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Exercise Thread October 4th- 10th


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Mostly rest day.  For the month of October I've promised myself to do 100 spin kicks to a bag, 100 swings, 100 weighted atomic abs and 10 TGU's 5 times a week.  I'm spreading them to about 5 times a day.  Hopefully I'll make it:)


Have a great week everyone!

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Helped move son in - he's on the fourth floor (UK) so that's the fifth floor in US terms.  Fitbit gives me 36 floors for the day.   Eight hours of driving, but walked the dog this evening.  9,200 steps.  Pretty stiff: looking forward to yoga on Tuesday.  I'll do some stretches before bed.


My Fitbit heart record is pretty odd: I had about fifteen minutes of benign tachycardia before setting off home; the Fitbit didn't register the full heartbeat record (it was probably around 180 per minute) but it still looks pretty extreme.

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Today was our usual walk to/from town to get our produce at the farmers' market :)


Rieshy, what's a weighted atomic ab? A kettlebell thing?


I have my own core challenge going for the month of October. I thought last night that I might add a inclined-to-knee-to-regular pushup challenge. I don't know how far I'll get as it depends on the strength of my recovering shoulder, but I'm going to try to get back to knee pushups, at least!

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Slache- what about your back is having problems?  Would swimming be an option?  Do you mostly need cardio or weights?  Can you back do low impact like stationary bikes or ellipticals. 


I'm sorry you are frustrated!


Atomic abs are when you sit up in a v with feet and head up off the ground and then use a weighted ball that you touch to the ground on your left then your right for a count of one.  It's a twisting core movement.

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Slache- what about your back is having problems? Would swimming be an option? Do you mostly need cardio or weights? Can you back do low impact like stationary bikes or ellipticals.


I'm sorry you are frustrated!


Thanks. My pelvis is all screwed up and it keeps giving me extreme lower back pain. Sometimes it's as bad as labor, but without the cute baby to play with at the end.


No pool, no gym. I like to split my workouts 40% cardio, 40% strength, 20% stretch. I own free weights, a bar, bands, yoga mat, and foam roller. I own or have access to almost every Beach Body program out there. I keep thinking that I should do Piyo, but I don't want to.


I get to see the chiropractor tomorrow so I'll feel better then, but it just keeps happening.

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So Friday my right knee started swelling. Not a lot of pain, just a LOT of swelling. It could either be RA or because I fell on that knee a few years ago or because of all of the plyometrics I've been doing. I did no exercising Saturday, Sunday, or today. Irritating. No, beyond irritating!


No workout for me today.

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Thanks. My pelvis is all screwed up and it keeps giving me extreme lower back pain. Sometimes it's as bad as labor, but without the cute baby to play with at the end.


No pool, no gym. I like to split my workouts 40% cardio, 40% strength, 20% stretch. I own free weights, a bar, bands, yoga mat, and foam roller. I own or have access to almost every Beach Body program out there. I keep thinking that I should do Piyo, but I don't want to.


I get to see the chiropractor tomorrow so I'll feel better then, but it just keeps happening.


Good luck at the chiro.  


It seems like Plyo would really pound your pelvis.  But I'm not a PT and am generally suspicious of Plyo stuff.  It seems similar to kettle bell- done right fabulous, done a little wrong and wham- injury.


Today is a long day at MMA- work and classes for 5+ hours.  I woke up tired.

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Good luck at the chiro.


It seems like Plyo would really pound your pelvis. But I'm not a PT and am generally suspicious of Plyo stuff. It seems similar to kettle bell- done right fabulous, done a little wrong and wham- injury.


Today is a long day at MMA- work and classes for 5+ hours. I woke up tired.

Piyo is a program that combines pilates and yoga. Sorry. I should have been more clear. It's supposed to be really good for those with injuries but the instructor is a total cheese so I don't like it.

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Good luck at the chiro.


It seems like Plyo would really pound your pelvis. But I'm not a PT and am generally suspicious of Plyo stuff. It seems similar to kettle bell- done right fabulous, done a little wrong and wham- injury.


Today is a long day at MMA- work and classes for 5+ hours. I woke up tired.

