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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

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Kids up & out

Some housework

Work until 5:30

Pick up kids at aftercare

Family TKD

Quick grocery stop



Kids' work

Prepare kids' bags and clothes for Wednesday a.m.

Consolidate the garbage for Wednesday a.m.

Kids to bed

Work until midnight

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Kids dressed and ready/pa/cked for afternoon outing.


Boo to Speech Therapy.

Pick up Cinnamon Roll supplies (pans, butter, vanilla, cinnamon, brown sugar, flour, pans), plus some groceries.

Swim practice for 60 minutes.

Make dinner, clean up, get to bed...ready to get up and get baking on Wednesday.


ETA: I am essentially done cleaning out stuff.  In two weeks, I get 4 more tall Billy Shelves for my basement.  This will complete necessary storage for books, magazines, games and toys, as well some small decorations. We are moving on to other projects in June.  Hopefully, having as much of this organization "done" will make it easier to keep up. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

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I didn't get to everything yesterday, but that's ok :)



--exercise: walking later today

--shoulder exercises 3x

--school w dd: chemistry, math

--daily things

--Tuesday-specific tasks

--garden: weed veggies as needed, thin carrots, plant cukes/parsley/dd flowers

--continue weeding perennial beds

--return phone call to hospital

--continue working on Comparative Government syllabus

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Good morning

- tidy house- living room done, vacuumed and scrubbed, kitchen cleaned and vacuumed, hall vacuumed

- dishes- done

- laundry- in dryer

- school work

- get dd1 off bus- done

- deliver rest of plants- delivered one order (went to dh's work) will deliver other 2 when I get dd1 off the bus, delivered another one. Dmil's will be delivered tomorrow

- dinner- meat thawed

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- vacuumed and scrubbed around/under love seat, vacuumed and scrubbed under my school cart and cleaned that off as well, vacuumed and scrubbed under big couch, cleared off shoe rack (clutter hot spot) and vacuumed and scrubbed under that. Changed master bedding

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Morning all.


- school

- wash cloth diapers

- clean kitchen

- quick clean upstairs

- kids clean 15 minutes

- dinner done by 5

- kung fu for kids

- exercise DVD for me

- work with dd on getting affection from the dogs when we're unavailable for various reasons

- read for 30 minutes

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Good morning! It is raining buckets here and cold. This has been a very unusual spring! I really hope it starts to clear up, our meet this weekend is outside!


To do:

dd2 and ds3 test

school for others

school administration

sports administration

start moving furniture back


As much cleaning out as I can do

figure out something for dinner-soup by the looks of things outside

PM practice

Judo pickup


Have a great day, everyone!


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sorting my summer clothes

ordered summer piano books


To Do:


work at church

bookstore to pick up Bible for Ds

pick up CSA veggies

dinner - meatloaf and sides

oil change for my van


A week of random catch-up tasks here. We are done with school but have heaps of errands and household jobs to do before we head out of town for the holiday weekend. After that the summer really begins.

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Why is it so expensive to replace a starter? (Car repair woes). I won't be able to run errands today - hopefully the car will be fixed tomorrow so ds can take the car to school and I can drive dh to work and run errands. Somehow the garage managed to give the car a flat tire as well. Pfzth.


For Today:

Done Electric bill paid (online)

Done Morning lessons

Done Violin/cello lessons

Done Story time

Done Finish orchestra prep lesson plans, print out



Done Plant tomatoes




Lunch - sandwiches, apple sauce

Dinner - food

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The day is half over and I'm feeling pretty good about what I have done so far.  I still have plenty to do this afternoon:


To do:


mow the lawn

spray off mower

tidy up

get gas at lunch time

make hotel reservations for big trip to dk

make rental car reservations

call bank about a pin for my credit card?

violin lesson #1

take dd to babysitting job

sew a little - some mending and some hemming

hair cut for ds

violin lesson #2

chicken on salad with strawberries and feta cheese for dinner

volleyball practice

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I did everything on my list in some fashion.  


In addition I went grocery shopping with dd for special ingredients for all the things she's going to make this week.  She's on a Pinterest recipe roll.  


I also filled out 90% of paperwork for dd's allergy appointment.  The rest needs to be filled out with her.  (Reminder to self:  no more antihistamines until her appt.)


I talked to my eldest sister.


I need to put in a load of scrubs either tonight or tomorrow.  

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