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It's that time again--ordering my annual standardized tests...


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Can someone remidn me which ones I can do at home? We've done CAT and ITBS, and will likely go with ITBS again but I just want to make sure there isn't another one I am forgetting.


We don't need to do this for the state, but more for practice and making sure there aren't any holes.



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We are doing them for the first time this year. I ordered the Stanford 10 from BJU. They also have the IOWA available. To do it at home you just have to apply to be an administrator (only requirement I think was to have a bachelors degree). 

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You can order the CAT-TerraNova without having any special qualifications. The publishers of the Stanford and the ITBS both have requirements (I would not have qualified to do either at home, since I do not have a college degree).

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We use the Stanford 10 every year for grades 1-8. 


I'm registered to administer it, but the last 4 years, I've had my children take it in a group situation 1) because it's more fun for them, 2) because it more closely approximates the usual standardized testing environment they'll encounter later, and 3) because I know they earned the scores they get. Administering it myself, it was waaaaay too likely that, if they asked me something, I'd inadvertently give away the answer by some gesture, facial expression, leading reply, etc. (This was just me. I'm sure nobody else risks doing this.)

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On BJU's site it has a separate area for scoring. So do you buy the test and then pay extra for scoring?


Usually, the price of the standardized test includes scoring. You order the test booklet & administration instructions, give the test, send the bubble sheet (and test materials) back to the vendor, and they score and send you the results. 

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Specifically if you have used the stanford 10. This will be our first year (and I haven't looked very closely at the testing materials) :lol:

My kids took the online version so I don't know if it is the same. Link is to the online schedule


We spent two mornings and because ours is online, results were emailed to me within an hour after the last test section.

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heads up for 2016 and Stanford -10 and BJU.....  from website  "Before purchasing any Stanford materials, please note that the Stanford 10 will no longer be supported and cannot be scored after June 30, 2016. (Orders must be placed by April 30, 2016, and all completed tests must be sent for scoring by June 1, 2016.)"



A friend on another forum emailed and found out this applies to homeschools as well as the group schools mentioned in the letter I just linked.   She reported they said ""Thank you for contacting us. The Stanford 10 will be discontinued for homeschools, as well. Ordering will no longer be available after April 30, 2016, to ensure we can get all scoring done before the publisher’s June 30, 2016, deadline. Although we have looked into other tests, we do not currently have an untimed replacement for the Stanford 10."


I don't know how that will change for other companies that use SAT-10 online such as Seton Testing (and other companies who use the online version)   but thought I'd give the heads up for 2016 for those of us who order and administer through BJU.


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