You were right. He said it was the Plyo I did last week. He says no more "hard" workouts for a while. I'm feeling much better.
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Slache-hoping the back stays better

Nomoreperfect- eek! Frustrating indeed

Sunday- just a long walk and yoga

Today- I ran which was great. Then I loaded furniture into a truck by myself which seemed fine but...the last recliner seems to have made my back hurt 😔 Maybe just some gentle yoga tomorrow. We shall see.

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For my deadlifts today (Romanian-style), I got to use the big girl bar for the very first time! I has been lifting the shorter bars w fixed weights but have progressed all the way to 65lb (:lol:).


Trainer says I'll be doing proper benchpresses soon. Right now I can press 40 lb (2 @ 20lb weights). The bar alone weighs 45 lb.




I would like to be able to do proper pushups, to press 100 lb, and be able to hold the bar properly to squat. That will mean that my shoulder is back to normal. I would really like to do a pull-up but don't want to get too greedy.

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Luckymama - hope the shoulder heals soon!

Slache - sorry about the back. Be careful with yoga. It can definitely exacerbate back pain. I used to love yoga until I stopped and then realized that it triggered my lower back pain and planter fasciitis like pain in my feet. I like the idea of yoga better than yoga liked me apparently. Total rest did it for me, but here's hoping you find something you can do in the meantime.


Saturday - ran 4mi with dh and the kids. As usual, when I run without music I'm a great deal slower. I suspect my 5k time on the 24th will be slower than what I normally run since I'll be sans music and plus three people who are doing it along with me.


Yesterday - ran 3mi withmy best pace overall. I had myself all psyched for the end of my run and then ralized I was a tenth of a mile short of my goal. I really wanted 3mi on the dot and had to talk myself into running the last tenth of a mile.


I need to get some fall running clothes. Saturday was quite chilly and while I have a runnng jacket, I bought it 55lbsago so it's too big and makes me too warm. I'd like to run through the winter, but I'll probably have to figure something else out.


Re: the car accident last week - everyone seemed ok. I haven't heard from the police or the insurance companies so maybe they didn't end up needing me as a witness. The one driver was stopped waiting for my kids to cross the road (at the intersection/crosswalk) before he turned right so on the one hand, I'm glad his car was the one that was hit. The other driver wasn't paying attention which is why he rear ended the other car.

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Sunday was rest


Monday was 4.25 mile run and 75 minute vinyassa yoga class


Tuesday was 60 minutes of yoga, plus I'm planning on a 25 minute walk while my son is at piano. 


Slache, I'm glad your chiro figured out your back.  Take it easy.  I know it's frustrating, especially when you can't do what you really want to do. :(  

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Popping in to say that I fit in 30 mins of floorwork.  I am having that kind of autumn- where if I get 30 mins I am happy.  So, please be patient with me while I post repetitive workouts.  It just can't be helped.  I keep deferring to floor work b/c I am getting very obvious results from it...from the backside at least, lol. But I neeeed to get in some cardio!  I will aim for some 30 mins sessions on my Nordic Track next week.


DH is off to chicago tonight, and I really, really hope I am able to get at least 30 mins in a day for the rest of the week while he is gone. 

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Piyo is a program that combines pilates and yoga. Sorry. I should have been more clear. It's supposed to be really good for those with injuries but the instructor is a total cheese so I don't like it.

 I didn't have my glasses on- I thought you were talking about PLYO, like plyometrics- which a cheese instructor or not is pretty pounding.


Tonight- after a super lousy day- I'm supposed to have 2 martial arts classes and kettle bell.  But I have to pick up a dd so there goes the kettle bell and the only alone minute I will get is during the first MMA class.  So I'm down to one class. grrrrrrrr.  I feel like Alexander and the horrible no good very bad day.

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Reishy- I hate those days.

Redsquirrel- we all get the time crunch. And I'm queen of the repetitive.


Yesterday was an hour of yoga that loosened up my back enough that I added an hour of much needed lawn work ( probably another two hours need done :( ) and a 30 minute walk while 8 yo was at library book club. This morning is a real pea soup of fog, enough where I thought running would be dangerous, so I'm doing an hour on the elliptical and I teach seniors/beginner yoga tonight. And maybe the yard depending....

