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Scarlet fever?


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Any experience?


DS had a high fever on Monday. Slept all day, threw up twice, didn't eat and had an awful headache. He was fine on Tuesday.


DD had a mild fever on Wednesday. Fine the next morning.


On Thursday afternoon, I noticed a few red spots on DS's cheeks and within 30 minutes, he was screaming about his head hurting. He went to bed and when he woke up had more spots forming on chest, back, and arms. I made an appointment for Friday morning.


Friday morning, I got the kids dressed and to the doctor. Baby girl had no spots when I left. By the time we got to the doctor, they were popping up on her back and chest. She was added to the appointment and they both tested positive for strep and started the antibiotics two hours later.


Today I left before she woke up and didn't get home until 2. DH says it got worse all day. She is now completely covered from head to toe in spots. Is this normal even though she started the antibiotics so quickly after the spots started? She doesn't seem to be in any discomfort. She was feverish during the night when she nursed but isn't now.

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I've had it.  It itches like MAD.  I broke out in the rash after I had started antibiotics, if that makes a difference.  DS1 had strep, I took him into the doctor for a test and a script. While I was there I started looking peaky and he asked to test me for strep as well. I was positive and started antibiotics right away.  It was after my first dose that I broke out into the rash.  I thought maybe it was an allergic reaction to the meds, but then I looked at it more closely and realized what it was.


I felt much better the next day, after a couple more doses of antibiotic, but I stayed red/rashy for a while but I felt ok. At first I was super itchy with the rash, VERY itchy, but that stopped fairly quickly.


FWIW, with scarlett fever, the skin peels and flakes after a bit, and at least with me, that included my lips and a lot of skin in my mouth.  My mouth was very sore and raw for a couple days.  I don't know if everyone has that with Scarlett fever, but I really did and it was painful.  I can't imagine a baby or toddler going through that.  I couldn't eat or even drink more than a tiny amount.

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When my son had it I didn't even realize he was sick until everything appeared at once..  Saturday was fine, Sunday woke up with a fever, sore throat and a rash all over his back and shoulders.  It does take a good 24 hours for the medicine to really kick in (just like with strep) so it wouldn't surprise me to see more spots after the antibiotics were started.  And I'll second the bit about peeling.  My son peeled for a couple fo weeks after the rash was gone.  I was glad the doctor had forewarned us about that part because it was a serious mess.

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I had scarlet fever about 10 years ago. I had a terrible red rash and it was a good thing I finally went to the dr. They gave me potent antibiotics, and a shot in the rear. Ouch!

I did find out later that because of it, I developed a hear murmur, but it sounds like you caught the rash in time, and got her antibiotics. 




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My oldest goes for his physical tomorrow, so I'll bring her along also. It hasn't gotten worse today, but it's no better either.

Oh, good. I found myself thinking of you this evening, hoping all was improving. I highly doubt it's an allergy, but after DS developed his (after 7 days on the abx), I've been more cautious.


Fingers crossed it's all just running its normal course.

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I had it as a child but I only remember the peeling and the subsequent applications.  It sounds like it is more common where you are though - here it is a notifiable disease and I  have only met one other person who has had it.


A 'notifiable disease'? It's just strep throat with a rash.  Is strep 'notifiable'?


It is generally a childhood disease, but I had it as an adult. My family doctor told me I was the first adult he treated for it.  That seems odd to me, but whatever.  Either he just wasn't told by adults patients that their strep developed into scarlet fever, or it was my lucky day.

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I had it as a child but I only remember the peeling and the subsequent applications. It sounds like it is more common where you are though - here it is a notifiable disease and I have only met one other person who has had it.

Did you perhaps have not just scarlett fever but rheumatic fever? Also caused by strep and can involve a rash, but much more rare and potentially serious. I looked up the reportable diseases list for NZ (is that where you are?) and rheumatic fever is on there but not scarlett fever.

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