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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Today the kids have a swim meet, theater performance, ethnic festival to attend (to watch friend's musical performance), barbecue at sister 2's house, and sleepover at sister 1's house.  Sister 1's dog just had puppies today, so that will be exciting for them.  Meanwhile, it is a big work / deadline day for me, so I am handing the kids off to my sister around 1pm.

  • Get up & ready for several activities before 7:30.
  • Kids to swim meet.
  • Work at swim meet.
  • Get kids ready for theater performance #2.
  • Hand kids over to sister and drive home.
  • Work.
  • Pack for kids' upcoming sleepovers.
  • Pack hand-me-downs for cousins (kids will be visiting them later).
  • Take kids & sister to friend's music performance.
  • Send kids with sister for visiting with extended family.
  • Work.  Work.  Work.
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yesterday while teaching  22 grade 2 kids, I noticed that the class was becoming quitter and quitter. After only one hour I started calling up parents to pick up their very ill child. I suspect the flue. One  student vomited, the rest had massive headaches, some were feverish. There were only 6 students that felt well. Needless to say I washed my hands many many times while at school and when I came home I changed. Only to find that ds19 and ds17 already have it. DS 17 crashed by mid afternoon ( today). DS 11 has just started.  I am really really hoping that the rest of us skip it or have it very mildly.



Today I

planted 5 blueberries,


 disinfected door knobs and scrubbed bathrooms


5 loads of laundry washed, hung on line and brought in ( thanks to a stiff breeze)


half the house vacuumed


DS11 and I mulched up  prunings from flower garden ( ds working the machine and me pruning)


made chicken drumsticks and veggies for tea with sticky date pudding for desert. I doubled the recipe for desert, only  to have everyone tell me they were to unwell to eat desert :ohmy: . Hoping it reheats well as we will be having it tomorrow.


Really really hoping the twins don't get sick as it is just over  a week until I have to take twin 1 to children's hospital  to get his new AFOs. He has now 2 pressure sores and  blisters from his old ones. HE also is complaining constantly of sore feet and sitting down regularly in play to have a rest. :crying:






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Good morning

- dishes

- tidy house (you would think my house would be a mess with just an 18 month old running around, nope realized a majority of the mess is from my 6ur old!!!)- round 1 done

- go to yard sales to see if we can find dd1 a new bed frame (her old wooden one can't hold a bolt anymore no matter what we do to it)- none that are posted online have one so getting one at St. Vincent's - done

- go to dh's cousin/boss house warming party (no gifts just a "look at my house I finally bought because I'm getting married in a month" type thing)- done

- whatever else gets done

- dinner???- done ate at party

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine

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I have no idea why but i slept until 1030 this morning. I guess i was more tired than i realized. Kids are reading and DH has gone to work, but kindly left me a pot of fresh coffee.


1. learn crochet with DS10--he has caught on much more quickly than me!

2. fill kong toys and freeze

3. run 2 miles at gym, 100 situps

4. clean kitchen

5. laundry

6. walk dogs

7. go through GIANT paper pile on coffee table. 


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DD and I cleaned up after an event last night until almost four.... I feel surprisingly energetic, lol.


DS is detassling. DH is doing stuff for Scouts today.

The little girls and I stenciled flower pots.

I made a wreath for the newly painted (navy - BORING) front door.

I'm planting flowers today, running to ReStore, and hitting Hobby Lobby.


Liz and I are going to make a new shade for her lamp.

DH is coming home and making me a tetherball pole for the kids! (Pretty excited, I loved this as a kid.)


In other words, a few errands then outside until the sun goes down! I love summer!!!

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I think I will


--play in my garden (talk to the plants, trim back some over-enthusiastic tomatoes, pick whatever needs picking, pull whatever needs replacing, string up some twine trellises, etc.)

--process (freeze, dry, pickle, can) whatever garden bounty needs processing

--ignore the weeds in the front :lol:

--continue working on the psych syllabus

--wrap up dd's next care package (cute socks!)

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Dh is left early this morning and wouldn't be back till 10 at night. 


We cleaned off and reorganized the back patio. 
We now have school to do. The boys choose to do little to no school on Friday since they knew we would have a quiet day at home today to get it done. 



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