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Buying colored pencils online

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I start by stating that for some reason the UPS delivery guys have taken to throwing our packages over our privacy fence rather than opening the gate and setting them down.


I want to get colored pencils for my kids. I want something nice enough that it can be blended, but not so pricy that I'll get mad at them when they inevitably use them as drum sticks or lincoln logs. I've been meaning to get to an art supply store to do this (partially to ask for their help in choosing a brand, partially to avoid issues with shipping). Getting to the art store has not happened. So I'm thinking if my kids will have some colored pencils that are nicer than Rose Art, that I'll have to order them online.


So my question is: Is it possible to order colored pencils online and have them shipped and mishandled and not have a box full of pencils with broken cores?


My secondary question is what sort of mid-grade pencil could I get? It needs to blend (our box of Crayola "blending" pencils do not blend at all, despite saying "blending" right on the box). But it also needs to stand up to rough shipment and rough children. I know that there will be people with the suggestion to teach my children to respect the art supplies. But I have littles. My oldest is fidgety. Things happen. I would like them to have something that is useable for art but is also useable for when they want to do projects on their own while I'm not available to supervise.

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I looked on Amazon at the Staedtler colored pencils. There seems to be two different types. The Staedtler Ergosoft triangular ones look like they might be higher quality? They're more expensive and the reviews comment on how well they blend. Then there are the hexagonal ones that are a cheaper, but some reviewers say they don't blend well.


Would the more expensive ones be as durable as the cheaper ones? Do the cheaper ones blend well?

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I'll vote for the triangular Lyra pencils; they seem durable.  My daughter received her first set in 6th grade, and they've traveled cross country multiple times to and from college and more recently to South Korea.  (Can you tell she likes them?) We've added to the set over the years to add more diverse colors or to replace those that have been well used.  She started with this set ~


LYRA Waldorf Selection Unlacquered Triangular Giant Colored Pencils, Set of 12 Super Ferby Pencils, Assorted Colors

Happy pencil shopping!




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Well, the supplies the art stores get are also shipped by the same companies, so your odds aren't really increased either way.


I've had pencils purchased from a nice art supply store with broken cores...I think it is the luck of the draw. <- see what I did there? ;)


I figure that Amazon and art supply stores probably get them packed in bulk by the pencil manufacturer. When I order from Amazon, I get it packed by an Amazon worker. It seems like it might be a little more likely to be packed well and have less time in transit if I get it from a store vs from Amazon.


But beyond UPS abuse, the pencils do also need to stand up to fidgety drummer boy abuse and crazed toddler that wants to be a part of everything abuse.

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We have these and they hold up well! They come in a nice case, so my girls always keep them in the case, taking out one at a time as they color. I am very happy with them so far!


Those are the nicer Staedtler ones I was looking at. Glad to hear they are holding up well.

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I have prismacolor. They come in a metal box so are unlikely to break. I find if you explain to the kids that these are *very special* pencils and put them on a top shelf and have the kids make sure they are all there when they finish using them, they treat them really well. I have a box of crayolas and rose arts that can be used for anything, but kids need to ask to use the special pencils.

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I've been happy with the Prismacolor pencils. We purchased ours at the craft store with a 50% coupon, making them reasonable enough in price to leave out all the time. Although now that the Toddler Terror has decided that Pencils Are For Breaking, we've put them away. TODDLERS!

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We get Prismacolor Scholars off Amazon. I heard that the scholars were a bit heartier than the regular prismacolors I use myself. I haven't noticed a quality difference and they haven't broken a single one- we end up tossing them as nibs. And that's saying something as I've never seen a crayon live a week in this house :/

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