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S/O How much do you spend on your kid's hair?


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My boys are $15 each including tip at the barber shop. My husband takes them every 4-6 weeks, he would love every 3 weeks but I think that's crazy. He's bald but usually gets a free beard trim included.


I don't pay anything regularly for my daughter yet. She's 5 and likes her hair long, I've cut it myself a couple times and have taken her to my salon a couple times but it was only $10 or so for a trim.

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Ds needs his hair cut every 6-8 weeks. If we have to go to the salon it is $35 plus tip, but if my neighbor is available she'll cut it on her front porch for $25. 

Dd only gets her hair trimmed about twice a year. Same prices as listed above for my son, but just not as frequently. 

I would LOVE to find something cheaper, but they both have really amazing hair and cuts that I could never replicate at home. The couple of times I've taken them to a cheaper place they've looked terrible and I've had to go groveling back to to our stylist and beg her to please fix it. I've tried taking my dd to several different places just for bang trims and while you'd think that bangs would be simple and straightforward, nope, they're never right and always look "off." Our neighbor is the only person who can even trim her bangs properly. 

ETA: Despite what it may sound, we are the exact opposite of high maintenance. I mean, we all very much appreciate a GOOD cut, but other than that no one colors their hair, we don't use any hair products on a regular basis, and I buy Suave shampoo. Heck, I currently don't even own, much less wear, any make-up other than an old tube of lipgloss, some mascara that needs to be tossed and a grimy eyeliner that also belongs in the trash. But a good, professional cut? It's our one absolute must-have with regard to vanity. 

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Our boys get cut/buzzed at home until they are old enough to pay for their own haircuts.  So, 18 or so.  lol


Our girls always got trimmed by me when they were younger, then to a cheap place for several years (think Best Cuts/Great Clips and usually when they had the cheap sale) and now 2 of the 3 want shorter cuts.  I cannot do that at home.  Dd16 wants a cute but sort of punk cut so we are going to a salon that I hope can give her what she wants!  It's $26, which is better than the spa salon I took her to after she got her head shaved for charity!  That was $40. Ouch.

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$20 for both, every six weeks. Dd has a blunt-cut bob and ds has a standard "little boy" haircut, so both are very simple.


I tried to learn how to cut ds's hair when he was small but I was terrible at it. I can't even trim his bangs. I buzz dh's hair with the clippers every few weeks, but I just can't bring myself to cut that much off ds's hair yet.


Their stylist only charges $7 each, but I usually bring a $20 and tell her to keep the change. It's a pretty big tip, but completely worth it to me. She's great with the kids (she can even get ds to sit still!), easy to schedule with, close by, and cheaper than just about anywhere else, even with the extra tip.


And can I admit that for a VERY long time, I didn't know you were supposed to tip stylists? I'm lucky I'm not bald... :blushing:

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I cut Dh's and both boys' hair. Dd5 got her first haircut earlier this year. She will get a cut every year or two now. Dd12 and I get a cut every 9-18 months. We spend about $50/year for the family.


I hate cutting hair. I do it to save money. I used to say that once Dh made a certain amount of money, I would never cut hair again. That happened several years ago. I still can't see spending that much money on haircuts. Maybe someday the boys will want a haircut that I can't do or want a better job than I can do. We'll see.

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DS: Very little. I have to buy a new bottle of detangler every few months, and he still uses 3 in 1 bodywash/shampoo. Beyond that, it's just a matter of brushing it. It's never been cut.


DD: Also very little. We're dyeing it pink soon, but she bought the supplies for that with her birthday money. So, kids' shampoo every few months, some hair ties or bows or whatnot in her stocking, and I might spring for a trim once or twice a year. That's it.

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