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Class of 2016 check-in

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My last one is a senior this year. She has been dual enrolled for 2 years already and has her AA so she is working on her BS in Biology. This summer she has been working on practice tests for the ACT so she can get a Bright Futures Scholarship. She takes the Sept test. :) Our oldest graduated college and our middle just graduated high school in May and has her AA from 3 years of Dual. She is working on her Pharmacy Degree with Bright Futures and other scholarships. We are in the home stretch and things are right on track! Good luck to all our 2016 grads and dedicated parents!


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My rising senior received an acceptance from Iowa State University for the Fall of 2016. Of all the schools she's applying to, their window opened earliest. She's sitting on a few more applications ready to submit after September 1st.

We're going to need a 2016 acceptance thread soon! :D








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My rising senior received an acceptance from Iowa State University for the Fall of 2016. Of all the schools she's applying to, their window opened earliest. She's sitting on a few more applications ready to submit after September 1st.


We're going to need a 2016 acceptance thread soon! :D


Seems you get to start the acceptance thread!  I love those threads.


Congratulations!  :party:

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My kiddo has been very stressed about college applications lately... So, I decided to just let it rest for a bit. After all, there is still September to start applications...

Well, despite my trying to be low-key about it, every stinkin college that got her email from the PSAT has been emailing her to let her know "Our applications are open!" "Get started!" "We can't wait for you to apply to our fine institution!"


So much for trying to be low-key.



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Is "the college of his choice" a known place or a to-be-determined place? Use the CC meeting to understand where the transfer agreements lead to and which schools and majors students actually transfer to. CCs have different strengths and weaknesses for successful transfers.


I live in a large city and there are several CCs within an hour drive of my house. The state saves money by having schools concentrate in different areas. They will all have the basic foundation courses, but above that there are different tracks available. So, if you have more than one CC within reasonable driving range, be sure to compare and don't assume they're all the same.


Thank you so much for the advice. I never really thought about the fact that CCs might be different in what they can offer my ds. I will definitely look into that. The college of his choice is a known place that is near where we live but has a wonderful  computer engineering program.

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In spite of my best intentions, summer got away from me. We had a family crises in early June that has reshaped some of our plans and living arrangements. Sailor Dude spent a month in Spain and then we had exchange students living with us when he returned. I have worked like a mad woman on his fall classes, but have done nothing about college applications and now I am beginning to panic.


The fall classes have changed a bit too and are in my signature. It will be another heavily-loaded year and I am not sure what to do about that.

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In spite of my best intentions, summer got away from me. We had a family crises in early June that has reshaped some of our plans and living arrangements. Sailor Dude spent a month in Spain and then we had exchange students living with us when he returned. I have worked like a mad woman on his fall classes, but have done nothing about college applications and now I am beginning to panic.


If it makes you feel any better, pretty much nothing's been done on college apps here either.  We also had an international guest for almost 3 weeks, and one week dd took a summer class (all day, every day, an hour + away).  Both girls have started filling in the most obvious stuff on the Common App (name, etc), but that's about it. 


The fall classes have changed a bit too and are in my signature. It will be another heavily-loaded year and I am not sure what to do about that.


Wow, that's a lot of AP's!  I can't remember your old course line-up.  What did you add/drop?

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I've traveled this road with so many of you throughout the years educating our kids.


I have a senior already enrolled in online classes through the college of her choice.  She's taking 2 classes and has an A in both.


She's going to do great and I'm super, super happy she is such an awesome young woman!

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I have worked like a mad woman on his fall classes, but have done nothing about college applications and now I am beginning to panic.



It might be helpful to realize it's only mid-August.  I don't think anyone considers that panic stage for apps to be honest even if they're totally not started yet. Colleges are sending out their furry of mail, but that will continue for months!


My guys applied from Sept - Nov and had plenty of time (just watch merit aid deadlines in Oct & Nov).  We hadn't even finished all of our college visits by this time of the year.  It all worked out just fine for all three of mine.


There are some kids at school who won't even think of applying until Dec... they usually aren't after competitive schools, but still... August is really early in the game.

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My guys applied from Sept - Nov and had plenty of time (just watch merit aid deadlines in Oct & Nov).  We hadn't even finished all of our college visits by this time of the year.  It all worked out just fine for all three of mine.


Where do you find out what the merit aid deadlines are at a school?  I don't recall seeing any special deadlines at dds' potential schools, at least not in obvious places like their materials or websites, but I'm also not sure if they're buried someplace I've not thought to look, or overlooked?  At some point soon should I just call their top picks and ask if there are any special deadlines? 

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Where do you find out what the merit aid deadlines are at a school?  I don't recall seeing any special deadlines at dds' potential schools, at least not in obvious places like their materials or websites, but I'm also not sure if they're buried someplace I've not thought to look, or overlooked?  At some point soon should I just call their top picks and ask if there are any special deadlines? 


For many schools the app deadline is the same as their scholarship deadline, so there's nothing special to be concerned about.


However, many schools do have earlier deadlines for merit aid.  Look on their financial aid or paying pages of their websites, then look at what they offer in merit aid.  Deadlines or any special application needs should be listed there.


