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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

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Good morning :)


Jean, what the heck is a death plant?!


My day:

--exercise: go for a walk in a bit

--school w dd: math, chem

--garden: plant

--yard: finish weeding perennial beds?

--daily things

--Wednesday-specific tasks

--stretch shoulder

--make haircut appointment

--take dd to eye dr to get glasses repaired

--physical therapy 3pm

--dd ballet 6-8

--finish library book :D

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Good morning! Jean, there must be a whole different side of you! Death plant? I am up early (though not as early as the girls :lol: ) and it is still rainy and almost cold. I have a bunch of things to do today:


school for all

chores for all

move things back down to the basement (and sort for goodwill)


clean kitchen

PM practice/aikido

errands during practice


Have a great day, everyone!


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Happy Wednesday!  For some reason I seem to like Wednesdays.  I tend to start the day with a bang.


Today's list:

  • Get kids up & out.  [done]
  • Take out the garbage.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Work until 4:45pm.  [done - except that I took a nap!]
  • Work breaks for:
    • a little exercise [umm...]
    • a little reading [done]
    • a little housework  [done]
    • finalize those last camps already [not yet]
    • sign up for 2015-16 gymnastics class  [not yet]
  • Kids to swim team.  [done]
  • Family TKD.  [done]
  • Dinner.  [done]
  • Read-aloud.  [done]
  • Kids' work.  [done]
  • Prepare bags and clothes for Thursday.  [bags done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work until midnight.
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Today is Sarah's BIRTHDAY!


To Do:

-Grocery store for her birthday meal stuff

-Fed Ex store drop off

-Wal-Mart for formula (You know as a mostly always breastfeeding mom, I'm so thankful it exsists and REALLY resentful we've spent $$$ on formula with baby William.)

-Sew a rip in my sheet

-Clean the incubator and sell that darn thing.  I am DONE hatching in a foam incubator.  It  just breaks my heart continually.  :(  Cannot handle late egg death.

-Christian Family Bookstore for something sweet for niece's graduation.  

-Add bi-fold closet doors to the For Sale Facebook page.  (The previous owner built the utility ROOM out of those bi-fold doors 14 doors @ $90 each.  I cannot FATHOM why.)

-ReStore -look for windows that will work better as egress.  The ones I got are really BIG.


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Morning all. My body aches from getting back into working out. What a wonderful pain.



-quick clean downstairs

-quick clean upstairs

- drop nephew off

- drop things off at goodwill

- deposit money

- exercise DVD

- older 2 to acrobatic and kung fu

- find dh's insurance card

- call insurance provider about switch physician's

- call about medical bill I shouldn't have gotten

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Good Morning...it's beautiful here today and no humidity.  I weeded the flower beds, remulched a few areas and sprayed lots of round up to get rid of poison ivy and weeds on the fence line.


DD came home this morning after her runs and is taking dgd back with her for the afternoon so I'm going to deep clean today and do some laundry.

Dinner will be sandwiches and chips/dip and watermelon.


Have a great day everyone!


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Laundry started, breakfast finished, dishwasher going.

Started on schoolwork.

Need to run an errand to grab meds and apple juice.

Meghan needs to pick up her room!

Need to find and purchase a vacuum belt. Walmart

never has it in stock and I have not vacuumed in forever.

Need to finish getting together stuff to take to the thrift store.

Dinner tonight is ribs, mac and cheese, collard greens, black eyed peas, peaches.

Trying to get Meghan's MRI of her spine scheduled.

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Good morning :)


Jean, what the heck is a death plant?!





Good morning! Jean, there must be a whole different side of you! Death plant?

It's my family's morbid sense of humor.  When my dad died, a friend had a plant delivered here.  I am notorious for my black thumb when it comes to houseplants so my kids said, "Oh great.  A plant for Mom to kill so that she can remember death even more vividly."  Ever since then it has been the "death plant."  The thing is, it has survived ten months, which I think is some kind of a record around here!  

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Storms may blow through in a few hours, otherwise it is very pleasant outside!


For Today:

Done Drive dh to work

Done Walmart

Done Dollar store



Mail cards

Done Shower

Orchestra director's meeting?

Pick up dh from work



Laundry Laundry Laundry

Spray camping clothes


Lunch - fish sandwiches, oranges

Dinner - baked chicken, rolls, carrots, lettuce salad

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Today was an OK day.  I didn't get a ton of work done, but I got some important stuff done or started, so that's better than some days.  I napped a bit.


I did about 30 minutes of walking plus the TKD class (2nd in 2 days).  This morning I ran a few steps after taking out the garbage, and it struck me how much better I am feeling and how bad I'd allowed myself to become physically.  I still have a way to go before I feel as good as I should.

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