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Anyone see this horrible story


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Police were trying to determine a motive for the killings Thursday.


"Anytime someone murders their family members as young as 5, I don't see how there could be any type of mental process to that to justify anything," Calhoun said.

This is my current general perspective.

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He is seated behind the bench with 2 others. he is far right in pic. It is the top pic in the left sidebar with this caption:


Prosecutors Cassie Skinner (left) and Amber Black listen Monday as student judges Tram Lee (top left), Gabe Sipes and Robert Bever talk with the defense during a juvenile trial in Broken Arrow Municipal Court. Youth Services of Tulsa has established a Youth Court in which high school students perform all courtroom roles in trials for first-time juvenile offenders. JAMES GIBBARD/Tulsa World


Thanks. I didn't know his family name.

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Idk. I don't meet any homeschoolers speaking in favour of using homeschool as a cover for abuse or closing ranks around abusers, so this may be a cultural/regional difference.

Or cultural thing? The stories I hear Are from the U.S. (Where I am.) they aren't from blatant people. Just happens to be that homeschooling is another thing they do. Since they are now fringe/crazy/are apart of some horrific event like this and it is mentioned they homeschool? Well, it doesn't aid the cause of U. S. Homeschoolers.


I know if I met an abusers at my local park day, 1. That person would have hell to pay, and most likely not from me, and 2. There would be many reports to the local PD on behalf of that child/children.

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This story quotes a neighbor who said his son attends school with the 18 year old.


Which could mean anything.


Concurrent or dual enrollment at community college?

The high school?

Public/state virtual school? (Which is not home school, but public school.)

A part time home school/private school? (Which means they took a class at a private school, but we're not fully enrolled.)

A home school association or coop?


Home schooling is very open with many many possible scenarios in Oklahoma.


Saying a student "goes to school" with a student is often a quicker way to say any of the above bc it's a lot more long winded to explain the fine points.


Robert Bever's FB page said he graduated high school and was a student at Penn Foster, which is a reputable well known online college program. Of course, his Fb page or the neighbor could be full of poo.


The neighbors or who ever they were showing up with a wreath before the crime scene is even done being processed is just weird. Who does that? Does she keep them on hand just in case? They had to shoo her away bc no ma'am, you can't bring anything into the property while it is being processed for evidence. The medical examiner hadn't even taken the bodies away yet. :o

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Which could mean anything.


Concurrent or dual enrollment at community college?

The high school?

Public/state virtual school? (Which is not home school, but public school.)

A part time home school/private school? (Which means they took a class at a private school, but we're not fully enrolled.)

A home school association or coop?


Home schooling is very open with many many possible scenarios in Oklahoma.


Saying a student "goes to school" with a student is often a quicker way to say any of the above bc it's a lot more long winded to explain the fine points.


Robert Bever's FB page said he graduated high school and was a student at Penn Foster, which is a reputable well known online college program. Of course, his Fb page or the neighbor could be full of poo.


The neighbors or who ever they were showing up with a wreath before the crime scene is even done being processed is just weird. Who does that? Does she keep them on hand just in case? They had to shoo her away bc no ma'am, you can't bring anything into the property while it is being processed for evidence. The medical examiner hadn't even taken the bodies away yet. :o

I always wonder about stuff like that. Does it make people feel better to place things at crime scenes? Or is it "I live so close to them, I placed a wreath, look at me!"???

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I always wonder about stuff like that. Does it make people feel better to place things at crime scenes? Or is it "I live so close to them, I placed a wreath, look at me!"???


A friend of ours was tragically killed, and a memorial began growing at the site within hours. A complete stranger started it.


Our experience was that people were doing it, because they were genuinely upset by the nature of the crime. Most people have never personally experienced a traumatic event of that nature, so if it happens in their neighborhood or their community then they are often very shaken by it. They know it would be selfish to talk about how upset they are, but they are upset and in need of comfort. They want to reach out to the survivors, but that's hard to do if they don't know the survivors and don't want to intrude. Memorials give them a way to reach out without overstepping, a way to grieve as a community even though they know it isn't really their tragedy.


I know the family of our friend was very touched and went out to visit the memorial before the city finally took it down.

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A friend of ours was tragically killed, and a memorial began growing at the site within hours. A complete stranger started it.


My husband took our oldest daughter out to put something on the memorial (maybe 2 days after the death), and it was already huge. There were tons of other people at the memorial when they arrived, and my husband (who was a close friend of the victim) said to the people gathered, "X was a great guy." There was a huge gasp from the half-dozen people there, and one woman responded, "You knew him?!" My husband was the only one who had even met him. My understanding at the time was that virtually all the offerings at the memorial (and it got huge news coverage) were from strangers.


Our experience was that people were doing it, because they were genuinely upset by the nature of the crime. Most people have never personally experienced a traumatic event of that nature, so if it happens in their neighborhood or their community then they are often very shaken by it. They know it would be selfish to talk about how upset they are, but they are upset and in need of comfort. They want to reach out to the survivors, but that's hard to do if they don't know the survivors and don't want to intrude. Memorials give them a way to reach out without overstepping, a way to grieve as a community even though they know it isn't really their tragedy.


