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Just want to share our math success story

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I'm sharing this here because I know you all can relate and share in my joy. Homeschooling can be a long, hard journey (and I'm just beginning), but today I get to enjoy the fruit of my labor.


Today, my dd7 said she LOVED math! *gasp*


Let me tell you, it's been a long road. We started with MUS Primer in K. It wasn't a hit, but I thought she would warm up to it. We continued with Alpha in 1st. I entertained the idea changing to RS early in 1st, but the cost was a big deterrent (I already spent so much on those darn MUS blocks!). We did a brief stint with Math Mammoth, which was way too overwhelming, too many worksheets, and not enough guidance for me as the teacher. We went back to Alpha. ugh!


Finally last April, we started RightStart B. It was difficult for her, but she has come a LONG way. There have been highs and lows, but mostly it's been a huge improvement for both of us. We are finally finishing up B (lesson 131). After we finished the lesson, she erased the dry erase board and wrote, "I love math!'


I'm ecstatic that, through RS, I was able to not only help her understand math but also enjoy it!


Thanks for listening.

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That is wonderful!

Your story is similar to ours. We struggled with MUS before I finally switched to RS. My dd had a hard time with B but something clicked in C and she's never looked back. It makes me so happy to see her doing well in math and no longer hating it.

Seeing a little homeschool success feels amazing!!!

Yay for math (and RS)!

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When I pulled the kids out after 2nd grade, my daughter hated math and thought she was no good at it. After a year and a couple of months of Beast Academy, she told me math is her favorite time of day and more recently how much she loved learning base-2! This is the kid that glazed over every time her math obsessed brother would talk about fibonacci series and Pascal's triangle:-)  Its so nice when these things click!

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I had to  :lol: when you said it has been a long road. My oldest, while being good at math, hated it until Pre-Algebra. Then, she turned into an ardent math-lover. (Although, she dislikes geometry this year. She's looking forward to a return to something more 'algebra-ish' next year. She gets to use her algebra all the time in her physics class this year.)


:hurray: for having a math-lover & finding something that works.



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