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Thyroid people, please take a look at dd20's numbers


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I'd appreciate input if these numbers are really ok or if they are off; in which case, please suggest the next tests to ask for. I'd also appreciate links to reputable websites.


TSH 4.270 uIU/ml (reference interval 0.450-4.500)

Free T4 1.10 ng/dl (reference interval 0.82-1.77)


She's going to see a GI specialist next month. Our primary had a bunch of tests run to see if anything popped out as unusual before that appointment.


My mom was diagnosed as hypothyroid in her 40s after suffering with symptoms for a good 15 years. I don't want the same thing to happen to dd.


Thanks :)


(And for anyone keeping score---yes, both my girls are having GI issues with some similar and some different symptoms. Sigh.)

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That TSH is very high. I would ask for a Free T3 test and both thyroid antibody tests.


My TSH has never been over 2.0 but my Free T4 was always borderline low and I had tons of symptoms but doctors ignored me because of my TSH. Finally a PCP after I moved said "hm, have you ever had your thyroid antibodies tested?" and when I said "no" she ordered them for me. Turns out my antibodies were over 1900!!! The normal range is 0-25!! So yeah, I was promptly diagnosed with Hashimoto's and found a decent endocrinologist who got me on Synthroid and then Armour replacement hormone. I felt tons better on Armour, no longer tired or brain fogged, my cycles regulated, and my hair started growing back soft and healthy whereas before it had been turning wiry and falling out like crazy. I suffered with symptoms and borderline low T4 for 5 years before I was diagnosed. 


So for your daughter I would bet with her TSH so high her T3 is likely low, in which case she'll either need Synthroid + Cytomel or Armour. Synthroid is just T4, Cytomel is just T3, and Armour has T4 and T3. There's another one, Naturethroid? which I think has T4 and T3 like Armour. 

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I agree with everyone else she looks hypo, TSH is too high T4 is too low. I bet she feels awful. The gut and thyroid is related, as with the thyroid function too low absorption is lowered, not to mention there is a huge connection between hypo/hashi's and celiac's, very likely she needs to be off of gluten at the minimum. Along with a full thyroid and antibody panel, I would do a full test of vitamin levels- especially ferritin, b's, d, calcium, etc, along with Celiac and food allergy testing (although it very well could be that the food doesn't show up on an allergy test but is still a problem).

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I agree with everyone else she looks hypo, TSH is too high T4 is too low. I bet she feels awful. The gut and thyroid is related, as with the thyroid function too low absorption is lowered, not to mention there is a huge connection between hypo/hashi's and celiac's, very likely she needs to be off of gluten at the minimum. Along with a full thyroid and antibody panel, I would do a full test of vitamin levels- especially ferritin, b's, d, calcium, etc, along with Celiac and food allergy testing (although it very well could be that the food doesn't show up on an allergy test but is still a problem).

She has multiple food allergies but is afraid of losing more food :( Her Celiac blood numbers always come back low (less than 2, multiple tests). We are in a period of gf/df for her, dd15, and dh.


The antibody you mentioned---is that the thyroid one?


I will have her request vitamin levels as well.


Thanks :)

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Yes, thyroid antibodies- anti- TPO and Tgab for the Hashimotos diagnosis.


Have you read about Celiac testing? It is actually better to stay on gluten until after testing or it won't be accurate but I understand you get to a point you don't care and just want to feel better.



Her younger sister was biopsied for Celiac while she was being checked for other things this month. That was negative. Dh has been biopsied (negative) as well. Dd15 and dh both have similar celiac panel numbers to dd20. Dd20 has agreed to go back on gluten for the long period necessary (should it be a problem) if the GI says next month that she should be biopsied as well.


I'm thinking non-Celiac gluten intolerance is more likely. We've also been looking at the FODMAP diet in case she has IBS.


We would love to have an answer before the fall semester starts so that she can work out a plan with dining services on campus. She was miserable this spring :(

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Well wishes for you guys! I hope you get it figured out sooner rather than later. Your probably right about the non-Celiac gluten intolerance but thankfully that is relatively easy fix (go gf), you just need a good thyroid dr, which isn't always easy to find but I hope you do get one. Btw Gena Lee Nolin from Baywatch fame has Hashimotos and has a book and FB page, Thyroid Sexy and she has lists on there of good dr's, ones that will listen to the patient not just the labs and is up to date on the newest numbers, check it out if you can. https://www.facebook.com/thyroidsexy?fref=ts

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As the PPs have mentioned, the TSH is high, and the FT4 is too low. Very likely to be an underactive thyroid.


IMHO, If she has an underactive thyroid, I would consider getting her started on B Complex, especially B12 (sub lingual preferably). There seems to be a strong link between B complex deficiencies and an underactive thyroid. And B complex deficiencies often cause GI issues.


FWIW, I have hypothyroidism (I take synthetic thyroid hormone) and I supplement with B 12 every single day and a low dose B complex alternate days.


ETA: B vit levels can be checked along with her thyroid panel.- TSH, Free T4, Free T3, anti-thyroid antibodies

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