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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

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Good mornng :D


My day:

--walk to/from gym for training session

--school w dd: math, APHG test review

--daily things

--Thursday-specific tasks

--gardening: weeding

--check payment info for our cruise

--call dr about Rx that drugstore didn't receive

--stand over dd until she writes the thank-you note for her camp scholarship

--put dinner in crockpot

--go to physical therapy at 5:15

--dh Chinese class 5:15-6:45

--dd ballet class 5:30-7:00

--someone get ds at the airport at 10:30

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Happy Thursday!  I started the day in a pretty good mood.  Got enough sleep, got the kids out on time, house is pretty neat, weather is beautiful.  Did some yoga.  Awesome.


Then.  I discover that all of our work emails are down.  (Not just mine, my partners' too.)  I send emails to our tech guys (via my personal email, which still works) and ... crickets.  Not so awesome.  It's a good thing I can do most of today's work without my work email, but I won't know if I get emails from clients, so that's stressful.


On that note, the list:

  • Get the kids up & out.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, some clutter.  [done]
  • Yoga.  [done]
  • Work until 5pm.  [done]
  • Work breaks for:  [done]
    • a little reading  [done]
    • a little exercise  [done]
    • personal bills and such  [done]
  • Kids' soccer game.  [done]
  • Bank.  [oops]
  • Dinner.  [done]
  • Laundry.  [tomorrow]
  • Kids' work or reading together.  [done]
  • Prepare kids' bags and clothes for Friday.  [bags done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work until midnight.
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Good Morning!


Not much school here today.

Breakfast, devotions and chores

Take my mom to a Dr.'s appt. in the morning.


Figure out dinner.

Work at my church job a couple of hours, maybe?

Work on family budget for the summer?

Calendar planning.

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Can I join?


to do:



clean both bathrooms



read at least 30 pages from my current book

finish up Mother's Day gifts

finish packing list for this weekend





worked on accounting stuff for nonprofit

morning coffee with WTM forums  :-)



It's only 7AM here...

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Good morning! Quiet day here at home. Lots of school and odds and ends of finishing out the year.


To do:


School for all

Chores for all

Update calendar

Plan dinner

Clean up study

Check bills

Pick up downstairs

Random decluttering

Make dinner

PM practice

Judo pickup


Have a great day!

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Morning all! This morning I get to deal with stupid insurance issues until these 2 bills from after dd was born are figured out. I should owe anything but I've got over 400 in bills sitting in front of me that are getting dealt with today no matter how long I have to be on the phone. After that I'll make a list for the rest of the day

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Good morning!


Ds (pic below) turns 12 today. Time sure flies when you're having fun! He is our live-in laugh machine. His humor, empathy, and generosity are things I love about him. 



his special request breakfast (waffles with Nutella and Biscoff, but not together)

tidying the house some


To Do:


go to Dairy Queen for dessert with a couple of his friends

more tidying and house cleaning for me

dinner out and Avengers 2 for his birthday




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Well I got the most expensive bill dealt with. Can't do the other one until I get home because I don't have the right insurance information for that one. So I suppose I'll make my list now.


- school

- quick clean downstairs

- more going through books

- pick up yard for mowers coming tomorrow

- read for an hour

- stay sane (Thursdays are the longest and I hate them)

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The work crew in our front yard has reached our house.  They have been digging a trench to replace the water main.  I'm hoping they will replace the line today and fill the trench tomorrow.  It has been a long hot week for the guys digging.  


To do:

return ice cream to Safeway (someone took a bite out of it in the store.  Yuck!)

to Walmart for photos

buy fabric



bathroom wipe down

cut out dd's dress

start sewing bodice

buy a fast pass or easy pass or whatever so I can drive in the fast lanes on 95

temple trip tonight - meet at the church at 4:30pm

Focus on not getting sick - vitamin C, lots of water, etc...


Have a great day!


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Late to game to day....

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in dryer

- tidy house- round 1 done

- call on dh's motorcycle tire- done, it's in

- go to grocery store and thrift store- done, got dh 2 pairs of jeans, dd1 jeans and a skirt for school, dd2 a romper, and a book for each of the girls for $2.25 :D

- drop donation off at thrift store- done

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- revised my school shopping list (covers me until I graduate), set up A/C (it's over 80 degrees here, that usually doesn't happen until July or August. Dh got it out of the shed and in the window last night, I set up the thermostat and what not)

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Happy birthday, ds12 of mom31257 (Amy)!


