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Exercise Thread July 26-Aug 2


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soror, great job on your rock climbing accomplishment! It's encouraging to read about all the cool stuff everyone can do that they once couldn't.


Yesterday ended up being a cleaning and shopping day as I expected. I got three new pairs of workout shorts and a top, and I bought my older girls the same because they needed some as well. When we got home we went out and played volleyball for about an hour and a half. I don't have anything planned for today, but I'd like to run or do yoga if possible. I'm still sore from my workouts this week. It's mostly my obliques and upper back/shoulders that are bothering me.

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I'm really impressed with the interesting exercises everyone does, too! Especially as I come in to report just a (very slow) 3.5 mile walk with the dog and my PT exercises. I know it's normal that I'm getting slower at almost 23 weeks along, but I really dislike how out of breath I feel on hills that didn't used to be that challenging. I also think of it as a good reminder to not let myself go when I'm finished having kids. I'm too short to carry extra weight without it really affecting how I feel.

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I'm really impressed with the interesting exercises everyone does, too! Especially as I come in to report just a (very slow) 3.5 mile walk with the dog and my PT exercises. I know it's normal that I'm getting slower at almost 23 weeks along, but I really dislike how out of breath I feel on hills that didn't used to be that challenging. I also think of it as a good reminder to not let myself go when I'm finished having kids. I'm too short to carry extra weight without it really affecting how I feel.

That's a lot more than I was doing at 23 weeks. Awesome job mama!

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I'm really impressed with the interesting exercises everyone does, too! Especially as I come in to report just a (very slow) 3.5 mile walk with the dog and my PT exercises. I know it's normal that I'm getting slower at almost 23 weeks along, but I really dislike how out of breath I feel on hills that didn't used to be that challenging. I also think of it as a good reminder to not let myself go when I'm finished having kids. I'm too short to carry extra weight without it really affecting how I feel.


Goodness, don't be rough on yourself. All bets are off when you are pregnant, do what you can and forget the rest. 3.5 miles is fabulous, really fabulous (even if your not pregnant)!!!!  I'm always slow as a snail when I'm pregnant, I think I remember with one of mine taking 30 min to walk a mile! I've had very active pregnancies, not so active ones and one totally lazy one. I always toned it down in intensity though, it doesn't work for me when I'm pregnant. 

soror, great job on your rock climbing accomplishment! It's encouraging to read about all the cool stuff everyone can do that they once couldn't.


Yesterday ended up being a cleaning and shopping day as I expected. I got three new pairs of workout shorts and a top, and I bought my older girls the same because they needed some as well. When we got home we went out and played volleyball for about an hour and a half. I don't have anything planned for today, but I'd like to run or do yoga if possible. I'm still sore from my workouts this week. It's mostly my obliques and upper back/shoulders that are bothering me.

New workout clothes, ya!!!! Soreness feels good, lets you know your doing something :)

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Sunday ended up being pretty lazy, due to the lazy of sleep and working hard the day before I was tired, I took 2 short naps :), cooked and cleaned a bit. I did some light yoga in the evening but not much. I thought about a walk but the heat index was nearly 100 before 8am so I really didn't want to!


Not sure about today. I would like to do something but I don't want to be anymore sore than I already am and I have Silks tomorrow and I for sure want to have good strength to hopefully pass my prerequisites.


tentative weekly plans:

monday- light yoga, skill work- splits- headstand-handstand, flexibility, walk

tuesday-silks 90 min/ yoga 60 min

wednesday- gymnastics 60 min/walk

thursday yoga- 60 min/ walk

friday-light yoga, skill work- splits- headstand- handstand, flexibility, walk

saturday-short and sweet yoga??? push-ups and pull-ups/ skill work

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I pulled out some 30 minute workout videos to tide me over for now. Today is cardio. :)


You know I was thinking perhaps it is the change in diet messing you up a bit on the energy level? I know when I cut carbs my energy lags, when I cut my carbs this last time (for my blood sugar) I had a solid two weeks where I cut back my activity level and am just now getting back in the swing I feel and it is still a challenge for me to figure out how much I need to increase my intake and carbs on those heavier activity days. It seems to be going ok now but it is harder when you cut out most of your carb choices.

