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Shoot off of "special" thing to do for first day of school - filling out a questionnaire

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If you were going to do a "first day of school" questionnaire for your kids that you'd keep until they're adults, what would you include? I don't want too much, but so many questions seem like they're more relevant for a particular age rather than relevant to all.


Certainly I'd include what they want their future vocation to be. But what else would be fun to watch evolve over time?

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My kids always write their goals for the year -- personal, academic and spiritual. We look at them again in January to see how they're doing and then they're filed away in their baby boxes. It's neat to look back over their years of goals as they grew. 


Maybe some favorites:

Favorite food

Favorite book/movie/song

Favorite subject

Favorite activity/sport

Best friend


My boys would want their weight . . . they're always trying to gain. :)



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We've done this for past five years


Favorite food, animal, color, thing to play, book, friend, sport, something they're good at, favorite part of school, height, weight, what they want to be. Also, they draw and color a self portrait and I trace their hands. We enjoy looking back at old ones.

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In addition to others already mentioned:

Name one skill you hope to develop this year.

What are you most looking forward to studying this year?

What was your favorite day of the summer?

If you could meet anyone (dead or alive), who would you pick and what would you ask?


We attach the obligatory first-day photo to these questionnaires. Someday I'll gather them all and put them in their own special binder or scrapbook or something.

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Mine was easy. They wrote name, age, height and weight. Then there was a place for their signature. One box said "5 words that describe you," another was "3 things I am excited to learn about this year," and the last circle had "One goal I have for the year is...."


It was fun and fast.  :001_smile:

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