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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Still behind on my work, and I am supposed to update a report in advance of an 11am conference call.

  • Work before the kids get up.
  • Kids up & out to school.
  • Work.
  • Kids to gymnastics.  Work at gymnastics.
  • Dinner out.
  • Watch a DVD?
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.


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Good morning

- dishes- hand wash done, dishwasher going

- tidy house- round 1 done

- laundry- in dryer

- school work- did statistics extra credit, working on A&P notes

- work on office- it's all done, I'm waiting for some available funds to buy the other stuff I want for it but for now it's good.

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- did some yoga with dd2, scrubbed big couch (ewwww), helped dh move vehicles so he could blow leaves

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School this morning with kiddos

Pick up DS from college at lunch.

Laundry - it's breeding in the laundry closet.  I haven't caught them yet, but I just KNOW it!

We had poetry recital last night, so need to pick new poems for memorization today.

Pick up M&Ms for popcorn/movie night tonight

Pick up movies for the same

Pick up groceries for DS going camping this weekend.

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I lived through the conference call.  Didn't finish the report though.  Need to do that over the weekend.  Now back to all those accounting reports I should have already finished.


I just feel so sluggish today.  My legs are stiff too.  Wonder if I'm coming down with something.  Yeah, just what I need....

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busy day....kids wrapping up school this morning for the week.  Then we head to a local rec pool for some fun with friends we only see once a month.  Rush home to clean up and then we are off to a concert tonight!  Making lunch to go, and dinner may be leftovers.  The poor hamster will just have to sit in his nasty cage one more day before cleaning it.  


I do think DH has something sick like going on.  Going to fill up on vitamins today and kiss him less.  


Have a good weekend!

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