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Transcript of McCain's speech

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He gave a pretty good speech. A lot of it reminded me of the old John McCain.


But, the first thing that jumped out at me was this:



First of all, McCain is not proposing a voucher program like he did in 2000. His idea of school choice in improving NCLB, apparently.



Secondly, McCain is supposedly SO pro-homeschooling. Well, there was the perfect place right there in his speech to say the word, and he didn't do it. Once again political points are more important.


I also do not see how he can talk about fighting for rights for "all" with a straight face. We had quite fun adding "...unless you're gay" to the end of many of his sentences last night.


I don't know how he can stand up there and talk about non-partisan politics when he made the VP choice that he did. If he had chosen Joe Lieberman and made that speech he gave last night, he might have very well been President, I think.


Well, I have to say, I, too, was waiting for the word homeschooling to proceed from his lips. I was disappointed. But it doesn't surprise me. He isn't my original choice for President (I voted for Ron Paul in the primary) because he is a little too much like all the other folks in Washington as far as education is concerned. I really only began to be swayed by him when he chose Sarah Palin for his vp running mate.


I feel like I am having to choose between the lesser of two evils as far as education goes. I know Obama is NOT pro-homeschooling in the least so it really isn't a matter of voting for McCain on this issue as much as against Obama. I'm not a one issue voter by a long stretch, but in spite of what people may say about using the word "scary," Obama truly scares me on the issue of education. I get scared when I feel like my right to homeschool is on the line and with Obama, I truly feel that it will be.

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Well, I have to say, I, too, was waiting for the word homeschooling to proceed from his lips. I was disappointed. But it doesn't surprise me. He isn't my original choice for President (I voted for Ron Paul in the primary) because he is a little too much like all the other folks in Washington as far as education is concerned. I really only began to be swayed by him when he chose Sarah Palin for his vp running mate.


I feel like I am having to choose between the lesser of two evils as far as education goes. I know Obama is NOT pro-homeschooling in the least so it really isn't a matter of voting for McCain on this issue as much as against Obama. I'm not a one issue voter by a long stretch, but in spite of what people may say about using the word "scary," Obama truly scares me on the issue of education. I get scared when I feel like my right to homeschool is on the line and with Obama, I truly feel that it will be.


I don't think he is anti-homeschooling. Now he might wish to pass legislation to "help" homeschoolers and that could be worrisome. But he even made a passing statement in defense of homeschooling in his book.

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I know Obama is NOT pro-homeschooling in the least


That is simply not true. From "Audacity of Hope"


"...none of these policies need discourage families from deciding to keep a parent at home...For some families, that may mean doing without certain material comforts. For others it may mean home schooling. Whatever the case may be, such decisions should be honored."


I think where people are getting confused about this issue is because the NEA backs Obama, but the NEA is a union, and unions traditionally back the Democratic candidate. The NEA did not back Barack in the primary. They supported Hillary Clinton.

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I didn't see it. I expect his delivery wasn't as electric as O's or P's. But wow' date=' the content has me jazzed. I continue to be pleasantly surprised by this man.[/quote']


Thank you for this link! I missed his delivery last night and am very glad I took the time to read this through, in its entirety. All I can say is, "Wow." Apparently, in the words of my mom, he is not a Reagan orator nor does he have the charisma of JFK, BUT....wow. If you happened to have heard his delivery last night - you might find it worthwhile to experience the *content* of his speech, the message alone, through the reading of the manuscript. There were several powerful statements that stood out to me with great impact. By the time he finished sharing his time as a POW, I was teary. Not because of the torture or the experience itself but because of how he related the change that took place *in* him because of that experience. What he had to say made me want to stand up tall and say, "I'm PROUD to be an American!"

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The news story you linked does not exactly put Heart in a very good light, IMO. It's the equivalent of saying, "I don't like you so I am taking my marbles and going home." Pretty childish if you ask me.



Just as I applauded Rosanne Cash for refusing to allow June's "Ring of Fire" to be used in a commercial for hemorrhoid cream, thereby forever associating the two, I applaud any performer who speaks out--via legal means, if necessary--to keep their work from being used in a way that implies tacit endorsement of the product or candidate appropriating it.

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I don't think he is anti-homeschooling. Now he might wish to pass legislation to "help" homeschoolers and that could be worrisome. But he even made a passing statement in defense of homeschooling in his book.


That is simply not true. From "Audacity of Hope"


"...none of these policies need discourage families from deciding to keep a parent at home...For some families, that may mean doing without certain material comforts. For others it may mean home schooling. Whatever the case may be, such decisions should be honored."


I think where people are getting confused about this issue is because the NEA backs Obama, but the NEA is a union, and unions traditionally back the Democratic candidate. The NEA did not back Barack in the primary. They supported Hillary Clinton.


Well, thanks for this info because I just figured he would be anti-homeschooling if the NEA was on his team. I have to say I am truly relieved. Learn something new everyday.:)

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A $7,000 credit would be great, though. :D


Seriously? As a fiscal conservative, that to me is just... I don't want to have more money handed to me, even it all it does is reduce my tax burden just because of the number of children I have.


