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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I'm home this weekend with a kiddo who wasn't able to travel this weekend and my MIL just left with DH and my two youngers.


I didn't sleep at all last night which is a bad thing for my pain so first on the agenda now is to take pain meds and try and sleep while DS1 watches a movie.


After that I will be back with a plan to tackle some projects in small steps. We are slowly Kon Mari-ing our house and it is making a difference. Need to keep the momentum up.


Before MIL, DH, DS2 and DS3 left this morning I'd fed everyone and dressed the kids and washed a load of dishes and scrubbed down the top of the table. Not a lot but it is very good progress for me considering it isn't even 8am. I know I need to pace myself, so rest it is for now.

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To Do:

Wash the mountain of dishes

Make 2 desserts for church Fathers day picnic-

Heat baked beans in crock pot

Pack everything (we are housesitting for my inlaws for the next 2 weeks... :eek:  ;) )

Load up car.... animals and all... *sigh*

When Dh gets off work- Drop off dessert and beans at the church on the way out



Should also try and bathe the children and animals... And I'm going to clean as much as possible so we can come home to a clean house.


Get to in laws and do absolutely nothing the rest of the evening. :hurray:

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Eh. Looks like poor weather for the weekend :(


--bake an angelfood cake

--rip apart said angelfood cake for a gloriously delicious Orange Angel Cake from my childhood (has to sit overnight so all the whipped cream and fresh juice/rind yumminess soaks through the angelfood bits) Yes, I am making my own birthday cake for tomorrow.

--bake another cherry pie with the last of the cherries

--Alaska trip details w dh

--daily things


--exercise today will be weather-dependent!

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Eh. Looks like poor weather for the weekend :(


--bake an angelfood cake

--rip apart said angelfood cake for a gloriously delicious Orange Angel Cake from my childhood (has to sit overnight so all the whipped cream and fresh juice/rind yumminess soaks through the angelfood bits) Yes, I am making my own birthday cake for tomorrow.

--bake another cherry pie with the last of the cherries

--Alaska trip details w dh

--daily things


--exercise today will be weather-dependent!

Um, you can't talk about Angel Orange cake without a recipe? We seriously need hive recipe rules!

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I'm in "Survive Saturday" mode. DH returns from an 8 day trip today, so I would like to get a few things done before he returns:


- put away all books that have migrated around the house


- put away the new art supplies that arrived yesterday


- finish all the hand wash dishes


- dry the "last" load of laundry, fold two loads, and put away clothes from those + one more


- farmer's market with the kids (and maybe stop by the "summer fair"?)


- grocery store trip depending on farmer's market success


- shower


- stretch

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Good morning

- fold laundry- done even the d@mn socks

- tidy house- done

- dishes- done

- take girls to animal shelter to play with the animals if open- dd1 has a friend staying the night instead

- take girls to beach- done

- go to Walmart to get girls a pool, Father's Day gift and some groceries- done

- school work- did a little

- dinner- done

- baths- dd1 and friend done

- bedtime routine

- school work- nope too tired

- anything else I get done- got a friend to come over to play with dd1 and stay the night, vacuumed living room and kitchen, scrubbed floor where dog had an accident, 1 load of laundry

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I got to sleep in until 10 today! My dh is a wonderful man.


- pick up library books

- deposit check

- drop stuff off at goodwill

- get sil bday present

- get dh cellphone case

- figure out what's for dinner

- clean bathrooms

- organize shoes I've found around the house while decluttering

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Good Morning...we officially finished up 11th grade on Friday!  Summertime....sweet summer is finally here!  :party:

DH is going to a work swim party and I'm staying home...this humidity kills me.


I'm deep cleaning each floor of our house --today is the main floor, tomorrow the basement and Monday the top floor.  Everything will get moved, dusted, washed and cleaned.  Floors, bathrooms, ceiling, fixtures...you name it...it's getting cleaned.  :D


We are on baby watch as our new grandson should arrive soon...due date is June 30th but sometimes so goes early.  Sophia turns 3 on July 2nd and were having a party next weekend with all the grandparents coming and some friends.  


Hope everyone has a lovely day! 

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What was supposed to happen:

  • Get up at 7am, get the kids to horse camp by 8, crank out a ton of work by noon (now)....

What actually happened:

  • Overslept until 8:30, got the kids to horse camp after 9:30, did a little housework, played on the internet until noon ....


OK so for the rest of the day:

  • Fold and put away laundry.
  • Work.
  • Give the kids some school work when they come home (probably around 5pm?)
  • Dinner, read-aloud.
  • Watch Kung Fu.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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LOL - no sleeping in for me.  My stupid body had insomnia last night so it was late when I finally fell asleep.  I did "sleep in" until 7 am but then my stupid body wouldn't sleep any more even though I didn't get anything close to 8 hours.



Human care done

Pet care done

dropped dd off at volunteering

Dealt with hysterical neighbor who was stung by a wasp (she's ok)


Now I have to finish all my own medical care.  

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I'm in!

Sleep in.... Done! It was heavenly!

Saturday breakfast - bacon, hash browns, cantaloupe, duck egg omelette - done, it was yummy

Clean out green onion planter box and get it ready for another crop - done

Weed garden - done!


Boy, when I list it all out, I've gotten a lot done this morning! It's hot now, so I'm inside resting a bit and having some water.


To do yet:



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I forgot that today is the ordination anniversary celebration of one of our priests. He actually married us, almost 24 years ago, on his first time at the parish :D


So dh and I are going for a walk (the angelfood cake is cooling; all house and yard stuff is done for the day), and then we'll go to the 5 pm mass followed by the party :)


Cake recipe will follow later!

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So I went to The walking Company to find a pair of walking sandals and get fitted in order to ask for them for my bday. Impatient me couldn't wait and I spent way too much money today but myfeet are already thanking me! Maybe I can just ask for money to compensate for the cost. Luckily the people who will be getting me gifts won't be insulted with a suggestion for money.


Time to figure out what is for dinner

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I'm in "Survive Saturday" mode. DH returns from an 8 day trip today, so I would like to get a few things done before he returns:


- put away all books that have migrated around the house


- put away the new art supplies that arrived yesterday


- finish all the hand wash dishes


- dry the "last" load of laundry, fold two loads, and put away clothes from those + one more


- farmer's market with the kids (and maybe stop by the "summer fair"?)


- grocery store trip depending on farmer's market success


- shower


- stretch


Completed from the list:


- showered


- finished hand wash dishes... and then had to cook lunch, so now have more dishes  :glare:


- stuck the last load in the dryer


- went to the farmer's market with both kids AND the "summer fair" where we looked at lots of art/gadgets/people and rode a pony


Tasks accomplished not on the list:


- hardware store


Children are ostensibly napping, so folding laundry is about to get done and probably picking up toys, round two.  I've made the executive decision that the grocery store does not need to get done today; DH is flying home from a week in Paris, so I'm sure take out Mexican or Chinese sounds perfect.  :leaving:

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Finished everything!


Transported animals to inlaws... cat puked all over car... ds fell asleep and peed in his carseat. Fun times, fun times.


Relaxed for a few hours once we got settled in and just 20 min ago dd called. (she was staying with other gma) Has horrible headache and is crying for mommy. Dh just left to go get her.



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