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Visitors coming--Celiac and allergy food suggestions needed

Harriet Vane

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My sister and her kids are coming to visit for five days. In addition to MS, my sister has celiac. She is highly sensitive to gluten, and when she has a gluten reaction it tends to also set off MS symptoms.


I have cleaned my kitchen thoroughly, and dh cleaned out the oven. I know how to maintain a clean environment for her and I know how to do clean celiac food prep.


In addition to gluten, there are other allergy concerns both with my sister and with her kids. Here are the specs:


No gluten.

No tomato.

No corn.

No milk.


Okay, so what do I feed them? I need ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.





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snack ideas:  GF (and otherwise appropriate) crackers with hummus, egg salad, or guac (sans tomato); "ants on a log"


breakfast ideas:  GF oatmeal with milk sub., brown sugar, and raisins; eggs and bacon or eggs scrambled with spinach, and fried potatoes or hashbrowns


lunch or supper ideas: chicken salad with mango, served with avocado; bi-bim-bop; grilled burgers without bread but served with sliced, grilled potatoes and coleslaw; fancy salads (add meats, eggs, nuts, etc.) with balsamic vinaigrette; roast chicken with mashed potatoes and simple salad





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My preference when it's a short period of time, is to make things I'd already make that are gluten free or easy to switch.  I wouldn't experiment with things like gluten free pasta or gluten free baked goods for a short visit.  Here are some things I might serve.


Breakfast:  Eggs, bacon, hashbrowns (or hashgreens which is what we call hashbrowns made of shaved brussel sprouts in our house), fruit salad,


hot quinoa with fresh fruit, nuts, maple syrup or honey etc . . .


gluten/corn free cold cereal (rice chex?) with almond milk and fresh berries and almonds to sprinkle on


Lunch: Fried rice (would need gluten free soy sauce, and since I tend to throw in a bag of frozen mixed veggies, sub a bag of peas and carrots)


Salads with various toppings to try.


Dinner: Roast chicken, with onions, carrots, and potatoes.

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When I visit someone for a few days, I either bring a lot of my own food or grocery shop once there.  I would ask her if she prefers you to get foods for them prior to them arriving.  If she is very sensitive, she will likely want her own food that is separate from the rest of the family's foods.

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Lots of fresh foods!  It's a great time of year to have guests with these requirements.  

Non-nitrate lunch meats, bacon, eggs, Cream of Rice/rice cereals for breakfasts.

Steamed/roasted veggies and burgers for lunch or dinner.  

Sounds like most meats are safe.  



Products that are vegan should be OK.  For butter/spread substitute, use EarthBalance in the tubs.  It tastes pretty good.  

If you want to bake cookies or whatever, use Cravings Place mixes.  They are safe.

If you are looking for a gluten-free product line, look for Enjoy Life products as they do not use dairy, either.  (COOKIES!!!)





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That is how my baby is normally. 


For breakfast we have eggs, bacon (check for gluten) or sausage (again the gluten). This is normally a good source for recipes if you are wanting something more: http://againstallgrain.com/category/recipes/breakfast/


Lunch- the choices are endless! We had paleo italian combo sandwiches today. That was gluten/nitrate free ham and turkey in a romaine leaf with a bit of salt, pepper, italian seasoning and olive oil. My son also likes Applegate hotdogs in a pinch. http://balancedbites.com/mediterranean-paleo-cookingthis is a great cookbook that I have been making tajines from for my baby and us to enjoy. They are great because you can make them in a crockpot and not heat up your kitchen! Salads are also easy. Just google paleo salad dressings and tons will come up. 


Dinner is much like lunch. Just smaller portions for lunch.


Snacks. Not sure how far out you want to go with this. Easy is nut mix with dried fruit (check for sugar in them, corn syrup is common!) I take almonds, cashews, pistachios sometimes even toasted coconut flakes (not shredded coconut... different animal and finer texture) that is unsweetened and throw that in. :) http://brittanyangell.comShe makes amazing deserts but you need to be careful as xantham gum is corn derived. There are also paleo deserts all over the internet so you just need to google them. Odds are that your local library also has paleo cookbooks if you need even more ideas.


When you are paleo you don't eat grains, dairy, or legumes. My son also has a nightshade allergy so he doesn't get any white potatoes, tomatoes, or peppers (to be overly simple, there are others he can't have either). It isn't hard to eat like this, you just need to prepare for it. 

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We go grocery shopping once our multi-allergic guests arrive. We also have a completely GF/celiac safe restaurant here, and a few places that make celiac-safe baked goods, so we get some things from there for them, do meals out there and avoid a lot of hassle.

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I am gluten-free and I have done dairy free for short periods of time.

I can give you recipes for the following if you are interested:


Glazed Chicken

Chicken Noodle Soup

Taco Chicken

Homemade Taco Seasoning

Banana Bread

Blueberry Muffins

Cheese Steak Subs


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