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New House! (hopefully)


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We put an offer in on a house last night! We had been thinking about buying, then looked into building, then went back to looking to buy and we fell in love with a house! If you've got it to give - keep us in your thoughts and cross fingers for us. Thank you!!

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Thank you!! PeachyDoodle - hope your offer gets accepted! :-)


We found out a little while ago that there are two other offers in now too, which is potentially bad for us. Ours is contingent on our current house selling which may make the sellers a little hesitant to accept it. Still hoping though.

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Thank you!! PeachyDoodle - hope your offer gets accepted! :-)


We found out a little while ago that there are two other offers in now too, which is potentially bad for us. Ours is contingent on our current house selling which may make the sellers a little hesitant to accept it. Still hoping though.


Keep us posted!


Our seller is being a little difficult on the negotiations; even his agent admits he wants way more than the house is worth. So we'll see. Hoping he's ready to finally move on and will meet us in the middle!


Sending good thoughts your way, Amanda!


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Keep us posted!


Our seller is being a little difficult on the negotiations; even his agent admits he wants way more than the house is worth. So we'll see. Hoping he's ready to finally move on and will meet us in the middle!


Sending good thoughts your way, Amanda!



Oh that does sound difficult! I'm surprised they're not taking their agent's advice on price. Hopefully they'll be willing to come down a bit on price. 


We offered pretty close to asking price, but we're not willing or able to get in a bidding war, so we basically put our cards on the table and we'll see what happens. 


Thank you - hope we both get good news!

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We got a counter offer - they wanted us to remove the contingency that we needed our house to sell first. While we were discussing that (20 min), my realtor called to tell me they accepted one of the other offers. I'm bummed!


We actually spent the morning hunting online for other houses and there's nothing even close to as nice as that house in our price range. Grr.

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We got a counter offer - they wanted us to remove the contingency that we needed our house to sell first. While we were discussing that (20 min), my realtor called to tell me they accepted one of the other offers. I'm bummed!


We actually spent the morning hunting online for other houses and there's nothing even close to as nice as that house in our price range. Grr.

If you're in VT, as your username implies, I get it. We spent 6 mo. scouring the market before we found an affordable house that didn't need lots of work. We're closing in 2 1/2 weeks. Hang in there. Something will pop up!

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If you're in VT, as your username implies, I get it. We spent 6 mo. scouring the market before we found an affordable house that didn't need lots of work. We're closing in 2 1/2 weeks. Hang in there. Something will pop up!


Thank you everyone!


GrammarGirl - yup we are. Our biggest restriction is location. There are plenty of houses in terrible locations and even within the same area there can be a huge variation in the decent factor. And it can be hard to tell too in some cases. Our street could be seen as a crappy place to live because the houses aren't super nice. It's actually turned a few possible buyers away. But, what they don't know (until my realtor tells them!) is that they're the nicest neighbors we've ever had in our various homes and apartments. Vermont is tricky. We also have to stay in Washington county due to DH's job. One of the requirements is that he's in the county for his shifts. Day shifts are no problem, but he's home during the night shifts unless he gets called out. 


We drove by 4 other possibilities yesterday and none of them would work. We'll keep hunting! 


Congrats on your new place! :-)

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We got a counter offer - they wanted us to remove the contingency that we needed our house to sell first. While we were discussing that (20 min), my realtor called to tell me they accepted one of the other offers. I'm bummed!


We actually spent the morning hunting online for other houses and there's nothing even close to as nice as that house in our price range. Grr.


Oh bummer! I'm so sorry. I know how disappointing that is.


Hoping it all works out for you in the end!


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