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Graduation party ideas

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My son is graduating this month! Any fun ideas for a graduation party? We have one scheduled but aren't quite sure of what would be fun to have. We are having it at our house. We expect about 30 guests. We have about 5 acres of land so outside activities would be ok. What fun activities have you all done for a graduation party? We considered renting an inflatable sparring jousting thingy. Most teens like those, right? Or would it be too childish? We will have a bonfire so one idea down! But need more 😊

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We are having a photo booth (using a Polaroid type of camera), s'more bar with campfire, hotdog bar, and Italian soda bar. We are doing a short ceremony ( we are doing a co-graduation with friends) and then everyone can get food. We have some board games inside as well as things like bocce ball and other yard games. Our teens like to play board games and hang out and eat so that's what we are going to do.

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My son chose to have a game-focused get-together for his graduation party last year. We set up "stations" at different tables with different kinds of games -- card games like Munchkin at one table, poker at another, chess at another, a selection of regular board games, etc.


We held the party at his dance school, which allowed space (and a good sound system) for dancing, as well as a music room with a piano for an impromptu sing-along.


My son was adamant about not having a "ceremony" of any kind. So, we set up a display of his diploma and passed around a "yearbook"-style photo book I made on Shutterfly with photos of his high school career. We put out Sharpies in a variety of colors and asked guests to sign the book.


Other than that, we offered food.



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We are doing an ice cream sundae bar and games outside - corn hole, volleyball, and spike ball. We are expecting 30 - 50 with friends and family. Our family and closest friends will stay for a cook-out and s'mores.

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Hmmm, we're supposed to provide entertainment? We're just planning some food and a short presentation of the diploma. The rest will be hang out time.

Us too!  Although I will say we're stealing ideas right and left from others on this board . . . we're having an ice cream sundae bar, since the party is going to be mid-afternoon.  We're also having a brief ceremony, and I made a photo book of DS through the years, with an emphasis on high school, that his friends can sign in the back.  I love how it turned out--that was a great idea!

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In addition to the outdoor games, and the barbecue, I set out a table with awards and a digital photo frame with pics of our son's growing up, and I had a loop of Pomp and Circumstance playing on a Jambox/iPhone linkup, and a guestbook for people to write their well wishes.

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We have a LOT of family in town for the graduation and the fact that both teens are also in Fiddler on the Roof that week, so we just decided to have a blow-out party and invite everyone we know (almost).  Inviting 75, but guessing about 50-55 will attend.  We are having a catered (YEAH!) BBQ party.  Cake and an ice cream sundae bar.  Volleyball net on the lawn, basketball in the driveway, and if it rains like it has been doing constantly here, the ping pong table in the basement and pulling out board games.


I have to finish putting together a presentation board for his graduation ceremony, so I will also have that displayed at the party.  We will have his graduation slide show looping on the TV for awhile with all of his pictures from a baby on up.


It should be tons of fun if I can make it through the next 13 days  :svengo:  :svengo:  

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My son graduates on the 23rd and we have been putting together several outdoor games.  We have tether ball and a large outdoor Jenga set that we made last year.  Teens are always coming over to play it so we decided to find something else along that line as well.  I found an idea for making a large outdoor Kerplunk game on Pinterest and we are making that this week.  To finish off the outdoor activities we are painting a giant Twister board on the lawn and making a Koob game to play as well.  Look for outdoor games and activities on Pinterest.

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I went to a grad party that had a trivia game about the graduate.  We had to go around the house to different photo displays to find answers (from how many siblings to sports he played to what he got an award for).  It was fun for me and my grandson who was about 7, because it gave him something to do when he didn't know anyone.


We didn't do anything amazing at ours, but I had fun making a "school shirt" at CustomInk with a muscleman carrying books (youngest was into weight lifting).  He also liked the shirt I got him from HSDLA because on the back it said he won all the awards - in a class of one student  :laugh:  He wanted that one on the wall.   Oh, and the diploma was a hit - for some reason, everyone seemed amazed that he got a real diploma :huh:



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