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WWYD if your taxes jumped to more than your mortgage payment?

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Has your home value declined since you purchased it? In my state (California) you can petition for a reassessment of your home's value if you think it is lower than the value you are paying taxes on. Every little bit helps.


$1000 in property taxes a month seems so high!! Do you have high local taxes? My taxes would only be that high if our home value was over $1 million.



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Holy Cow! That's $12,000. a year. In property taxes. There is absolutely no way we could do that. I guess I would be trying to sell as fast as possible which isn't very fast in this market.


I just floored. Will not complain about my taxes anymore. We've seen a couple huge increases in the last few years, but nothing compared to yours.



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<gulp> Paying more in taxes than a mortgage payment would be hard to take unless your home is nearly paid off.


Our taxes also jumped significantly this year without notice. :001_unsure: I think they nearly doubled which I thought our state had laws against. My dh is checking into the situation. I guess that's what I would do in your case too, call and ask why and complain.


I don't know where others are at, but we were also kindly notified by our local heating company that the price to heat our home will cost us about 40% more this winter. This, plus our taxe increase, plus the rising cost of food. Yikes! More than one family is going to be on tight budgets this winter.

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I'm guessing your in the greater NYC metro area. I know a nice family home that when from 6500/year to 11000/year in less than five years. I also know that same home on the other side of the road in a different township would be 18000/year in taxes. Now I don't have property taxes where I live, just income tax at 50% and VAT at 21%. We don't have enough left to own property anymore. I'd consult a lawyer. One hour consulting time should give you enough of an idea if the matter is worth court time.

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Wow -- a $1,000 a month. That's crazy! Of course, I know it varies so much from state to state and such.


Just to give you our situation for reference:


Our real estate is valued at a little over $207,600 (bought for approx. 70,000) and our mortgage is $611 (10 year refinanced mortgage at 57,000).


Our real estate tax is about $1,800 a year.


We also pay personal property tax on vehicles and things here. State/local sales tax = 5 % on most things.

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Do you live in Pa.? I looked at homes there and a lot of nice homes have taxes that high, price of house, low, tax high. That is why we did not move.


But in Cali, price of home high, tax low. Although our tax was high with new house, but we got it lowered because we proved that our house property value dropped dramatically. Here the mortgage kills us, not the tax.


If I were you , I would do double apt., who can afford twelve thou. a yr. in taxes, thats crazy.

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