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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Okay, here we go again:


-Make croissants, salads, and bread.

-Do school subjects with dd1.

-Do reading cuddle with dd2.

-Deliver food to dh's work before lunch.

-Clean bathrooms.

-Pick up and sweep floors of 2nd half of downstairs not completed today.

-Get to afternoon play date with new friends on time.

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The usual:


--exercise at the gym w dh

--school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG

--daily things

--Thursday-specific tasks

--more research

--cook white beans for fake hummus

--make hummus, pitas, tabbouleh, kefta for dinner

--dh Chinese 5:15-7, dd ballet 5:30-7

--read :D

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Good morning! 



breakfast and lunch for dh and saw him off 

fed cats


To Do:


update checking account/pay bills



deep clean main areas

take dd to last practice before performances start tomorrow night 


***Dd could use prayer! She's been so upset about this performance. It's Annie Get Your Gun, and when she went into the auditions, a former director told her she was so glad she was there because she'd be perfect for the part of Annie and no one else seemed so. She got her hopes up. Well, the 50 year old director cast herself as Annie and cast an older Frank. Dd wouldn't have a problem with it if this lady was perfect for the part, but she isn't. The director has done a terrible job with the actual directing, and dd says it's not going well at all. This was supposed to be her big Senior year musical, and she feels robbed of the last chance to be the lead because of a lady in some self-absorbed, mid-life crisis. This is a small theater, but she's never experienced this kind of thing there ever. If you would say a prayer for her, I would greatly appreciate it, and so would she! 


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I hope everyone has a good day today despite a bad start for some.


Myself, I'm a new woman, don't ask me why.  I'm a little scared to open up my work email and see all the nastygrams of impatient clients, but at least I feel good enough to do some work today.  Yay!


We have two fixit people coming today, to look at our HVAC situation and to talk about building out over our garage.  So I needed to make my room presentable, ha!


Today's list:

  • Get kids up & out, including correcting homework, breakfast & lunches.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen and some clutter.  [done]
  • Straighten my bedroom / home office.  [done]
  • Work until 5:45pm.  [done]
  • Work breaks for:
    • Fixit guys  [done]
    • A little exercise  [done]
    • A little reading  [done]
    • Call 4H  [nope]
  • Get kids busy with homework, piano around 4pm.  [homework yes, piano no]
  • Plant those darn trees I keep talking about.  [done]
  • Family TKD.  [done]
  • Dinner.  [done]
  • Read-aloud.  [done]
  • Get kids' clothes and bags ready for Friday.  [oops, not done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Order niece's birthday present.  [nope]
  • Work from 10-midnight.  [define "work."]


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Good morning! Cool and rainy here, but no snow. I woke up to a leaking kitchen faucet. I turned off the water and will think about it after my coffee. The only thing on my schedule is picking up dd1 from her class (ds1 needs the car now).


To do:

School for all


Work on ds3's room

Make list of things needed for meet and houseguest over break

Fix faucet

Quilt if time


PM practice ( will send the kids tonight- all at the same pool)

Judo pickup


Have a great day!

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:seeya: Good Morning Everyone I missed you guys!  :D


Jean...hope you got some rest and can get in a power nap today!  :grouphug:


Amy....that absolutely stinks for your dd.   :grouphug:


Jen...water leaks are the worst.  Drink lots of coffee! 


Me...I got my love cup all filled up...I got tons of hugs and kisses from the little cherubs.   They were totally surprised to see us and jumped right in our arms. Even little Amiyah came right to me.  We had a blast and it was so good to see dd as well.  She's small for being 25 weeks but little Elijah is growing strong and healthy.  I forgot the camera when we left but they're getting new pictures done the first weekend in April so I'll share those when they come in. 



  • Hit Costco,  WM and Ollies Done
  • fix a new care package to mail to the kids --color books, goodies and new outfit for each one. Done
  • cook a delicious dinner 
  • pick up something fun for Sophia--she missed her Nana and Papa while we were away. Done
  • tidy the house
  • do some laundry

Hope you all have a great day!  :D

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DH is back to work today. ( ! Lol)


Done with breakfast phonics/reading with DS. He is waiting patiently for me to do math while DD is entertained elsewhere.


On the list today:

Wash bedding

Plant fruit trees

Take kiddos fishing

Gather stuff from work. One more day on Friday and I'm done with this job until June.