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You know I was thinking perhaps it is the change in diet messing you up a bit on the energy level? I know when I cut carbs my energy lags, when I cut my carbs this last time (for my blood sugar) I had a solid two weeks where I cut back my activity level and am just now getting back in the swing I feel and it is still a challenge for me to figure out how much I need to increase my intake and carbs on those heavier activity days. It seems to be going ok now but it is harder when you cut out most of your carb choices.


I'm not really tired, but my back feels weak. It might all be in my head, but it could be a disaster if it's not. I'm trying desperately to lose weight because we want to get pregnant soon and I'd like to have a healthy pregnancy for once! I was at least 100 pounds overweight with John and 60 with Mary. I'd like to be less than 20 pounds overweight this time. I'm hoping this whole30 opens my eyes to some food intolerances that have been holding me back.

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Yesterday I did 30 min light yoga and about 30 minutes of backyard volleyball with the kids and dh. We had family over to swim, but I'd hardly call it activity.


Today I had another intense cardio workout, but...I made it through the entire class this time! Woohoo! August is rolling in, which is the hottest month. It was 85 degreesthis morning, but the heat index was much higher. I'm trying to have a positive outlook, telling myself that at least I'm burning more calories, building endurance, etc.

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I'm really impressed with the interesting exercises everyone does, too! Especially as I come in to report just a (very slow) 3.5 mile walk with the dog and my PT exercises. I know it's normal that I'm getting slower at almost 23 weeks along, but I really dislike how out of breath I feel on hills that didn't used to be that challenging. I also think of it as a good reminder to not let myself go when I'm finished having kids. I'm too short to carry extra weight without it really affecting how I feel.


I think you are doing great!  My 4th pregnancy was the hardest, she laid on a nerve to my left leg and I was often unable to walk.  My 7th child was the easiest, and I was 42 yo - so much for statistics.  But I could never run while pregnant or while nursing.



Today- 2.5 mile run, katas.   Either 2 or 3 martial arts classes tonight.

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I think you are doing great! My 4th pregnancy was the hardest, she laid on a nerve to my left leg and I was often unable to walk. My 7th child was the easiest, and I was 42 yo - so much for statistics. But I could never run while pregnant or while nursing.



Today- 2.5 mile run, katas. Either 2 or 3 martial arts classes tonight.

My fifth (and last) was also my easiest. I was never active during any of my pregnancies, something I deeply regret. I think you're ahead of the game, AnnE-girl!

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I did indeed swim in the waves and play some tennis. It was very tiring, as the waves were really powerful and there was a steep drop off right near the shore. So you could either be wiped out by the waves in the shallow water or swim in deep water and be wiped out by the waves. Good fun, though! 


Tennis in high humidity beside the ocean is a completely different game than back home. The ball weight changes by the minute as it gets heavier from humidity and salt air, the wind does crazy things in the game, and you need water but don't think you do. Again, great fun!!


What is definitely necessary is a bottle of wine afterwards. Check on that! ;)

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Sounds wonderful wintermom!


My worst pregnancy was my 4th too, it totally kicked my butt.


Mon- light yoga/ stretching/ headstand and core work- no walk- our morning ran late and we ran out of time and then it was blazing hot


Up today:

Tuesday: Aerial Strength and Conditioning 90 min


maybe yoga again if I feel up for it..... I'm bringing my mat and optimistic but we'll see :)

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I'm back.  I've been out of town for a week.  Last Tuesday by BIL went into the hospital with pneumonia.  He had surgery on Wednesday, Wednesday night he went into septic shock and renal failure.  Went he went into shock I started driving for Jersey. Long drive.  I made it the next day, and he made it too. :)  I really didn't think he'd survive, but he's recovering and is supposed to go home either today or tomorrow.  It's been a very long week.


