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WWYD with the last 8 weeks of homeschooling a 15yo?

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My ds15 will go to B&M school next year and I have 8 weeks left (he starts in Feb). We have done a lot of great things: read Plato's Republic, lots of Shakespeare, science etc. According to the SAT (NAPLAN here in Oz) is well above average in Maths and Writing, and he will go into extension science next year as he is a couple of years ahead. But he is below average in comprehension, according to the tests. (he has mild HFA if that has anything to do with it)


What would you do to help his comprehension levels?


What else is essential for kids to know before starting upper highschool?


Anything else I should do with these last few weeks, as I won't get them again?  :sad:



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I am confused about the "8 weeks left" comment because you have a lot more than 8 weeks from now to February.   I think I would mostly continue on the path we were on, but maybe add some fun outings.  That is what I miss the most now that my oldest has returned to public school.  Also, you could probably get good advice from the school counselor about what to work on. Possibly a review or intro to his upcoming subjects.  Best of luck!

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I think I'd be tempted to do something fun and magical that could create life-long memories - start a novel, write music, make videos, travel, create art, work on a big project, volunteer, master a new technique, conquer an outdoor adventure, etc.


I hope you both enjoy your last 8 weeks of homeschooling together!

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One of the things I'd do is read a Dickens' book together.  Those are some of the best memories my children have.  I'd probably choose David Copperfield.  I'd read it together with him (not aloud, but make sure you're at the same point every day).  Then, I'd discuss, daily.  You can have your daily discussions over tea and cookies, or on long walks, or on picnics.  Dickens' books have much to think about and talk about, and there are a lot of good comprehension questions you can ask him and discuss and analyze together.  Plus, I think his books are so enjoyable.  You could watch some documentaries about England during that period so he has a better understanding of the times.  I'd end it all by watching the David Copperfield series on DVD.  BBC has at least one version.

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Thanks Jaz. We've just got home from a fun trip to Europe. I was thinking more about the scholarly side of things :-)


Ah, excellent!


I hope Windows to the World from your other thread works out for you. We covered the first five chapters and are now taking a break until January. My ds wrote a literary paper and was able to understand when I told him he hadn't given me enough analysis. It's a great program.

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I'm in the midst of college apps with my DD, so I'll put a plug in for college and career planning, and course choices and testing plans to meet general goals. It's so important to make good decisions in these areas and so hard to find great advice in many high schools. In too many cases you're just one more kid in the auditorium on college info night.

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