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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Everyone is felling better finally! Well aside from dh who is in a lot of pain with his tooth but he's getting that taken care of today.

- 1 load of laundry washed, folded, away
- make breakfast

- finish cleaning my room(long process because it is another huge decluttering job. I didn't get rid of enough last time!
- dishes and clean up kitchen from breakfast
- drop kids off at my parent's
-- clean up yard so mowers can do their thing

- dh's appointment
-drop off pet sitting key
- pick up ds from parent's

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Lots of things *should* go on my list today, which I will likely ignore. :D


For Today:

Practice knitting

Find Tardis Blue dishcloth yarn

Order gifts for ds's birthday

Take Littles to dollar store - Father's Day gifts, car activities

Orchestra arrangements

Supervise various lessons/kids' chores


Lunch - hotdogs, fruit

Dinner - crockpot chicken w/rice, green beans

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My Ds is 8 today! Hooray for my boy!


We had waffles and gifts at breakfast. He is rocking out to his new Cd and blowing up his new pool float. Surprise this afternoon - taking him to see Inside Out. Pool tonight, if it doesn't rain.


Other than that, today may include:

long walk for the dog

getting consignment sale details on my calendar

school planning

make a back-up plan for dinner in case it rains and we can't eat at the pool

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Dh turned off my alarm because I didn't sleep well (overnight thunderstorms)---he's a keeper ;)


So I should probably:

--finish the last batch of cherries (omg 30 lb is soooooooooooooo many :eek:)

--do the usual daily things

--check the laundry situation

--pick veg and herbs (to dry)



--weed some more :lol:

--cover more blueberries

--check the blackberries

--mail dd's camp medical forms

--work on Alaska details

--gather more ideas for camp care package items :)

--go for a walk this evening since I slept through our gym time :lol:


Have a great day :party:

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Good morning! I slept in a little this morning, because dd1 had early am practice and she is quite able to take of it herself. Everyone else has a late start. I need to pick up and do some cleaning today.


To do:

Clean kitchen

Pick up downstairs




Oversee chores

Recruiting stuff with dd1

School planning

Make some appointments

Plan away meets things


Other stuff....I know I am forgetting things


Have a great day!

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Good morning

- tidy house- round 1 done

- school work- notes and exit quiz done, lab and quiz to go along with a whole lot of math (math due Monday)

- dishes

- fold laundry

- take girls to park if behave (as in listen and do what your told without whining, mainly dd1)- played outside for a couple hours, will see what happens after dd2's nap

- dinner- done

- school work- all of A&P done

- baths

- bedtime routine

- school work if not finished

- anything else I get done

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Well, my 1 hour of sleep ended up being 1 hour of sleep and 2 hours of lying in various positions too afraid to sleep and too tired to get up.  :/  So now I have a stiff neck and a headache.  Busy medicating with coffee.

I don't know whether it was a dream or reality, but I heard one of my kids' voices saying "Mom?" and that got me out of bed.  Miraculously, we were only a few minutes late for camp dropoff, even though I had to wash my hair this morning.


Today they want the parents to show up an hour before pickup to watch a "slide show" about this week-long camp.  I would like to see it, if I can.  I have been very impressed with what they have had 3rd-5th graders do this week.  They dissected a locust, crayfish and shark; learned how to do CPR on adults and babies; made an oven powered by the sun and baked edible s'mores in it; made bubble gum and aspirin; and a lot of other stuff.  Great job, whoever designed this camp.


Now back to work.  I promised a lot of things by today.  :/

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I see your thread nearly everyday and thought I'd join in today.


I need to CLEAN!!

-clean kitchen

-fold and put away laundry

-clean bathroom

-pick up clean laundry that is on my bedroom floor :-/

-schedule an appointment with the pediatric surgeon (annual chest x-ray for congenital diaphragmatic hernia) - Left VM with nurse

-oil change

-take dead hamsters back to PetSmart (they warranty these for 30 days)

-have Robby draw pictures for his grandpas and godfather for Father's Day

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Good Morning Ladies....

Hope you are all having a good day so far!

1) breakfast - done

2) water my dying plants out in the yard (it's blistering hot and we are on watering restrictions, so I hand water the ones that need it most) - done

3) get the kids done with their summer assignments (we don't do summer school per se, but we are finishing up the subjects that didn't get done during the school year)

4) take DS to counseling

5) Costco (ugh, I have a huge list)


** I just have to share, we got the official acceptance letter yesterday from the parochial school we applied to for DS1. We kind of knew he was in because they wanted him to take summer school, but now it is official and we are relieved. Now I can start planning our school year around his calendar, lol.

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I have done so much in The last few hours and now I'm exhausted. Dh's appointment is at 2 so I'm going to try to get a half hour nap before taking him. Gotta find a good book to read while I wait for him. After that how he feels will determine the rest of the day

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Good morning

- tidy house- round 1 done

- school work

- dishes

- fold laundry

- take girls to park if behave (as in listen and do what your told without whining, mainly dd1)

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- school work

- baths

- bedtime routine

- school work if not finished

Love the new avatar!

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So frustrated but I'm going to ignore it.  The medical care stuff takes up so much time that I lose half of my day just doing all of that.


Anyway ....kitchen is in progress but as soon as I post this, I have to go pick dd up from the Y where she spent her morning.


What I did:  loaded and ran the dishwasher

Did a major, much needed crisper clean-out

Took care of recycling, compost and garbage

And started to wipe down counters.


Counters and hand-washables still to go.  And I really should mop the kitchen floor today.

The laundry didn't get sorted and started yet today either.  


Got to go!  

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Got everything done. Now I'm laying on my bed with the fan on "high" recovering from Costco. That place was a living nightmare. It is full of idiots who stop their cart right in the middle of the aisle and stand there forever pondering the ingredients in Nutella. Or they visit with their friends while completely blocking the way for other shoppers. I walk all over the store muttering unkind things about all the people there!

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I just got back from buying dh's birthday and Father's Day gifts.  I got so angry at Target that I actually asked for and waited some time to talk to a supervisor.  The person supposedly helping me told me that he was going to do one thing and then went and helped other shoppers.  I was pretty ticked off when he came back and asked me after ten minutes if anyone was helping me.  "No, you were supposed to!"  Then they finally looked up the information and sent me down the freeway to another Target where the supervisor there told me that they were out of the item and if the people had followed company policy and had called the store for me,, they would have known that!  Grrr!  But I did end up getting some gifts so all is ok in the end.  

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