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The princess looking perfect after labor -- funny blog post

Janie Grace

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around here they send moms home within 12 hours if the mom wants it. If the 12 hour time is in the middle of the night they will release you after breakfast, but they get you out. But they don't keep you two nights after having a baby.


My mom is a nurse and she always said the less time in the hospital the better, less time to catch something nasty. She insisted she be check out on the same day of her hysterectomy.  She had laproscopic surgery and was out of there ASAP!


I had very, very fast labors and I always felt great when I was done. I mean, think about a long labor, it is grueling and you deserve a long recovery time. But I was in labor for an hour at most with my kids. I was a bit stunned when it was over, but I didn't even have time to break a sweat or anything. My second was a planned homebirth and the midwife's assistant kept asking me if I wanted to take a shower while she sat in the bathroom with me. My hair was still wet from the shower I had taken just before going into labor, lol. 10 hours later, after a meal and a nap and having my hair done, I could have looked passable. 

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My first was born about 2:30 pm, and we were home about 10 pm, so about eight hours. I was feeling really good, and although I'd only had about three hours of sleep the previous night, I had had a shower after the birth and was doing quite well. My others have all been home births, and I always prefer people to come in the first day or so, when the baby is sleeping off the birth, and I am still high on birth hormones. Then I want everyone to go home and leave me alone for the next week, but especially for about days to to four, when my hormones shift, my body can no longer compensate for the lack of sleep very happily, my milk comes in, and the baby wakes up and wants to nurse eight gazillion times. So in that respect, I can see why Kate would have been okay to make a first appearance right then, and then hopefully she is resting at home with her family now and enjoying getting to know her sweet little girl.

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I'll admit to being a bit of a Kate groupie, lol.  A lot of the gossip articles suggest that her mom will be coming to stay with her for a while once they leave Kensington Palace and go back to their country house, and of course they'll still have Prince George's nanny to help out.  If I were Kate, I'd totally want to get the "showing the baby off to the press" ordeal over with and just go home to relax!

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around here they send moms home within 12 hours if the mom wants it. If the 12 hour time is in the middle of the night they will release you after breakfast, but they get you out. But they don't keep you two nights after having a baby.


My mom is a nurse and she always said the less time in the hospital the better, less time to catch something nasty. She insisted she be check out on the same day of her hysterectomy. She had laproscopic surgery and was out of there ASAP!


I had very, very fast labors and I always felt great when I was done. I mean, think about a long labor, it is grueling and you deserve a long recovery time. But I was in labor for an hour at most with my kids. I was a bit stunned when it was over, but I didn't even have time to break a sweat or anything. My second was a planned homebirth and the midwife's assistant kept asking me if I wanted to take a shower while she sat in the bathroom with me. My hair was still wet from the shower I had taken just before going into labor, lol. 10 hours later, after a meal and a nap and having my hair done, I could have looked passable.

I hate you. I have prodromal labor, and my fast one was five hours from first contraction to birth, after having no contractions despite inducing for twelve hours.

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I am curios if anyone knows- why couldn't she stay in the hospital? Is there some kind of rule that she can only spend first night at home?

I think that is pretty standard in the UK and other parts of Europe for a non-complicated birth.


Ha! Or could have something to do with the rates they are being charged for private use of the hospital suite where she gave birth, lol. Only $9650 per night, with consultant fees of about $8800. And she gets a 10% loyalty discount since she is a repeat customer! Again, she can't win...stick around and there probably would have been articles written on how she was leisurely convalescing when she should have just popped the kid out and got out of there to save the cash...and to free up the parking that has been suspended for the last 3 weeks or so:)


I can't imagine living where every single thing my family did was scrutinized so closely, but especially something like giving birth. The 'after' part of pregnancy is misery to me so the thought of sharing that with millions of people, stylists or no, makes me shudderðŸ˜

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One of my all-time favorite photos of myself -- and there aren't many I can actually stand to look at for more than a couple of seconds -- is of me with my daughter right after I had her. I think I look closer to pretty in that photo than in any other one I've ever seen. 


I'm pretty sure that, with a team of professionals on my side and if I were as young and polished and pretty as the duchess is to begin with, I could have pulled off 10 minutes of public appearance a few hours after giving birth.

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I would think security is much easier out of the hospital.

Who likes a hospital?

I worked the day 3 of my kids were born.

After #4 we took her and the other 3 kids to the pool. (I and baby sat in the shade).

I drove home after #5.


Everyone labors differently. I wouldn't want a picture of me actually in transition but after 12 hours I could do ok. If I had a " team" even better. I looked much worse 6 weeks later than the day after.

I agree she just wanted to get the formalities over with and go home to her baby and mom.

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My third I could have done this, but not with one and two. Also, they may do a lot of their own baby care, but cooking and cleaning and laundry...nah. That's a deal I'd take. ;)


I don't think I'd mind having to smile and wave for 3 minutes as much a a having people come to my house and expecting to stay here after I've had a baby. Go away. Leave us alone. It's baby moon time.

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I couldn't even stand up without passing out until 24 hours past delivery. It didn't stop the nurses from trying though. 

I almost passed out right after birth. I'd just done the whole afterbirth thing and they handed me the baby. I remember thinking I feel fuzzy.


I sopke quietly "Could someone take the baby. I'm feeling faint." No one heard me. Much louder "Please take this baby before I drop him!"


My dr looked at me and snatched the baby, passsing him off to someone else...she then lowered the head of the bed which was all I needed.


I bleed very heavily with babies and I also can't imagine wearing a white dress, much less standing upright ten hours after giving birth. I imagine there was a wheelchair right out of sight for the princess.


I totally loved the article.

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Thanks guys.


I'm sorry I've been MIA. Things have been a bit chaotic, and I honestly haven't been much for just hanging out and chatting for a bit.


This writing gig is harder than you'd think, esp one armed, LOL

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