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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I went to sleep last night, shame on me.  So I have some more work to do this morning before "business hours."  Oh well, I am getting too old for all-nighters.  (I can't believe it's 18 years before I reach SS retirement age - assuming they don't move the goal post again.)


Today's list:

  • Work in the wee hours.
  • Kids up & out to school.
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchens, some clutter.
  • Work.
  • Personal bills, paperwork?
  • Kids' work.
  • Kids to swim.  Work / walk while they swim.
  • Send a 40th birthday card.
  • Dinner on the fly.
  • Kids to gymnastics.  Work while they play.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Good morning

- go back to bed for a bit- done

- school work- psych quiz done, wrote down week's assignments, printed some things, did A&P exam, started on statistics notes

- tidy house (mainly organize and put away kitchen stuff)- I have my living room back :D now to organize what I can of the kitchen stuff (need to keep under the sink clear so dh can hopefully hook up the dishwasher tonight or tomorrow)- did what I could

- go to hardware store to get (hopefully) last plumbing piece needed to hook up dishwasher (stupid mobile home plumbing)- done

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in dryer

- get dd1 off bus- done

- help dd1 with any school work- doing it

- call sitter for tomorrow- done and arranged

- soccer practice- done

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw- I picked up some KFC

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine- done

- anything else I happen to get done- put new sheets and comforter on master bed, sorted clean clothes

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I forgot to add the electric stuff so we can pass final inspection.  I thought they were going to come this morning.  ??


Kid forgot to take her lunch to school.  So I drove it there for her, but tonight I will be explaining that in future, if she forgets, she is buying a lunch out of her own money.  (If I buy, they will both forget their lunch every day.)


So far nobody has killed me for not being done with my overnight work.  So far so good.  Gotta get focused though.

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I scrolled up and down the page about 10 times before I found this post. What does that say about my lack of sleep? lol


I just realized that I didn't get supplies for science this week. Ugh.


Exercise - done

Breakfast - done

Print out daily assignments - 

Purchase/find science supplies - 

Call pest control and reschedule - 

Dinner - 


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--dd to campus for Arabic

--training session at gym while she's in class

--allergy bloodwork 4pm

--dh Chinese class 5

--dd ballet 7:30


--daily and Monday things

--psych, gov, bio lab

--plan week

--lots of gardening in advance of rainy week

--prepare egg roll filling (ground turkey, cabbage, carrots, ginger, garlic, etc)

--roll and bake egg rolls

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Good Morning!


To Do:

since I slept until 9am...now I need to boogie and shower and get dressed 

have breakfast and tidy kitchen

vacuum main floor

school ---lots to accomplish

prepare dinner

wait on AC guys to show up again....6th time this season.  I don't know whats wrong, but I sure hope they fix it...it's cool out but 100% humidity! belch!!!


That should do it...oh and watch the voice ..I love that show!

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 "Do at least one thing I'm procrastinating about."

Me too! I love this!  :D  :D  :D



regular school stuff

weed veggie garden 

help Dd with fundraiser and badgework

organize camping equipment for this weekend


dinner - brisket  and veggies in the crock pot







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Good morning! Regular day here. Dd1 was off to practice and class this morning. Our pool is closed for the week, while they put on the bubble, so practices are at different places and times. I will need to check the schedule probably a hundred times this week.


To do:

School for all

Chores for all

Clean bathrooms

Start making a list of things to do, if we decide to move.

Keep on with the decluttering

Be more productive this week.

Figure out dinner

PM practice/aikido


Have a great day!

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The electricians came late.

The electrical inspector came early.

But we passed inspection.

However, they are still down there and things are going on and off, including my internet, which I need to do my job.

My comuter bombed and I had to reboot.  It's still slow.

If the electrical guys ever finish, I am supposed to beg them to do one more thing (for free pretty please) and quote another job.

And the construction guys are supposed to fix the garage door that they took apart.

And then once that is done, I might have to deal with Mr. Screamer Contractor Boss about whether he gets his final check.


My boss wants to have a 1pm pre-conference conference, reducing my prep time by 2 hours.


A little stressed out this morning....

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OK, the electrical is done.  Waiting for someone to come and fix the garage.


Internet seems to work.  Computer seems happy now that it's done loading all the programs.  I think the key now is to stay off those linked stories on facebook and the news (and even some of the WTM links).

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human care is done

medical care is done including dh giving me my shots.  

pet care is done

all the pill boxes are filled as much as they can be until I get more meds from the pharmacy.

the pharmacist said that most of the pills are ready for me.


As soon as dd has finished eating and doing her chores we will head out to Super Supplements and to get science experiment supplies.  I like to be more together than this but just as we have to take our kids as they are, I guess we have to take ourselves that way too.  

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Let's see...got up at 0300, because I couldn't sleep...puttered around putting miscellaneous things away, starting laundry, making lists.


Made hardboiled eggs & breakfast for those leaving.

Led school for the youngest three

Ran more laundry.

Decided to make espresso and eat some breakfast.

More school


Cleaned off the kids' school shelves (nightmare), giving me more things to do.

Cleaned off two more shelves to re-organize books making room for books that are coming in, and pulling off books we are eliminating from what we keep (there are some good things in this pile...Teaching Textbooks, Lial's, MathUSee, Exploring Mathmatics, Italian, pre-school materials...)  I know I'm not done with that.

Bought the rest of the LoF Elementary books I was missing.C\

Cleaned off 1/2 of my desk

...but then, a bookcase broke :(


Started making a list for the rest of the week.

Getting kitchen cleaned (we had a swim meet yesterday, in which I did concessions -- and that's a lot of stuff we have to clean and store).  

Worked on travel plans for Sicily.


Hanging on until I can get kids to bed (8pm), and then I will hopefully sack out fast.



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School is done, reluctantly. I'm really struggling with ds being immature about the level of work he's doing, and I don't think it's as hard as he even should be doing. He's got a really late birthday for his grade level, but it would be where he is in public school. He just wants to do the bare minimum. Is this a normal 12 year old boy thing? My dh says he didn't care at all about school work until he got into 11th grade. I don't know if I can take it that long!


Dd called and talked for awhile. She has misplaced a rented textbook. I looked on Amazon, and it costs twice as much to pay for purchasing the rental than it does to buy the book brand new. It's for her New Testament class, so it isn't a big textbook. I wish we had just paid the extra and bought it to start with if she can't find it. She is hoping one of the girls who sit next to her in class picked it up by mistake.


I guess I should tidy the house and start some laundry. 














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I'm a bit frustrated.


Home Depot didn't have all of what I needed.  Fred Meyer (where Home Depot referred us, didn't have it either.)  I think I've found what I need at IKEA through google but I'll have to go another day.


The pharmacy had what I needed but it was extremely expensive for dd's meds.  I ended up refusing them and will call the insurance and doctor to see if we have any other choice.  I know we need the meds (it's for asthma) but over $100?   :svengo:


We ended up doing a couple other errands while we were out and then spent more money by eating out.  Not a frugal choice, there.  Sigh.  


We did history today - so one subject only.  Double sigh.  

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I survived the conference call, got some other stressful work done, did some shopping, got the kids to their activities and to bed.


Now I am doing some laundry.  I also need to change out the fish water.


I think I am too tired to do any serious work.  Though I have several things due ASAP.  Perhaps early in the morning....

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