly neat too.  Except the basement - we won't talk about the basement.


  • Work in the wee hours.  [done]
  • Kids up & off to school.  [done]
  • Clean kitchen and bathrooms.  [done]
  • Work.
  • A little exercise.
  • A little reading.
  • Send overdue graduation card already.
  • Kids' work.
  • Kids to gymnastics.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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I am still recovering from my nasty cold.


work on novel - done but I'll do more later today, hopefully

let kids sleep in - lol, I am about to go wake them up.

be really nice to my dh who (or whom?) I realize I've been neglecting lately.  He is super stressed by work and needs a little TLC

make sure kids start work on two papers from outside classes they have to write and are both due in two weeks

figure out something for dinner tonight

clean out fridge

get dd to her AHG meeting


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Good morning! We are on holiday practice schedule, so lots of back and forth to the pool. School continues, to the sadness of the kids (but Mom, everyone else is off!)


To do:

Errand for dmil

School for all

AM pickup

More school


PM practice

Aikido pickup


Have a great day!

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Good morning

- school work- psych quiz done and got 25/25 :D statistics post done, A&P unit exam done with a 45/50

- tidy house- round 1 done

- clean snow off car- done, though I need a new car broom, the handle broke on my old one so I resorted to using the house broom (car broom as old house broom that had the handle broke in half, but now the handle is completely gone so useless to brush the snow off the top of my car)

- replace buckle on dd2's car seat- done

- put car seat and DVD players back in my car- done

- call dd1's school so they don't put her on the bus- done

- dentist appointment- done

- pick dd1 up from school- done

- decorate wreaths at dd1's school and pick ours up- done

- dd1 Girl Scouts - done

- turn in unsold cookies and $ - done

- dinner- in crockpot- done

- help dd1 with any school work and work on spelling and sight words- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine- done

- anything else I get done- load of laundry in dryer

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Good afternoon, y'all!


Sunny and cold (for TN) here.

We did a short school day and I am grocery shopping/planning/cooking the rest of the day.


Not much else on our list except for Ds' basketball practice tonight.


Saving all the cleaning for Wednesday, when we won't attempt any schoolwork. 


Dh is home all week, which is nice. :)

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