I'm not even mixed about this, even though it's not a credit. I'm wondering who is going to make up this amount of shortfall? Who is it going to be passed along to? Whose taxes will be raised so I don't have to pay?


I don't understand this one. It's pro-family, sure. But it's anti-individual (IMO). I can't see how it's fair. (I'm willing to be shown, though.)

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Seriously? As a fiscal conservative, that to me is just... I don't want to have more money handed to me, even it all it does is reduce my tax burden just because of the number of children I have.


I'm not even mixed about this, even though it's not a credit. I'm wondering who is going to make up this amount of shortfall? Who is it going to be passed along to? Whose taxes will be raised so I don't have to?


I don't understand this one. It's pro-family, sure. But it's anti-individual (IMO). I can't see how it's fair. (I'm willing to be shown, though.)


That was my first cyncial, "typical politics" thought -- but in his speech about 5 min later... he clearly talked about no longer sending about $700 Billion in foreign aid to countries who don't like/support us :D That would probably go a long way to doubling the child-deduction.


He also mentioned using that $$$ to invest in new engergy technologies, to create new jobs that would stay here.


I'm sure there are more details, but that's all my foggy brain can recall.

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The news story you linked does not exactly put Heart in a very good light, IMO. It's the equivalent of saying, "I don't like you so I am taking my marbles and going home." Pretty childish if you ask me.


If Senator Obama's staff hadn't gotten permission from Misters Brooks and Dunn for playing "Only in America" for their political purposes, I feel they would have had legitimate call to complain. And I would support their right to demand that their own work, their own property, be protected by the laws of this land which includes those pesky "you can't use someone's work for your commercial or political purposes without their permission" clauses.


I think using "Barracuda" was BRILLIANT! I chuckled, enjoying the joke. But it does not mean that conservative artists can be made to give up their rights to support liberal candidates, nor do I think it means that more liberal-minded artists should have to release their rights to their own property for a conservative candidate.


And frankly, a presidential campaign, with a President who is dedicated to preserving national and personal freedoms should be mighty careful about such things. Do I think this was Sen. McCain's fault, personally? No. Someone thought this would be clever (correctly) and didn't think about obtaining permissions, or decided that apologizing would be preferable to asking permission. (I can definitely relate to that!) But making this a habit certainly should be avoided, IMO

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Just as I applauded Rosanne Cash for refusing to allow June's "Ring of Fire" to be used in a commercial for hemorrhoid cream, thereby forever associating the two, I applaud any performer who speaks out--via legal means, if necessary--to keep their work from being used in a way that implies tacit endorsement of the product or candidate appropriating it.


I agree, but...I think the songs are picked for their ability to pump people up and for their content. I suspect that very few people assume that because a song is played in that context (convention events and such) that the performers are endorsing the candidate (unless, of course, it is a live performance:D).

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As a fiscal conservative, that to me is just... I don't want to have more money handed to me, even it all it does is reduce my tax burden just because of the number of children I have.
In theory I agree, but until they stop punishing us with higher taxes for the more money you make....I'll take it. We would probably be bankrupt if it wasn't for that tax credit, actually. And I have very strong feelings about how it's wrong to do. But we are 26, 5 kids, and dh is on a starting salary. The only reason we are able to defer our student loans right now is b/c of our 5th - just puts us under their income limit. In 3 years we have to start paying them back $400 a month, no ifs ands or buts. Obviously I think we should pay them back, but there is no flexibility with them at all. By that point, his income will have risen enough to make it, but our taxes will also go up a lot, and we just get stuck in this vicious cycle of barely making it. We don't go on dates, we don't have cable or cell phones, and we have hospital bills from having the kids that we can't pay. The way the government is set up, they really are hurting the middle class. I didn't even finish college and thankfully have no loans. I can't even imagine how tough it is for families that are paying on 2 loans. Between the price of everything going up and taxes and everything...........................like I said, I'll take that tax credit happily!
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If Senator Obama's staff hadn't gotten permission from Misters Brooks and Dunn for playing "Only in America" for their political purposes, I feel they would have had legitimate call to complain. And I would support their right to demand that their own work, their own property, be protected by the laws of this land which includes those pesky "you can't use someone's work for your commercial or political purposes without their permission" clauses.


I think using "Barracuda" was BRILLIANT! I chuckled, enjoying the joke. But it does not mean that conservative artists can be made to give up their rights to support liberal candidates, nor do I think it means that more liberal-minded artists should have to release their rights to their own property for a conservative candidate.


And frankly, a presidential campaign, with a President who is dedicated to preserving national and personal freedoms should be mighty careful about such things. Do I think this was Sen. McCain's fault, personally? No. Someone thought this would be clever (correctly) and didn't think about obtaining permissions, or decided that apologizing would be preferable to asking permission. (I can definitely relate to that!) But making this a habit certainly should be avoided, IMO


I have to agree with SFP and you on this one. I think ANY organization or business should respect the artist enough to not use their music wthout their permission.