So far today I have collected 6 large bags of clothing to donate, finished sorting through 6 tubs, and put 13 tubs away (except for the ones that need to go up to the attic. I don't do attics.) swept area and took out trash.


Next up is lunch, then a trip into town to bring dd to dress rehearsal. On the way home, stop by Barnes and Noble and hope they have a copy of Where the Wild Things Are to exchange for the ripped one I got online. Ds10 threw up this morning, so it looks like I will have to miss the concert tonight. Dh is hoping he can stop by the house and pick up the other kids after his meetings so they can go.


Have to write/send a birthday card to my aunt who turns 90 this weekend. Also find out ds's plans for dorm check-out and summer school lodging so I know when to be at the university tomorrow.

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Can I join?


to do:



clean both bathrooms



read at least 30 pages from my current book

finish up Mother's Day gifts

finish packing list for this weekend





worked on accounting stuff for nonprofit

morning coffee with WTM forums  :-)



It's only 7AM here...

one bathroom cleaned

exercising done

school started

just about finished with Mother's Day gifts



It's been a tough morning  week with the boy, so getting this much accomplished is pretty good.  Trying soooo hard to be patient with my grumpy guy.

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to do:


laundry  started

clean both bathrooms  done!

exercise  done!

school  I've given up.  At some point the kids will want their screen time and realize they have some work to do...

read at least 30 pages from my current book

finish up Mother's Day gifts  almost finished

finish packing list for this weekend  





worked on accounting stuff for nonprofit

morning coffee with WTM forums  :-)

swept hallway

made kids lunch

swept and mopped master bedroom floor





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So far, so good :)


My day:

--walk to/from gym for training session

--school w dd: math, APHG test review

--daily things

--Thursday-specific tasks

--gardening: weeding

--check payment info for our cruise

--call dr about Rx that drugstore didn't receive

--stand over dd until she writes the thank-you note for her camp scholarship

--put dinner in crockpot

--go to physical therapy at 5:15

--dh Chinese class 5:15-6:45

--dd ballet class 5:30-7:00

--someone get ds at the airport at 10:30


I also talked with my sister about the AP test next week (dnephew was in the small group I had for Human Geography w dd) and summer plans. We will be lizard sitting for a bit in June :lol:


For the next hour I will work on one of the AP syllabi I'm writing for next school year :)

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to do:


school  (still not much happening; at least chores are done and kids are playing nicely w/out screen time)

read at least 30 pages from my current book

finish packing list for this weekend

grocery shopping




worked on accounting stuff for nonprofit

morning coffee with WTM forums  :-)

swept hallway

made kids lunch

swept and mopped master bedroom floor

swept and mopped dining room and family room

cleared off dining table

dusted j's room

finished Mother's Day gifts


cleaned both bathrooms


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evening check-in:


went to pick up ds' new glasses.  I guess he really really needed new ones.  He keeps saying things like "I can see the feathers on that bird!"  or "Look - there are people riding their bikes up on the hill!"  


grocery shopped on the way home


quick lunch at home and got dh off to work.


Ds - allergy shot since the prednisone has calmed his allergies down enough to handle it.


He's loopy though and I don't think that he got any school done.  


Dd did get some school done though she was not happy at her writing assignment.


Stopped at Petsmart for a rabbit harness.  Dd tried to put it on him too quickly and Rusty was not happy.  He's still mad at her and keeps thumping his foot at her to let her know that.  


Tricked Rusty into being penned for the time being.


dinner done


took dd to the Y.

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The massive book organization/ decluttering is done! In the end I could only part with a single box of books. It's a start but I was hoping to be able to part with more. But I will say the books we kept are all loved by someone so at least I have a house filled with books and 5 book lovers.


Bedtime for me!

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Well, I still don't have work email, so this is getting scary.


The kids' soccer game was pretty bad.  Usually when there is a shutout, it's us shutting the other side out, and we have a rule where we stop scoring if we are 5 points ahead.  The theory being that there's no point rubbing salt in the wounds of 7-8yo girls.  Well, this time the other side just kept scoring.  I guess they waived the rule because our coach was late or something.  We were down a few players (including the only 2 with prior year experience), so our kids got no rest in the heat, while the other team had a bunch of kids resting on the bench.  And their coach kept gloating loudly like a prime a$$hole.  Times like this make me really value our coach all the more.  Sportsmanship, people.  But, kids being what they are, smiles returned when we got milkshakes and went to the park.  :)


So it's been a long day and that pillow looks really good right now.  Too bad I have a conference call at 1pm tomorrow, for which I am not prepared.  Ugh.

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