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Exercise Thread ~ May 17 - May 23


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I walked this morning and did a very little bit of hand weights and ab work. I think my diastasis recti is getting worse already. I think I look a lot bigger than 12 1/2 weeks :-(. In googling diastasis, MuTu training came up, and I thought I remembered someone posting about doing it in an earlier exercise thread. Is there anything with that for prenatal exercises too? Or does anyone have good recommendations for videos to do during pregnancy? I'm worried about making the damage worse by doing the wrong thing. I forgot to ask my midwife about exercises on Friday because I was so frazzled that it took a while to find the baby's heartbeat. Baby seems fine, just uncooperative.

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Had a lovely run Sunday. Dh and I took a walk in the evening too. This morning is dawning hot and sticky (70 at 5am, but never fear tomorrow is forecast to be 39  :huh: ). I'm going to do some yoga and take my girls to the zoo. I'm figuring I'll walk a ton there. I'm still trying to mix things up so today's goal is just yoga and 10,000 steps. I get to run tomorrow though. And I plan to throw some kettlebell in one of those days. Not sure when time will present itself. Have an amazing Monday (if that's possible  :laugh: ).

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Yesterday was on-and-off rainy so we didn't get to walk to the farmers' market like we usually do. I just did house and basic garden things and went grocery shopping.


Today I have training. I'm not sure about walking to/from because it feels like 857% humidity right now and I'm dealing w some seasonal allergies which make my chest tight. If I don't walk, I'll use a cardio machine at the gym.


I also have PT this afternoon.

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Away for the weekend: walked from the train to the airb&b on Friday night; 24,000 steps on Saturday (some very slow, walking around museums; some striding along); 25,000 steps on Sunday (mostly brisk); spent today on the train back, but about to walk the dog.

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I did about an hour of Tracy Anderson.  It was hard, lol.


I also tried a 30 min t tapp workout.  It was sort of underwhelming, lol. I know people adore her and I am intrigued but I am not sure I could get into it. Plus, her workouts are crazy expensive. I did this at a friend's house, but I don't think I would spring for one. It felt like...a nice light yoga class. I felt it when I was doing it, I did feel nice and stretched out when I was done, but I think I like a little bit more of a challenge in my workouts.  She'll loan me a couple in a few months if I would like them, so I might give it another shot



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Arms and lower body workouts of the "Wedding Workout" dvd. I think I've done those twice since the first trimester exhaustion hit. I'm going to be sore, but thankful that my energy is coming back a bit.


I think I'm signing up for prenatal yoga starting next month. I'll just be in the beginning of the second trimester, so maybe a little early, but I think it will help.

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I didn't drink enough water during the weekend.  This is UTI day one.  No exercise, no yoga class.  Eating ibuprofen at work.  Picking up antibiotics on the way home.

Did you know there's over the counter stuff that will make you pain free for 2 days? I like Uristat, but Azo is also an option. I HIGHLY recommend them!

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Thanks - I'm happy with the antibiotics.  I've started taking them now.


Good. The ones I mentioned don't do anything, but make you feel better, but when you're waiting for your prescription feeling better is a good thing.

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Good. The ones I mentioned don't do anything, but make you feel better, but when you're waiting for your prescription feeling better is a good thing.


I was lucky - I called the doctor's surgery first thing and the nurse practitioner called the prescription through to my most convenient pharmacy.  The only problem was having to go to work, so I couldn't get to the pharmacy straight away.  

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Not feeling it lately. I have to force myself out of bed. I'm super cranky. I'm dog tired. I am stiff and sore all over for no good reason. Forced myself to do Tracy Anderson this morning and she annoyed me the whole time. 


Yeah, she can be pretty annoying, lol.  It sounds like you are coming down with something? Stiff and sore for no good reason? Are you cold or warm?  If you were my kid I would think you had a bug.  I hope you feel better soon.



I did an hour of Tracy Anderson today. Well, I had to stop in the middle and get dinner for ds2, lol, but I got it done!

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Laura- :( so sorry. Take care

AnnE-1st trimester exhaustion earns you a pass

Slache- sounds like a plan

Mom-ninja- :grouphug:

Redsquirrel-go you


I got in 14,000 steps yesterday. Today I did a pretty tough kettlebell bit and then spent two hours trimming all the hedges. My arms still feel like they are vibrating. Tomorrow I predict I won't be lifting anything heavier than a fork.

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We ordered 4 more tonnes of compost to finish off the mulching.  8.9 tonnes arrived....  I won't start on it until after my job interview on Friday then I have a lot of planting to do at the weekend.  Next week: lots of shovelling.


Today - still not feeling great.  Slow walk around town - maybe will take another gentle walk with the dog.

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Laura, I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you are back to 100% very soon. And...job interview!?


I did my workout and it felt silly. I did 15 mins of arms etc, then I had to stop to do kid stuff. Then I did 15 mins of core work, then had to stop and make dinner. Finally, I finished with 20 mins of lower body work and I was done. Jeepers.

