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Is this standard? PSEO gpa not carrying over?


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I guess my mistake was assuming that dd's GPA from her PSEO classes would carry over to her college GPA.  I found out that, at her school, her GPa is wiped clean when they start as college freshmen.  Her credits count, but not the weight of her grades.  



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For my daughter as well, they were counted as transfer courses -- they fulfilled requirements, but the grade was not brought over.


I don't know if that would have been different if she'd gone on to a degree program at the same college as she did PSEO.


My dd isn't going to college at the same place as PSEO, but I was wondering the same thing.  It wouldn't have swayed her college decision, so it doesn't really matter.  I was just surprised about it.  

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GPA  did not transfer for me.


Which was a problem when I graduated, since to get honors they looked at previous 4 semesters, and I had only done 3 semesters there (last semester was not counted). They would not consider DE gpa, 

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I don't know what PSEO, but my daughter says her Ga Tech DE classes will not be counted in her Tech GPA if she matriculates at Tech.  As someone else described it, her slate is wiped clean.  And that is a shame, because she has a great GPA in some really hard classes.

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Not a total loss, though, as a high GPA, even if it doesn't count into the transfer school's GPA, DOES help towards admissions, schoolships at the transfer school, and possibility of honors program or other opportunities that require a GPA -- so it will still help in all those ways, even if not counting towards the final degree GPA. :)


Our DS transferred with an extremely high GPA which earned him a top scholarship at the new school. It also got him into the honors program. And the new school accepted loads of his credits from the first school, so he only needs 4 semesters at the new school to earn his BA. So he still benefitted, even though the grades from his first school don't show up on his current school's transcript. :)

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At my ds's school, he has 2 GPAs. One is an institutional GPA (the school which will be the degree granting school) and a cumulative, the GPA which includes all of his transfer courses. His scholarships are dependent strictly on the institutional GPA, but his transcripts show both.

This is how DD's is as well.

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Dd took several classes from W&M while in high school and then she enrolled as a freshman. Her current transcript lists ALL the classes and the high school grades are included in her current GPA.


My older kids also took classes at W&M in high school, and while the credits transferred to their college the grades did not count towards their GPA.

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