I know the family of our friend was very touched and went out to visit the memorial before the city finally took it down. The city keeps removing items, but people keep leaving more items. I'm not sure how long this will go on, but at this point I view it as community grieving.

There was a mass shooting in the residential area about a mile down the road from me. It was shocking, in this traditionally crime free area, out of context and all over the news. I remember feeling rather helpless and out of control of my environment (which is an illusion to begin with, but I think y'all understand). There was nothing those people could have done to prevent being victims of this random attacker. There was nothing I could have done, had he come a mile up the street, and nothing anyone could do to make things right. That need to DO something, I think, is what leads folks to construct memorials. That and genuine sympathy, of course.

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I always wonder about stuff like that. Does it make people feel better to place things at crime scenes? Or is it "I live so close to them, I placed a wreath, look at me!"???

I can understand placing the memorial stuff. I have no issue with that.


But usually they wait until the bodies have been moved and the scene is done being processed? That's the part I found weird.

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I can understand placing the memorial stuff. I have no issue with that.


But usually they wait until the bodies have been moved and the scene is done being processed? That's the part I found weird.

I do agree that the woman in the video seemed a little too ready-response - telling the color symbolism and all - I wondered if she were a florist or something.

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I always wonder about stuff like that. Does it make people feel better to place things at crime scenes? Or is it "I live so close to them, I placed a wreath, look at me!"???

Not a crime scene, but... A kid my son payed soccer with for many years was killed in a single car accident. At 17. People started leaving things at the scene. My son left his soccer jersey that had been signed by the whole team when they were like 6 or 7. His mom later sent a card thanking my son for doing that. It meant a lot to her that people were remembering her son. She knew it was my son who left it because it had his number on it.


On the other hand, I couldn't drive by that spot for a long time. I took a lot of convoluted paths to not pass by.

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Hmmm...saw the video. She just looked like a lady trying to process this the best way she knows how. I can't see ascribing ulterior motives to her. I'm sure this hasn't happend a lot around there, so she isn't thinking, "gee maybe my timing is off on this..."

I don't think she had ulterior motives. I can't even think what they would be except maybe camera hungry. Noting that most people wait until the bodies are gone and the scene is processed is not the same as saying she had ulterior motives. And sure, she has reason to not think straight.


Broken Arrow has a very low crime rate in general and the number of murders is extremely low. It takes totaling all the murders of 2009-2013 to equal the deaths of this one event.

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Martha, that wasn't at you in particular, but just IMHO after reading several comments. Although looking back, you did say

"...processed is just weird. Who does that? Does she keep them on hand just in case? "


Eta: Whatever. I guess I just see the tattooed lady with rose colored glasses. In a time of intense sadness.

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Hmmm...saw the video. She just looked like a lady trying to process this the best way she knows how. I can't see ascribing ulterior motives to her. I'm sure this hasn't happend a lot around there, so she isn't thinking, "gee maybe my timing is off on this..."

I surely didn't mean to be critical of the woman, just noting how quickly and intentionally she responded.

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The news is saying there was a shipment of ammunition being delivered shortly after the murders. And that the boys had something even bigger planned.



I read about the ammo in one article, but it appears the ATF has not yet confirmed that. I read somewhere the boys started with their family because they were easy targets and that they wanted to be "famous" like the Columbine killers. Do people really still remember those boys' names? Okay, so I do remember the first name of one boy, but... really??

I just do not get it.

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I read about the ammo in one article, but it appears the ATF has not yet confirmed that. I read somewhere the boys started with their family because they were easy targets and that they wanted to be "famous" like the Columbine killers. Do people really still remember those boys' names? Okay, so I do remember the first name of one boy, but... really??

I just do not get it.


Are there any updates on this story?

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Both boys are charged with 5 counts of first degree murder and 1 count of assault and battery with intent to kill. They are set to appear in court today where they are expected to enter a plea and preliminary hearing date will be set. Still have not heard anything about a motive, other than they what I posted above. 

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Apparently they entered their not guilty plea via video from the county jail. And attorneys want to seal the information. Hmm...

ETA: I know the request was made in hopes that the boys would get a fair trial, but really? They confessed. Their sister has already said it was the two of them who did this. I know that it's the law, but imo it just seems like a waste of tax payer dollars. There really is no question they are guilty.

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Apparently they entered their not guilty plea via video from the county jail. And attorneys want to seal the information. Hmm...



ETA: I know the request was made in hopes that the boys would get a fair trial, but really? They confessed. Their sister has already said it was the two of them who did this. I know that it's the law, but imo it just seems like a waste of tax payer dollars. There really is no question they are guilty.

Not guilty plea legalese does not necessarily mean not guilty in the vernacular.


It could mean they are going the insanity route for example.


The defendant enters the plea. It doesn't mean the prosecutor or anyone else believes it.

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Not guilty plea legalese does not necessarily mean not guilty in the vernacular.


It could mean they are going the insanity route for example.


The defendant enters the plea. It doesn't mean the prosecutor or anyone else believes it.

My brain knows this. The rest of me... still has question marks over my head. :)

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