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Yep! Same here. When he spoke about reforming the education system by introducing COMPETITION, and putting educational choice back in the hands of parents and students, I was literally jumping up and down in my living room. *Finally*! Someone who gets it.


A few weeks ago, I was considering not voting at all. But after tonight, McCain is getting my vote.


He will get my vote, too, but I didn't come away with the confidence you did about home schooling. He mentioned public, private, and charter (or some other word), but did not use the home school word. I acknowledged it outloud to my kids, (who were throughly enjoying the speech with me) "What about HOME schools?" but I am hoping the idea of parents choosing is all inclusive in regards to the schooling system of choice.

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I agree, but...I think the songs are picked for their ability to pump people up and for their content. I suspect that very few people assume that because a song is played in that context (convention events and such) that the performers are endorsing the candidate (unless, of course, it is a live performance:D).



I agree. I didn't really think that Heart was endorsing anyone, I just thought it was funny that the song was being played.

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Seriously? As a fiscal conservative, that to me is just... I don't want to have more money handed to me, even it all it does is reduce my tax burden just because of the number of children I have.


No, not seriously. I was being facetious. Sure a $7,000 credit would be great, but I wasn't suggesting that it would be fair, just, realistic, responsible, or in any other way a good idea. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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If Senator Obama's staff hadn't gotten permission from Misters Brooks and Dunn for playing "Only in America" for their political purposes, I feel they would have had legitimate call to complain. And I would support their right to demand that their own work, their own property, be protected by the laws of this land which includes those pesky "you can't use someone's work for your commercial or political purposes without their permission" clauses.


I think using "Barracuda" was BRILLIANT! I chuckled, enjoying the joke. But it does not mean that conservative artists can be made to give up their rights to support liberal candidates, nor do I think it means that more liberal-minded artists should have to release their rights to their own property for a conservative candidate.


And frankly, a presidential campaign, with a President who is dedicated to preserving national and personal freedoms should be mighty careful about such things. Do I think this was Sen. McCain's fault, personally? No. Someone thought this would be clever (correctly) and didn't think about obtaining permissions, or decided that apologizing would be preferable to asking permission. (I can definitely relate to that!) But making this a habit certainly should be avoided, IMO



I don't know the law on this, but it may be that they did not break any laws or infringe any copyright by playing it.


If you're going to play music in a public place, you have to pay a fee to ASCAP and/or BMI to do so. This is a blanket fee, and is done so that public places can play copyrighted music without having to get written permission for each and every work. At least, this is how it used to be. I used to look for the ASCAP/BMI stickers outside of stores.


So I *think* that if you have paid the appropriate licensing fees, you are licensed to play whatever you want.


The artist can, of course, request that you do not. I'm of two minds about Heart. One, it does make them sound petty. But on the other hand, they may support Senator Obama, and may fear that use of their music implies their support.


I think it would be ridiculous if we had to check on the party affiliation of artists before using their duly licensed music. The artist can always issue a statement to clarify whether that party has their support, or not. It's silly to think that their music can be used only if they're paid AND in ideological sympathy. That said ... if I were running the convention and the campaign, I would certainly check with the artist first out of courtesy, and to avoid a potentially embarrassing incident like this.

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I don't know the law on this, but it may be that they did not break any laws or infringe any copyright by playing it.


If you're going to play music in a public place, you have to pay a fee to ASCAP and/or BMI to do so. This is a blanket fee, and is done so that public places can play copyrighted music without having to get written permission for each and every work. At least, this is how it used to be. I used to look for the ASCAP/BMI stickers outside of stores.


So I *think* that if you have paid the appropriate licensing fees, you are licensed to play whatever you want.



Thanks for the heads up on this. :001_smile:

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I think it would be ridiculous if we had to check on the party affiliation of artists before using their duly licensed music. The artist can always issue a statement to clarify whether that party has their support, or not. It's silly to think that their music can be used only if they're paid AND in ideological sympathy. That said ... if I were running the convention and the campaign, I would certainly check with the artist first out of courtesy, and to avoid a potentially embarrassing incident like this.


Here's a Slate article published today on the licensing necessary for a song to be performed at a campaign event--it talks about Heart.


Here's another article on Jackson Browne's suit against McCain and the RNC for using "Running on Empty" in a political ad--the suit alleges a violation of "the United States Lanham Act by falsely suggesting that Mr. Browne is associated with and endorses Senator McCain's candidacy. The suit also alleges that the use of Mr. Browne's voice in the commercial violates Mr. Browne's right of publicity under California law. The suit seeks a permanent injunction prohibiting the use of Running On Empty and any other Jackson Browne composition, as well as damages."


McCain has also used the theme from "Rocky," a Frankie Valli song, and footage of "Wayne's World" without obtaining permission. He did stop short of using music by ABBA, his favorite group, though.


The irony of all this? John McCain's own website promises "John McCain Will Pursue Protection Of Intellectual Property Around The Globe"

and "John McCain Will Protect The Creative Industries From Piracy."

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