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Please recommend your favorite elementary educational games!


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As I reflect upon the past school year, I'm thinking I would like to inject a little more fun into our day-to-day through things like board games. I was hoping users could recommend any elementary level family games (board games or similar) that are fun but that also offer an educational benefit (for instance, maybe the game requires math skills, or perhaps it is history-themed, etc.). We currently own very few board games, but I would love to start beefing up our collection. Any recs/comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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We like a lot of the card games from Gamewright - Zeus on the Loose and Rat a Tat Cat are our favorites and both practice basic math skills.


I really like 24 for slightly older elementary kids for math facts. Muggins is great for math practice as well.


We play a lot of Bananagrams with modified rules for various ages and spelling levels.


Dix It and Story Cubes are good for language since they get you talking and explaining. You've Been Sentenced is sort of cute for building sentences.


We ADORE all the Timeline and Cardline games from Asmodee. Timeline is for history (start with Historical Events - the others are really hard!) and there's a Cardline for Geography and another for animals, so that's science.


For logic, there's almost too many options to list. A couple we like are Mastermind and Set, but, like I said, there are lots. There are especially a lot of solo game entries in this category, like Rush Hour, so consider that sort of game too.





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Math and logic games:


Math Dash (Addition and Subtraction) and/or Math Dash Multiplication & Division




This looks like a fun math game, but I've no firsthand experience with it: Mathino: Cool math games for kids








Rat-a-Tat Cat







Spelling/vocabulary games:


Bananagrams  (Also Bananagrams has versions available for different language such as Spanish, French, Hebrew ...)






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7 ATE 9 is in my amazon cart, it looks fun. 
Monopoly Jr, with my little one playing as the banker. 


I am searching amazon for some other games for summer. I will be following this thread closely.

I plan on a very light summer for the girls. My oldest will be doing some Latin, and my little on reading and playing lots of games.

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I'm not sure what the ages of your kids are, so some of these may not apply:


Huggermugger Jr



Pix Mix



Spot It


Scattergories Jr

Go To Press

Hidden Hints

Cooking Up Sentences

Hit the Habitat Trail





Alpha Animals

Animal Tracks

Math Noodlers


Some old classics like:






And, with all the dozens and dozens of game we have (we have way more than this!)....my 11 year olds favorite right now:




She told me the other day that all she really needs to do for school is play Scrabble.  It covers spelling, vocabulary, reading, logic, and math. 




My daughter would love to get Pivit.  It looks very similar to Qwirkle, but with patterns too. 


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10 Days in Europe (geography game) there are a few 10 days games.


Also Geopuzzles. This is not really a game but we use it that way. For example if there are three of us we will dump three puzzles together in the center of the table mixed up, and then we compete to see who can put together their puzzle first.


Also chess. Always a favorite. We started with " no-stress chess" until the kids got the hang of it.

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For Geography (other than ones mentioned which are all great)


Scrambled States

Flag Frenzy


BrainBox games are great. I use the geography ones for a co op class I teach but they have them available in many different topics. I just spotted one on Vile Villians that I will get for the class I am about to teach on Historical Criminals :)


My kids loved Set for math. And 24 which someone else mentioned. 


Blurt is good for vocab and there is a Bible Blurt too

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My kids are still young (6 and 3), so I only have suggestions for the younger set. But they love:


For really young ones (preschool):

Sneaky Snacky Squirrel (fine motor, colors)

Hi-Ho Cherry-O (counting, colors)


For kindergarten-1st grade:

Sum Swamp (basic addition, subtraction, odds and evens)

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