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AppleSeeds now is ASK magazine


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I liked it when Dig and Calliope were separate as well.  DD is getting Ask and I signed DS up for National Geographic, which he really enjoys. Once she's old enough for Nat Geo I'll ask the grandparents to stop Ask as well and we'll be all Nat Geo, all the time.

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They did the same with DIG and Calliope. We had been getting both, so we ended up getting a partial refund. I liked it better when they were separate because there was that much more content.


Yeah, Calliope looked more appealing than DIG, but I noticed before I subscribed to anything that they'd discontinued Calliope (and I figured it was because of the overlap with DIG). My kids aren't quite old enough for Calliope/DIG yet though (oldest is 7.5yo). I did subscribe to Muse myself, so we can all sit down with a magazine (I subscribed youngest to Click), plus that way we can have a little stack of Muses to judge when oldest is getting into that level of reading (at which point I'll ask him which of their magazines for 9-14yos he's most interested in).


I really wish there was some weekly magazine for kids. When I was a kid, there was the weekly Donald Duck, which had a good number of pages and practically no ads. It still exists, but it's in Dutch, and would cost 200-something euros for a year subscription, because mailing a magazine across the Atlantic every week is not cheap. My mom has bound some old ones into books though, and will bring those over when the kids are older and getting better at Dutch (my oldest is old enough for Donald Duck, but not in Dutch). I talked her into bringing me some copies of a Dutch kindergarten magazine and a Dutch 1st grade magazine to help the kids practice Dutch, so I should be getting those on Sunday when she comes to visit for late spring break. Woohoo! I know the magazine industry has been suffering due to the internet, but still... younger kids have little patience to wait a month for the next copy of a magazine.

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I did all of the Carus magazines for ds's age group last year plus Ranger Rick, which was getting a bit spendy (almost $100 a year), so we were going to cut back this year anyway.


I also subscribed to National Geographic Kids but it was so full of ads that it went straight from the mailbox to the recycle bin.


Humpty Dumpty was a total bust--not anything like the Children's Digest and Jack and Jill I remember fondly from my own childhood.


I greatly prefer paper magazines to digital.



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We get National Geographic and Smithsonian, and DD is moving into those, but still enjoys Dig/Calliope (as do I). We'll probably discontinue it when this subscription ends, though.


I should look into Smithsonian. We had Scientific American for a while but nobody seemed to care when I let the subscription lapse. 

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I wish Dig and Calliope were still separate too. My kids like the Dig articles much better.


In general, I wish there was something in between that level of magazine and National Geographic though. My kids need whatever's in between those.

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We subscribed to DIG and our first issue was the combined instead. We do enjoy it though.

I haven't looked at our latest ASK. I don't understand the logic of combining those two at all. 


In reply to a couple of things on this thread:

There are no  ads in these magazines, and I like that.


Scholastic News is, I think, biweekly during the school year. We get several of their publications. They are very affordable, and the boys enjoy them. They aren't like the ASK magazines in length (or cost..). They remind me of Weekly Reader that I had growing up.



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Didn't know that. We read the library copies because the current issue cannot be loaned out so we always have access to the current issues.


I would do that, except the library doesn't have them. They do have Cricket, Spider, Ladybug, and I think Babybug though. Here you can check out the most recent issue, but whenever I looked they had them right there.


My 2nd grader brings Scholastic News home from school. It's basically 2 sheets of letter-sized paper printed double-sided... not what I'd consider a 'magazine'. Not sure what I'd call it.

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My 2nd grader brings Scholastic News home from school. It's basically 2 sheets of letter-sized paper printed double-sided... not what I'd consider a 'magazine'. Not sure what I'd call it.

 I get 5th/6th grade, but it is 8 pages. The one I am looking at right now has 6 articles (4 longer, 2 short) and a debate section (plus a page of questions) in magazine form. I really can't imagine that their younger set varies that much in quality. Some of their (cheap, like $1) side publications are smaller, I wonder if he's bringing home one of those vs. Scholastic News. Surely the school isn't copying select articles to send home with kids. Oh well. My kids really enjoy them.


I just looked  at our most recent ASK. I'm disappointed. I liked it as a science magazine. I may have to switch my subscription.


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  • 3 months later...

My 2nd grader brings Scholastic News home from school. It's basically 2 sheets of letter-sized paper printed double-sided... not what I'd consider a 'magazine'. Not sure what I'd call it.



 I get 5th/6th grade, but it is 8 pages. The one I am looking at right now has 6 articles (4 longer, 2 short) and a debate section (plus a page of questions) in magazine form. I really can't imagine that their younger set varies that much in quality. Some of their (cheap, like $1) side publications are smaller, I wonder if he's bringing home one of those vs. Scholastic News. Surely the school isn't copying select articles to send home with kids. Oh well. My kids really enjoy them.




This is just RE the Scholastic News: there is an enormous change in the length and quality as you move toward older grades.  I found the kindergarten ones worthless for WTMer purposes.  I think I'd tend to treat the 2nd grade one as a read-aloud for a Ker or a 1st, and for a second grader, use the 4th or maybe 3rd grade one.


This thread gives some Logic Stage news sources, and mentions Newsademic which might be a good option for some. 

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I wish Dig and Calliope were still separate too. My kids like the Dig articles much better.


In general, I wish there was something in between that level of magazine and National Geographic though. My kids need whatever's in between those.



They also combined Odyssey and Muse according to the issue we received earlier this week.


These are the two we get, and I was so annoyed by the combination.  I've been looking at those magazines for years, carefully chose which ones to get, and then shortly after I started subscriptions, they changed.  Grrrr.  I was not going to renew, but my kids still like them, so I guess I will.

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