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DS not ready for pre algebra.... looking for a review year...

Michelle T

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DS is definitely not ready to move on to pre algebra. He is 12, but behind in math.


I'd love to find a good curriculum that goes over all the basic mathematics for a year, sort of a refresher before moving on to pre algebra. Is there anything out there like this?

Michelle T


A lot of Singapore 6 is review. He might also like to segue into Mathematics, A Human Endeavor by Jacobs.

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I purchased TT Pre-Algebra for my 12yo ds thinking that the first half/review portion would be enough to catch him up to speed. After looking through it, though, I decided to have him do TT7 first. We will accelerate through at least the first half, but I felt like it covered those areas that he needed to solidify. This is only our first week using it, but it has been a good fit so far.

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Wow, Michelle T asked the exact same question I had today....only my girls just turned 11. I'm finding their little minds are flooded with TMI right now, 2/3 of the way to the end of Saxon 76. They can do the work, but I have to sit there through nearly every problem, reminding them how to work it. I really think we just need to stop and do a lot of review for a long while. I just bought BCM and was hoping it would be what we needed. I'm glad to see you recommend it as I have debated back and forth all day about what to do next. When we do finish BCM, we will just continue on through the other Lial books, so I thought it would be perfect.

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I agree with using either TT 7 or prealgebra - I choose to sue the prealgebra after doing TT6. So far it is working out fine - far more review of basic math than algebra, which is what dd needs, too, right now.


I think the major difference is TT7 is presented like TT6, TT5 - animated cartoonish stuff ont he 'puter cd, and it corrects the kid's work as she/he goes along. TT prealgebra does not have this. I have to correct the work, done on paper. If the kid messes up too much, she can watch a solutions cd to see the problems worked out. There is also a lecture cd but dd prefers for now to just read the same material in the book, since it isn't all animated/cartoonish as TT6 was.

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I'm confused. I thought "basic review of math skills" was pre-algebra.


Lial's BCM has been recommended here many times as a great pre-algebra book. Now, I see it recommended as a basic review of math before pre-algebra.


Does anyone have a list of skills dc should have mastered before pre-algebra and a list of skills dc should have mastered before algebra? (I'm thinking Foerster's for algebra and I don't think he has a pre-algebra.)

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I'm confused. I thought "basic review of math skills" was pre-algebra.


Lial's BCM has been recommended here many times as a great pre-algebra book. Now, I see it recommended as a basic review of math before pre-algebra.


Does anyone have a list of skills dc should have mastered before pre-algebra and a list of skills dc should have mastered before algebra? (I'm thinking Foerster's for algebra and I don't think he has a pre-algebra.)



I think most of a pre-algebra course is review of basic math. We did Lial's BCM for pre-algebra, now we are doing Video Text Algebra and the first section is considered pre-algebra. We are on lesson 17 and so far it has all been review of basic math. So my recomendation would be don't hold your child back for another year, just do a good pre-algebra program and you should get plenty of review of basic math.

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I'm confused. I thought "basic review of math skills" was pre-algebra.


Lial's BCM has been recommended here many times as a great pre-algebra book. Now, I see it recommended as a basic review of math before pre-algebra.




We used Lial's BCM and I would say it IS pre-algebra. I wouldn't use it and THEN a pre-algebra course. In fact, I would use it after TT Pre-Algebra.


We dropped Lial's BCM because it seemed to "college-ish" for dd10. Instead we used TT Pre-Algebra and that was a much better fit.



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A good Pre-Algebra program will not have much 'Algebra' in it at all...


It will go 'one more time' through the basic facts.


It will also start combining concepts in multi-step problems.


The students will start using their basic fact knowledge as a tool for problem solving (means to an end)


A good Pre-Algebra program will look much like your basic 6th, 7th, or 8th grade math text.


I prefer Lial's BCM because it teaches/reteaches the whole concept while more traditional 'Pre-Algebra' texts rely on prior mastery.


Lial's Basic College Math will prepare a student for ANY Algebra 1 program. Lial, Foerster, and Larson (Chalkdust) are 3 good programs that are based on the SAME set of standards...so BCM will feed directly into Foerster's Algebra 1 or Chalkdust's Algebra 1...


I think BCM works best for Pre-Algebra students who are at least 12yrs old--the younger set may need a more 'simple' set of instructions and a slightly slower pace.

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