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Night Elf

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Has anyone seen this yet? Is it as good as the original? I hate scary movies but I managed to get through the original and enjoy it. I'm really curious what they've done to the modern version though. I can't make up my mind if I should go see it in the theater or wait until I can watch at home.

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I wouldn't watch it, I can't stand movies like that. I opened the thread because I thought maybe you had one you needed to get rid of, lol.


I'd move. Of course, I'd have to stay if it took my dd but I remember an old Eddie Murphy comedy scene where he said white people were wrong. They walk into a house and hear GET OUT and they wonder what they've heard and go on in. I watched Dracula 2015 this morning and the girl running from Dracula ran into a cemetery. DH laughed and said if that wasn't a stereotypical horror move, he didn't know what was. I normally don't do scary movies but I was drawn into that one this morning. I wanted to see how it ended.

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Clowns are evil.  That movie scarred me.  I do remember the Eddie Murphy skit.  It was very funny.

My son might be seeing it tomorrow with friends.  I have no need to go see it.  The original was enough for me.

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Well, I saw the movie today. It was really good but I think I like the original better. Obviously there were some good side effects which made it fun to watch. It wasn't nearly as scary as dd and I thought it would be. We were prepared for a lot more 'jump out in your face' type moments. There were a few but we found the rest of the movie much less intense than we imagined. I'd see it again and I do recommend it if you enjoyed the first one.

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I am still afraid of thunderstorms. One-one-thousand, two-one-thousand... I think a tree will come in and get me.


In the current movie, the little boy's bedroom is in the attic with a skylight. The tree is directly above his bed. I am thankful I don't have skylights in my house. But they don't do the storm counting thing in this movie.

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