I ran once while I was there (my sister lives in such a cute town. It's nice to run around). And I did some yoga.  


Today I ran 4 miles.  I'm hoping for just a little yoga later, but I'll have to see.  I'm super tired.  I got back home last night.  I had a hard time sleeping, I think I was still keyed up.


In other news, my second interview is this Thursday. 


And for AnnE-girl,  I'm going to add, that my 4th pregnancy was the worst too.  It was so bad I still can't believe I went on to have a 5th. :D  Give yourself a break while pregnant.  Do what you can, but don't push and get lots of rest.  

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I'm back.  I've been out of town for a week.  Last Tuesday by BIL went into the hospital with pneumonia.  He had surgery on Wednesday, Wednesday night he went into septic shock and renal failure.  Went he went into shock I started driving for Jersey. Long drive.  I made it the next day, and he made it too. :)  I really didn't think he'd survive, but he's recovering and is supposed to go home either today or tomorrow.  It's been a very long week.



So glad your BIL made it through.  I hope you get some time to recover as well.


This morning- walked 3 miles with a dd and then ran 5 hill sprints up of 80 meters with the way down at a walk.  So annoying that the hill isn't 100 meters.  It's approximately 200 degrees out there so I feel either extra virtuous or extra stupid.


Tonight I have martial arts and kettle bell.

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I'm back. I've been out of town for a week. Last Tuesday by BIL went into the hospital with pneumonia. He had surgery on Wednesday, Wednesday night he went into septic shock and renal failure. Went he went into shock I started driving for Jersey. Long drive. I made it the next day, and he made it too. :) I really didn't think he'd survive, but he's recovering and is supposed to go home either today or tomorrow. It's been a very long week.


I ran once while I was there (my sister lives in such a cute town. It's nice to run around). And I did some yoga.


Today I ran 4 miles. I'm hoping for just a little yoga later, but I'll have to see. I'm super tired. I got back home last night. I had a hard time sleeping, I think I was still keyed up.


In other news, my second interview is this Thursday.


And for AnnE-girl, I'm going to add, that my 4th pregnancy was the worst too. It was so bad I still can't believe I went on to have a 5th. :D Give yourself a break while pregnant. Do what you can, but don't push and get lots of rest.

I'm glad your BIL is doing better. Good luck on your interview. And I hope you get your needed rest tonight.


Yesterday was a good day in terms of exercise but bad for my diet. I'm not on any specific diet, I'm just trying to eat nutritious food and stay away from sugar. I drank a coke (leftover from our family gathering on Sunday) with my lunch of canned processed soup, rationalizing that the caffeine was going to help me kick my headache to the curb. Then I had Fritos with hot sauce for a snack, another product from Sunday that we usually don't have in the house. Dinner was take out from Cracker Barrel, the rainbow trout beans and Mac and cheese. Oh, and I couldn't resist a handful of nerds that my son offered me.


So today I already did my workout. The focus was on legs, but it was also cardio heavy. I'd say it was a harder workoit than the previous day because of the lack of wind or breeze all morning. So far no processed foods or sugary foods have been consumed.

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I can't get multi-quote to work....


Kim- How so scary, thank goodness your brother-in-law is doing better. I'm so excited to hear you are going for another interview, I guess you decided to go for it :)


rieshy and extendedforecast- I hear ya, it is like the temperature of the sun. I've definitely been outside much less myself.


extendedforecast- way to pick yourself back up and keep going!


slache- so are your arms sexy now :) 


Good news here, I get to move on to Silks I (I've been in Intro). My straddle up was much better today, I think the practice really helped. She had us do some things from Silks 1 today and it was so awesome. We got to do the iron cross, we climbed just a bit and then you wrap your arms and unwrap your legs and hang in the air by your arms. We also did this wrap in the air which then ended up with us sitting suspended in the silks, which looks so cool but the first time we did it felt eerily similar to giving birth. 


