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What do you get your parents for Christmas?

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This year we had all of our family Super 8 films put on DVD. I also took all the pictures from my mom's and dad's house of my siblings growing up. I scanned them and put them in an album on Snapfish. Everyone will get one of those too. (This took an incredibly long time!!!!)


One year we did one of those wine every month clubs. That was greatly appreciated!!! They have all sorts of those clubs and wouldn't cost anything to ship.

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Last year I made a family and friends scrapbook/yearbook in photoshop and published it in Lulu.com. I only used pictures from 2007. I ordered copies for my parents, sisters, aunts and uncles and some friends who were in it as Christmas gifts. I will do another one this year. It is time intensive, and I decided that other than separating the pictures I want to use, there is not much that I can do before October or so. That reminds me, I need to start getting ready. The parents loved it.

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Dh and I usually send a magazine subscription. We have been renewing The Week for several years now, they love it! We actually get it too! I highly rec. it.:)



Yes! It is THE favorite magazine in the house. Everyone fights over it and it's always a search of bedrooms and bathrooms to find it.


Our parents love it also and are very happy with the subscription.



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Usually it has something to do with the grandkids...either a picture they have drawn and we have it framed. My mom loves antiques and she collects the pictures with thermometers in them. My dad is not into material things at all...so notes, pictures mean alot to him. One year, I managed to get a cornerstone rock to the fireplace at his grandfather's homeplace and give it to him. Those are the kind of gifts money can't buy. Priceless!!!

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Everyone in our family and everyone in my sister's family gets one page of a scrapbook. We include pictures form the year just finished and a letter -- this could be a story form the past year, a do-you-remember story, or a picture drawn by the kids. I scrapbook them and mail them the pages. We've done this for six years now, and my parents love it! It's the only gift I've ever seen them fight over, to see who could get the first peek at the new pages...:001_smile:


Both my sister and I live far away (NC and TX, while my parents live in Maine), so this gift means a lot to them.

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I order gifts online and have them shipped.


I give either gift certificates or something I know the recipient wants or needs. For instance, I gave my sister a gift certificate to Lowe's one year because she is always working on her house. Another year, I gave her a gift certificate to Hobby Lobby because I figured she needed a break from working on her house and I knew she didn't have extra money to spend on hobbies.


My mother is German, so I give her items from a German store that is online - and located in the U.S. Usually these are foods she loves, with an emphasis on Christmas foods.


My stepmother is hard to buy for because she has no interests. I usually get her Godiva chocolates or a gift certificate to The Cheesecake Factory. One year we gave her a cappuccino machine.


My father was hard to buy for. I usually gave him jumbo cashews from Sunnyland Farms and a wheel of Vermont cheddar.


I have also given plenty of nice picture frames to people who are hard to buy for.


My sister gives magazine subscriptions to us quite a bit.


The adults on our list do not like clutter (except for one who collects Precious Moments figurines), so I try to give them something they can use up or that would be useful to them, and I make sure it is something they would like.



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My parents Do Not Want More Stuff and have been very explicit about this for years. So, recent gifts have included:


- framed pictures of all of us on a horseback ride (including my parents -- the only time my mom has been on a horse!) plus small albums of all the pics for all my siblings


- handknit socks


- Heifer donations


My brother gets them DVDs of classic movies, which is really cool because we all enjoy watching them when we visit.


Also, food is usually okay, especially homemade. One year the kids made granola -- Mom and Dad loved it.


My inlaws are a lot more dicey. We've been going with Heifer donations, but I think we need to come up with something different this year. I'm sort of hoping the world when end between now and Christmas so I don't have to deal with this. Ick.

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In dh's family, the adults draw names, so we don't necessarily get his parents presents based on that. And, his whole family is really good about making wish lists, so shopping is easy.


My family, otoh, is so hard to buy for. I have a hard time every year trying to figure out what to get for my parents. Last year, we gave them a newspaper subscription. Dh (for years) has wanted to get them cable tv serivce (lol -- so he has more options when he's watching tv over there), but that's not really of interest to my mom.


I've also given things such as:

Games Magazine subscriptions (my parents like puzzles)

Jigsaw puzzles

Tickets to a show (many times, I've taken my mom to see Stars on Ice & other shows like that)

Restaurant gift certificates

Lamp or specific piece of furniture they want

Boring but practical gifts like smoke detectors, CO2 detectors, flashlights for throughout the house, etc...


I don't have to ship gifts (parents are all local), but for other gifts I ship, I've started ordering online & having the gift wrapped & sent from the retailer. Between gas prices & postal rates these days, paying for the gift wrapping & shipping from the retailer is as cheap as doing it all myself.

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Mum lives on the other side of the country and will be receiving a book on mini quilts. She'll never use it, but she'll like it anyway, being a craft lover. I bought it while out roadtripping with my brother the other weekend, so I'll have to post it. Dad will probably show up here at some point, and will receive a medieval hat, which dh will make. He wouldn't like it at all if I made it, but if dh makes it he'll think it's funny and wear it around for the day. Then he'll leave it under the seat in the car for the next umpteen years. :) We'll also give him a tub of ice-cream, a new brand (for us anyway,) coconut and lime flavoured. This will go down very happily indeed, because ice-cream is one of Dad's favorite things. His only complaint will be that the tub isn't bigger. But Dad must say something negative about everything, and that is not unreasonable :)


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