Rolling admission schools tend to offer merit aid as they offer admissions, so earlier is better for those.  However, even then August is still super early.  Pitt and Alabama were middle son's two rolling admission schools and Oct for app submission was fine for both - even to get significant merit aid.

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We are starting school tomorrow. Everything is in place, I think, for a smooth start. The big news is that dd1's official visits are set. All are financially doable, so we will see which one she likes.


We have started applications, because some need to be in place early. I have a few pieces of the CA to finish, as does she :)


Exciting times here.

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Where do you find out what the merit aid deadlines are at a school?  I don't recall seeing any special deadlines at dds' potential schools, at least not in obvious places like their materials or websites, but I'm also not sure if they're buried someplace I've not thought to look, or overlooked?  At some point soon should I just call their top picks and ask if there are any special deadlines? 


I've seen several schools with merit aid dates in the December (pre winter break) area but a regular decision application date in January.  It does vary by school though.  Usually a early decision or early action date will cover the scholarship due date.

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I'm a fraud for posting here because (1) I am not homeschooling this one any more, and (2) it's not like I am going to be able to convince my Class of 2016'er to apply anywhere but Georgia Tech, despite my strong conviction that she needs to get the heck out of Dodge.  I'm just the mom; what do I know??  She is full-time DE at Georgia Tech this year; next year will be different only in that she will be moving onto campus.  But this year, technically her senior year of HS, she is taking two upper-level math classes, a MatLab programming class, astronomy and one of the weed-out physics classes.  So not much. . .  Anyhow, there was some sort of funkiness with Tech's registration system, and it dropped one of her classes.  She was basically out of classes she could take as a DE student if she didn't get into this class, which was now full.  So, Mom to the rescue:  I asked if she could take a class on a separate list if we paid for it (DE in Georgia is free--it's a sweet deal; y'all should all move here when I leave), and that put this MatLab class on the table.  It had not really dawned on anyone that there was a whole 'nuther set of options if we pay for it.  As I texted my husband, "One three-hour MatLab programming class, $981.  Mom getting credit for saving the day:  priceless.  Priceless like fairies and unicorns are priceless because they do not exist."  She did end up getting into the dropped class again, off of the wait list, but she is now keeping both the dropped class and the programming class we are paying for.  Anyway, pardon my rambling.


I am a little frantic (see my thread on the college board) about problems with her HS transcript and how that will affect the Common App, because the ONLY way I am going to get her to apply anywhere else is if all it involves nothing more than hitting "send" on the Common App.  Maybe I can bribe her with cinnamon rolls or threaten to leave the new puppy in the closet with her boots.


BUT, that aside, I can't complain one tiny bit about Tech.  I wish I could.  One of the classes she wanted to take required waivers from three different departments for her to get in, and they all signed off in a matter of hours, including the professor, who emailed her personally and asked for her grades in the prerequisites.  What are the odds?  They have added another class to the list of courses DE students can take just because she asked.  Her high school is giving me fits, but Tech--where she does all of the administrative stuff, and I do nothing--is a piece of cake.  Not fair!


I'm enjoying reading up with everyone else's students.  I may not be able to dissuade this one from marrying the first boy she dates, but I have a sophomore who still loves me and will let me haul her around to pools.  I mean, to colleges with swim programs.   :glare:  





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I am glad to see some action on this thread again!  There has been some heavy college app action here over the past couple of weeks, as my daughter tries to get much of the work out of the way before senior year begins in earnest.  She has a pretty extensive list for various reasons, so there is quite a bit to do as far as essays.  Several of the easier apps have gone in (Georgia Tech being one, Plansrme :-)...we are not local to GA, though both my husband and I grew up in the ATL and the families are there. Though not Tech fans, football-wise, lol)

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I am glad to see some action on this thread again!  There has been some heavy college app action here over the past couple of weeks, as my daughter tries to get much of the work out of the way before senior year begins in earnest.  She has a pretty extensive list for various reasons, so there is quite a bit to do as far as essays.  Several of the easier apps have gone in (Georgia Tech being one, Plansrme :-)...we are not local to GA, though both my husband and I grew up in the ATL and the families are there. Though not Tech fans, football-wise, lol)


I was whining to someone in my office about how she won't look anywhere else, and this guy, who played at UNC-CH back in the day, said, "Take her to a Tech football game; that'll cure her."  If your daughter visits the campus and wants a personal, very enthusiastic tour, especially if she's interested in math, PM me.  

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If it makes you feel any better, pretty much nothing's been done on college apps here either.  We also had an international guest for almost 3 weeks, and one week dd took a summer class (all day, every day, an hour + away).  Both girls have started filling in the most obvious stuff on the Common App (name, etc), but that's about it. 



Wow, that's a lot of AP's!  I can't remember your old course line-up.  What did you add/drop?


It's the same number we did last year and I swore we wouldn't do it again this year.  Honors 5 Spanish got changed to AP Spanish due to class logistics with the instructor. There weren't enough kids for Honors 5. I am worried about the work load and am hoping Sailor Dude will settle for taking the SAT Subject test instead of the AP test. We just want him to keep going with the Spanish and working with Ray is our best option.


I can't imagine trying to get two kids off to college at the same time. I will be thinking of you and look forward to hearing the updates.


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