I did not do yoga, I had the spunk but just wanted to get home.

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Glad things are going better, Kim.


First yoga class in two months.  It was hard but not impossible - all that garden work has kept me strong, but I've definitely lost some flexibility.  Did some bits and pieces of walking too.  Might make 10,000 steps by bedtime.

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Up for today- gymnastics this evening, getting ready to do a bit of yoga but the wee one is up so it will be short and I'm super hungry today, short walk after breakfast (last day before temps cool again)


Oh, and I'm researching silks for the house so I can practice more :) Dh said he is happy to hang one, just wish I had some tall ceiling but the only height I have is on the deck, I'll need a crash pad too but the kids will love that.


*did I mention I'm nervous about moving up a level? Most people take the intro class several times. I'm so happy to be going with the instructor that I am and that there is practice time right after, I'm just hope I'm not back to wanting to cry because it is so hard!!! However, it has been a bit on the easier side lately and I want to challenge myself, so this will be good practice.

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soror - the home silks and crash pad sound awesome! Wish I could come and play, too, but I'm very doubtful I could do many actual moves. Sounds like a really fun activity for you. Go for the next level! It sounds like you were a perfect candidate for this kind of class with your strength and flexibility. 


Last day on the beach, sadly. It's been a short but very sweet holiday. We got in more swimming and wave riding/jumping. "Rest" day tomorrow as we drive home. Then it will be back to dog walking and playing tennis!

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I was too sore to workout today. Could the reason I'm so sore be that I haven't had carbs in 10 days? I've never been this sore after working out before and my workout was not as difficult as previous ones.





slache- so are your arms sexy now :)


Psh. No.

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soror - the home silks and crash pad sound awesome! Wish I could come and play, too, but I'm very doubtful I could do many actual moves. Sounds like a really fun activity for you. Go for the next level! It sounds like you were a perfect candidate for this kind of class with your strength and flexibility. 


Last day on the beach, sadly. It's been a short but very sweet holiday. We got in more swimming and wave riding/jumping. "Rest" day tomorrow as we drive home. Then it will be back to dog walking and playing tennis!

Well, part of why I started was because I wanted to be graceful, not because I was :) 


Your vacation sounds beautiful, hope your ride goes well.




slache :)



So, I did not have gymnastics last night, I got the schedule mixed up, we have it the 1st and 3rd Wed but it was the 5th. I did get in a walk and some light yoga, the splits are getting closer. I'm frustrated with chin-ups, I don't think I'm making any progress but I did discover that I'm making progress on neutral grip pull-ups (I guess because that is closest to the motion used in Silks). By the end of the year I swear I want one from a dead hang though, so close but so far away. 


I am not doing yoga class today, my mil grumbled a bit the other day about watching the kids so I didn't want to ask. I've planned to do a yoga video but I've been up since 3:30 am for some reason so that might wait. It might just get pushed to tomorrow really as today is my son's b-day, we'll see. It is funny I feel a lot more spunky this week but it is shaping up to be a lazy one. 

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Glad things are going better, Kim.


First yoga class in two months.  It was hard but not impossible - all that garden work has kept me strong, but I've definitely lost some flexibility.  Did some bits and pieces of walking too.  Might make 10,000 steps by bedtime.

I bet your strength and flexibility comes back quickly, our bodies remember well!

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Shoulder PT is both progessing and stalled. My forward overhead motion is almost back. I can now bend my arm and point my hand down without pain. However, I cannot lift my arm to the side above horizontal nor can I hook my bra :( I am frustrated. My therapist is attacking the abduction------and I was so sore last night after yesterday's session.


