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Typing program for beginners (accuracy not speed)

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I am in search of a typing program for those who at the very beginning of learning to type (think just finding the letters on the keyboard). We have Typing Instructor for Kids Platinum but it has a WPM lower limit. I can't set it lower than 4WPM and this has caused my DS who has fine motor delays to be stuck on lesson one and become very frustrated. They like the look of it (bright, cartoony, kid-friendly) but the WPM makes it unusable. Any suggestions on what we might try? Bonus points if any spoken parts have captions!

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Dance Mat typing is cartoony, bright colors, etc, but I can't remember about minimum WPM. Might be worth a look since it is free. My DS loved it when he was younger.



Dance Mat didn't have a wpm, but keep the volume down or you will get your fill of "Type on me!"


I have heard that it sometimes gets hung up now that it is no longer hosted by BBC? You may want to try a level yourself first to see how it goes.

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You might look at Touch-Type-Read-Spell.  Not nearly as fun as Type to Learn 4 or as interesting as Typing Pal, both of which my kids have used, but the emphasis is on accuracy and it also helps with reading and spelling.  It is sometimes for sale on Homeschool Buyer's Co-op.  The kids both switched to this and are doing very well.  DS has fine motor delays so seeing him able to type at 99% accuracy and 21 w.p.m. is tears of joy inducing.  Even 5 w.p.m. was once unattainable.  I like the format and I love that you as the parent can control the settings.

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My DD liked Nessy Fingers. It's part of a set designed for kids with learning challenges, so it's very gentle, and she loved helping Nessy (and the British accent of the Narrator). Be aware that it is UK spellings, though.

I liked the look of that program but they don't have a Mac version. Is there a minimum speed (wpm) in Nessy?

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