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I've figured out, between exercise for physical fitness (of which I also need the health benefits) and my PT . . . . I need to be doing nearly 2 1/2 HOURS of exercise.  A DAY!  I sat dh down and expained to him - that means there are things i. simply. won't. get. done!


so, now I just dress in yoga pants and tank - and don't put on real clothes unless I"m going somewhere, or have actually done yoga (which is also health related.)


monday - I did 5 reps of PT (I"m supposed to do 10.  I don't think I've ever done 10 in a day.)

a 30 minute yoga practice

and 20 minutes on the NT (full incline)



I did 3 reps of PT

15 minutes on the NT - but I added bbs to the hand grips to weight them.  still less than 1/2lb each, but I stuffed them with as much as they'd hold. (then taped them shut with duct tape.)


I've had a better start today

full yoga practice

2 X PT

11 minutes NT (I do multiple times for short burst of intensity)  it's also partically - physical therapy. 


and the insurance company STILL hasn't sent their "pay off the injured party" check.  this is the 2nd time it hasn't shown up.  I feel like demanding they overnight it.

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3.7mi run- went on a trail with the kids and the husband this afternoon. It's not hugely hilly, but it's a lot hillier than my usual route (which is pretty flat). It was kind of tough towards the end. My planned 5k is kind of simile to what we ran today so I think we'll run that a few more times before the race.

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My week was derailed by a nice case of food poisoning on Wednesday.  At least I was the only one in the family who ordered the chicken salad.  UGH!


Yesterday's exercise was sleeping it all off.


Today- I'm just trying to make it through normal mom stuff and homeschool while trying to rehydrate.

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Ick rieshy. That doesn't sound like fun. Hope you're feeling back to normal soon.


4.5 mile run today back on the trail. Our weather was a little humid, but overcast and breezy. I had to laugh because dh is so much warmer than me generally, but I'm more comfortable running while dressed cool and he's the opposite.


There were some bike riders who passed us a couple of times and felt the need to vigorously cheer us on which was weird. It's like, yes, I'm overweight and running. I do this often. We weren't even really running that hard at that point. Never a dull moment.

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Yesterday was my day off :)


Today I had a great workout----20 min on elliptical to warm up, 10 min shoulder stretching, 45 minutes of weights, and a 2 mile walk home. I refused to be intimidated by the younger men and women in the gym :D


After pinching my hand between my wedding ring and a bar the other day, I bought gloves to wear while lifting. Oh my gosh, a world of difference! The problems I has been having with inclined pushups were not due to my shoulder weakness but to hand discomfort (that bar is textured). I rocked the pushups today! I think I'll try the next-lower setting next time I'm in the gym.

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yesterday I did my full yoga practice, 20+ minutes on the NT (or 4 reps.  I break it down.) and only five PT - which isn't bad for the PT, but I'm supposed to do more.


today, I've done yoga, 3 NT reps and ony one PT.  so, I have alot of PT to catch up on. (and I plan on another NT rep.)


and the walking store has athletic shoes on sale for the weekend, so I have to fit that in there somewhere . . . . (but hey, more walking around the mall . . . . )


eta: update: well, I did another NT rep - but didn't get anywhere near the mall.  I ended up making beef bourguinone for dinner since dd and dsil were coming over.  then she made cookies . . . . nooooooo......

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Yesterday was my day off :)


Today I had a great workout----20 min on elliptical to warm up, 10 min shoulder stretching, 45 minutes of weights, and a 2 mile walk home. I refused to be intimidated by the younger men and women in the gym :D


After pinching my hand between my wedding ring and a bar the other day, I bought gloves to wear while lifting. Oh my gosh, a world of difference! The problems I has been having with inclined pushups were not due to my shoulder weakness but to hand discomfort (that bar is textured). I rocked the pushups today! I think I'll try the next-lower setting next time I'm in the gym.


I have to take my ring off, even with the gloves on. I found that the ring was causing a blister, but that was with kettlebell, not barbells or machines.


Glad you found a fix. :)  

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3.4 mile run - It was quite a bit warmer today than it has been. The sun was shining and a decent breeze plus the changing leaves. It was a pleasant run. :)


Dh and I both use the MapMyRun app, but his app consistently counts him a couple of tenths of a mile more distance than mine does even though we run the same distance. Odd and a little annoying.

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