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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning (typed while yawning!)


--daily things

--Tuesday things

--today's travel/camp shopping w dd, w dd20 along: DSW for sneakers (me, too), Target, VS sale (all 3 of us), Lenscrafters to look at frames (she didn't like any at the eye dr), Costco for 2 things we forgot on Sunday


--new recipe for dinner (gf/df)


--exercise: walking this evening

--probably should spend some time weeding...

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It's summer! (In the world inside my head, summer is when it is 80* by 8am.)


For Today:

Help ds think through more summer job possibilities


Wash/dry remaining sleeping bags


Done Music arrangements

Done Look though online class options

Done Tutorial textbook needs

Done Think about 5th grade math options

Father's Day cards

Pick up dh from work


Lunch - sandwiches, fruit

Dinner - Polish sausages, sauerkraut, veggies

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Well the baby's fever finally broke. I'm hoping it is done and we don't have to go to the walk in clinic. My throat is not as swollen as last night so maybe I'm on the mend as well. We'll see.


- clean downstairs

- laundry folded and away

- pet sit

- hang out with kids

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Good morning! I was volunteered last night to drive this morning. So I will be leaving soon. I will do some school stuff at the coffee shop.


To do:

AM practice

School planning

Home for some chores


Plan dinner

Lay out quilt, if time


Judo pickup


Have a great day!

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Working "at work" today (and the rest of the week).  In a room with a bunch of other people.  Not my favorite but whatever.  At least I have an excuse to leave early.


Dropped the kids off at camp.

Work - lots to do as a big deadline is looming.

Pickup is at 4:30.

Math Monkey at 5:30 (need a mapquest from the museum to there).


Whatever physical activity the weather cooperates with.

Kids to bed.


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It is our last week of school, but my older girls have the day off as it is graduation for the seniors.  So dd14 and I are trying to think of something to do.  We are boring...


to do:


tidy up

dishwasher empty and reload


grocery store

something fun - maybe a museum?

to the pool this afternoon

try to fix the printer.  Somehow I got the new black ink cartridge stuck in the thingy.  I'm not sure what to do, but I will keep trying to wiggle it out and put it back in the right way...

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I need this thread today. It's only 8:00am and I am already completely un-motivated.

1) summer school for ds1 (already took him, it starts at 7:45)

2) basketball camp for both boys

3) clean both bathrooms

4) vacuum my bedroom and common living space

5) work on curriculum stuff for the rest of the kids for next year. Now that plans for oldest DS seem to be set (he's going to parochial school) I can start planning for the other kids.

6) get all the little odds and ends from the past school year finished up with the kids - DS1 has Latin, reading and grammar, DS2 has reading, Latin and math, DD has history.


Have a great day, ladies. Stay cool. It's supposed to be 100+ degrees here today.

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Good morning

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- tidy house- round 1 done

- fold laundry

- school work-gave up on math, don't understand it at all

- pay a bill- done

- dinner- getting subway

- baths

- bedtime routine

- more school work

- anything else I get done- took dd2 outside to play a bit, was going to take them both to a park but Aunt Flo has decided to visit and I'm miserable (migraine, throwing up cramps the whole nine yards)

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Dh came home from work last night and announced that the trip he told me he was going on Wednesday was actually Tuesday (today).  So this morning, I dropped ds off at work and then kept going and dropped dh off at the airport.  Since I didn't get to sleep until 1 am because of dh's packing and rummaging around, and then woke up at 6 am, I am pretty tired,  Hopefully I can nap later.


Library stuff taken care of

Kitchen cleaned

Pet done

Human care done

Medical care done (I'm afraid that I might be heading back into infection territory.  I hope not, but there is some nagging pain that doesn't bode well.)



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Check-in time!


1) bathroom #2, cleaned and mopped

2) hall vacuumed, living area vacuumed



went through an entire Mr. Clean Magic Eraser getting grime off the walls and door frames. Didn't make it too far through the house, but I decided if I go through one of those a day, it might make my house look a little less grungy!


To do:

3) pick up boys from basketball in 25 minutes

4) drop off a load at Goodwill


I'm so glad I participated in this thread today. A couple hours ago I was wondering if I were going to get anything productive done! It's hot, though!

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Got some work out.  Got a stressful client email.  Ugh.  I seem to handle stress less well every month.  I need to do something about that.


I have about 1 hour of work to go before I go get my kids i.e. get awaaaaaay from the office....

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Swim meet was this morning. Super hot and humid here today! We are wiped out!

We got cleaned up and ate. Kids are now watching a movie.

I am lying in the sofa, contemplating whether I should work on school stuff or chop veggies for dinner or fold laundry.

D. None of the above!



pick up CSA veggies

stir fry for dinner

need to pay bills and update checkbook

talk with Dh and decide what to give Ds for his birthday, Friday.

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Dh took the van in to get it looked at - the rattling noise is back. Naturally, the mechanic can't get the van to make the noise. Are you kidding me? 2 weeks of rattling and now it quits? I wouldn't care too much except that we are driving 1600+ miles next week and I am not interested in having a breakdown in the middle of nowhere.


Bah. Stupid van.

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Was shopping for six hours :eek:




Now I need to make dinner, do the daily things, tend to the lizards we're watching this week, hopefully walk (though the 'feel like' temp is 95 right now!), and weed.


Or I might just make dinner, sit with my library book, and eat the Talenti sea salt caramel gelato I bought yesterday :lol:

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All is done but folding and putting away one load of laundry, which will get done while dh and I watch Turn tonight. I'm still feeling run down and my throat hurts a bit but it isn't as swollen as yesterday. Baby is still feverless but now she has the sore throat and cough! Poor thing. Night all

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Finished math (after much frustration), and did the discussion questions for A&P. I'm going to bed now... I hate Tuesday night right now because I always end up staying up way too late to finish my math (it takes me a while to understand it and then to practice and then "certify", the certify is what is actually graded).

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