Off to the gym for training and a cardio session! I always feel so good after lifting :D

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Tuesday evening I ran 3/4 of a mile with dd. Our run was cut short because we were invited last minute to celebrate my older nephew's birthday. We ended up staying out too late, so I didn't go to my class yesterday, but I did get the workout. I plan to do it over the weekend. It was a good thing too, because I was so sore. Today I went to class and realized that I've developed shin splints in my left leg. Also my knees are hurting. I opted out of a lot of the running at the end, 'cause I didn't want to exacerbate the injury. It was arm day. I need to buy heavier weights for some of these exercises.

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Thought I had a cold coming on yesterday, and after only a month in my new job I didn't want to fall ill.  So I took it really easy - did not make my 10,000 steps and stayed very quiet.  Felt better today and did some walking, just slowly: 13,000 steps.  


My average for the month is looking like 12,700, so maybe I should shoot for 13,000 next month.

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Wow, Laura- time flies.  I hope you are liking your new job.


Today- 2.5 mile walk with dh.  This afternoon jujitsu and hopefully katas.  Plus lunch with a friend.  I love summer.  I have 3.5 weeks left before school of being able to play and workout whenever the mood strikes.  

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I was too sore to workout today. Could the reason I'm so sore be that I haven't had carbs in 10 days? I've never been this sore after working out before and my workout was not as difficult as previous ones.



Well, the typical "recovery" drink/food includes sugar and protein (probably fat, too) - as in chocolate milk. If you are continuing to exercise and have cut out ALL carbs, make sure you drink lots and lots and lots of water. The body requires a lot of water to process stored body fat for energy. 

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slache- make sure you are getting in extra salt and electrolytes, it makes a HUGE difference in recovery, especially with lower carb!!!



I finished yesterday with plank, push-up and pull-up work, I need to be doing this more!!! I practiced chin-ups (with a little jump and a few flat footed) and some neutral grip pull-ups. I also practiced push-ups. No wonder I'm not improving as I've not been doing as much yoga and chatarangas or doing many push-ups, I'm aiming for over other day, this will only help with my Silks and yoga as well. I'm going to ruminate on some fitness goals for the month today.


Today's plans- Yoga- I really don't feel like it but am trying to psyche myself up, I didn't feel like it yesterday either but was glad I did. My traps and upper back are sore today so we'll see.... Should be good weather for a walk too.

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3.2 mile walk with dh this a.m..  I'm headed off to at least 2 hours of open mat.  An acquaintance runs a sports shake bar type place, after y'all suggested electrolyte imbalances last week I stopped in.   She gave me a sample called "Prolong" to sip all during my workout.  We'll see if it prevents muscle exhaustion and cramps today.  I'm really hoping it keeps me strong:)  


I used her powdered sports drink- in bottled water- the day that I ran wind-sprints and was surprised how my calf muscles unclenched and I was able to keep running after sipping it.  Not selling anything- I just always assumed that since I eat a diet of mostly really fresh whole foods that it was good enough and have always turned up my nose at supplements.

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3.2 mile walk with dh this a.m..  I'm headed off to at least 2 hours of open mat.  An acquaintance runs a sports shake bar type place, after y'all suggested electrolyte imbalances last week I stopped in.   She gave me a sample called "Prolong" to sip all during my workout.  We'll see if it prevents muscle exhaustion and cramps today.  I'm really hoping it keeps me strong:)  


I used her powdered sports drink- in bottled water- the day that I ran wind-sprints and was surprised how my calf muscles unclenched and I was able to keep running after sipping it.  Not selling anything- I just always assumed that since I eat a diet of mostly really fresh whole foods that it was good enough and have always turned up my nose at supplements.

I hope the electrolytes help today.


I never did supplements before, I actually started my electrolyte mix for help with MTHFR I just couldn't help but notice that it really helped me with energy level, recovery time, soreness and muscle building. I also noticed when I dropped my carbs (trying to get my blood glucose levels lower) that I had times I needed more. My diet is whole foods as well but sometimes it isn't enough. As I said before I LOVE my electrolyte mix and do not let it run out!

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