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Laura, do you know the approximate volume of that mulch? I have to order more for next week or the following week. I need to beat the fruit garden into submission before we have ds's graduation party on June 7 :D


My fingers are crossed that it will not be rainy tomorrow morning when I want to walk to the gym.

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Laura, I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you are back to 100% very soon. And...job interview!?



I'm trying to get a full-time admin job at the local university.  I already have a decent job, so the stress is reduced.  I'd like to shorten the commute and work in an 'industry' that I'm more interested in.  Extra hours would be good - saving for retirement.


Laura, do you know the approximate volume of that mulch? I have to order more for next week or the following week. I need to beat the fruit garden into submission before we have ds's graduation party on June 7 :D



Well: a metric tonne is 1,000kg, which would also be 1,000 litres of water (I love the metric system), so could be 1 metre cubed (so somewhat over a yard cubed).  But compost is much lighter, so it could be up to double that volume, dependent on moisture content.  Anyone better at maths, please post corrections.  


So 8.9 tonnes is somewhere over ten cubic metres, so something over 13 cubic yards.  This is the first pile, which was 8.1 tonnes.

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Walked kids to school, DD for kindergarten field trip and DS for specials, then walked by myself for 45 minutes while DS was in his classes. I'm up to 9,600 steps and we still have to walk back to pick up DD. I might talk myself into doing some hand weights later, but nothing too strenuous. We have a long afternoon and evening of a Scout meeting and baseball, with sandwiches for dinner while driving between the two, so I'm not pushing it too much.

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A mile warm up on the elliptical, kettle bell and stretching then 5 laps swimming. Everything done light and rejeuvunating rather than hardcore. Slept great too- but that may have more to do with the huge slice of birthday cake...


Btw- to others experiencing waking up at 2 a.m. With hot flashes I've noticed that eating carbs before bed seems to lessen the frequency and severity.

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I rushed my workout yesterday.  Shorter warm up, fewer sets, shorter stretches.  It was that or nothing, and I'm glad I got it in.  BUT, I won't be rushing again any time soon.  My right hip started cramping up while driving home.  Scary!!!


My heart rate monitor came in the mail yesterday, so I've been playing with that.

And I'm almost half way through my personal training certification course! Yay!

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Got in 2 hours of doubles tennis this evening. Pretty good run around. I need to get going on my running training, though. I have a 10k race on July 1. That's only 6 weeks away!


Laura - that pile of compost looks big and sounds big!  :svengo:   I hope you're not moving it too far, and I hope you have lots of strong helpers.  My boys would probably want to just play on top of it. ;)

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I ended up push mowing the yard yesterday, complete with moving the dog kennel. I came out to 18,000 steps and change per my phone. Not the most accurate but it felt like a workout. This morning is my PS 14 yo Jr. High awards so I don't know if I will get to work out. I just have to brag or express my relief that this kid, who would much rather clown around and chat, has managed to find his groove in PS. I miss him but for HIM this has been a good choice. Have a wonderful Memorial Day those in the U.S. And a great weekend for those who aren't. We're planning fire pit and family badminton and garage sales and bike rides and a Memorial Day service.

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Reishy, that really really sucks!  I am so sorry.


I am taking today off. I woke up this morning with my lower back hurting. Not a crisis, just sore muscles. I might have slept oddly or sat in a funny position yesterday. I've learned from experience that when this happens I need to baby it for a couple days or it just doesn't go away. I might have done it b/c through exercise, but really it could be anything. I am fairly flexible and it is easy for me to overstretch a muscle and not realize it until it hurts the next day.

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Laura - that pile of compost looks big and sounds big!  :svengo:   I hope you're not moving it too far, and I hope you have lots of strong helpers.  My boys would probably want to just play on top of it. ;)


I'll be moving it around the acre that we treat as ornamental (as opposed to the orchard and the bit of woodland).  


I might be able to get Hobbes to do some wheelbarrowing this week because he's on half-term holiday from school.   He has exams right after the holiday though, so I have to respect that too.  Husband has a bad back and I have to be careful how much I ask him to do.  Mostly I just treat it like exercise....

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Exercise has been wonky this week.  I'm back on top form now, I think, and I got the job, so I don't need to do any more applications.  


This weekend I have lots of planting to do, but we also have friends coming over for barbecue tonight, so I'll have to clean up early...  the dog will need walking come what may, and I might possibly get to some mulching.

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Sorry Negin!


Congratulations Laura!


Friday- no workout, enjoyed our houseguest and drove a lot.  I'm about to sneak kettle bell in, but today is packed full of family stuff so this may be it.  My workouts have been low man on the totem pole lately.... and unfortunately company style food and celebratory cake eating has been high.  I feel huge and bloated.

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Congratulations with the job, Laura! That's exciting!  Now don't go all crazy and try to move the compost mountain in one day. ;) It looks like it could be your "exercise" for the spring and summer seasons. 


Dh and I are going to get some singles tennis in later today. Happily, it has warmed up a lot. There was a frost warning last night, so I brought in my potted flowers so they wouldn't freeze. Crazy cold for late May! 

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