Play outside

Make something yummy for supper. But don't know what yet.


Be back later.

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Have a client who is freaking out because her new boss (elected politician) is demanding 3.5yrs of documents for 13 entities RIGHT NOW.  And she doesn't have them, because she mailed them to me over the years.  Luckily I already had most of them scanned and compiled into neat pdf's, but some of them still need to be scanned and I cannot send them RIGHT NOW THIS SECOND.  Especially since the contractor dude is downstairs where I have to go to use the scanner.  Ugh....


And I am wondering what all deadlines I am forgetting.  I know I have a lot of annual, quarterly, and monthly deadlines coming up before 3/31.  I hope my brain doesn't fail me.

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Good afternoon all! We've been busy all morning with pet sitting and school. Right now I'm trying to get my 2 year old to nap so I can finish school and get the kitchen clean. We're skipping kung fu today because I don't know if my nephew will be gone by then. Instead of kung fu I'll make sure I get my workout in.


- clean kitchen

- finish school

- laundry stuff

- quick clean my room

- quick clean downstairs

- pet sit one more time

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Okay, here we go again:


-Make croissants, salads, and bread.

-Do school subjects with dd1.

-Do reading cuddle with dd2.

-Deliver food to dh's work before lunch.

-Clean bathrooms.

-Pick up and sweep floors of 2nd half of downstairs not completed today.

-Get to afternoon play date with new friends on time.

The baby woke up with a fever, so I'm going to have to call and cancel our play date today. I am so disappointed! This will be the third time we've canceled, and I really want to make friends with this mom. She is the only other homeschooler from our church, and has kids the same age as mine plus a little older, so she has more experience with homeschooling than I do, and she just seems so nice! I've been so lonely the last 5 months since we moved here.


Okay, whine over. On the upside, the croissants turned out awesome.

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Well, I finally sent my last email (for now) to the Client with the Big Emergency.  Unfortunately there were two documents I could not locate, so I had to request some bankers to help me out.  So far one of them has come through.


Unfortunately I got almost nothing else done today, so far.  I have one more hour.

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Praying for snow tomorrow so my nephew doesn't come! I'm really fed up with him being here and am ready for the school year to be done. He is a bad influence on my son and I can't take it anymore. If I could end it now I would but my sister has too much on her plate to put that on her as well. Vent over!


Got my workout in woohoo! Room gotcleaned! Dinner is done! I have to pet sit and feed the kids before I can put them to bed and finish the little bit I have left to do

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Ahhhhhhhhhhh :)


--exercise at the gym w dh

--school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG

--daily things

--Thursday-specific tasks

--more research

--cook white beans for fake hummus

--make hummus, pitas, tabbouleh, kefta for dinner

--dh Chinese 5:15-7, dd ballet 5:30-7

--read :D

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Checking in late today.  Drove my mom to dr. appointment downtown.  Nice doctor, good drive in spite of rush hour.  

Did marketing and banking for my mom while she got her hair cut.

Took mom to lunch before all of her pain meds wore off...(skin biopsies)


Dd and I stopped by the college's farm store on the way home.  Bought a huge bag of oranges and some heirloom tomato plants. 

Took some pictures of the most adorable mini horses in the pasture.  

The orange blossoms smelled amazing.  It was hard to leave!

It took us forever to get home...so ready to move away from this traffic.  


Did a quick clean of the downstairs.

Need to check out book at library, if it's still available.

Contemplate the Weight Watchers online program, because this low-carb is not working for me.  Only 3 lbs. lost in four weeks.  

Download book to Kindle, read and relax with a glass of wine


Have a great night, all!



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That much snow?




Not wanting to see that tomorrow!

Well they're in landenberg and always get a bit more than use plus the roads are always worse because they are all narrow back roads. So my bil usually does work from home and teaches my nephew too.

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I got a big pile of work done today.  Made a dent in the backlog, so that is good.  Still a ton more to do, including stuff I am supposed to have done before morning, but I need to go to bed.


Today we pretty much planned out the house improvement we are going to do.  My girls share a very small bedroom, and while it's cute and cozy and all that, it isn't sustainable for growing tweens.  So we are planning to build each of them a room and convert their room (which is on the 1st floor) into an office or something.


Went to TKD and I was a little lightheaded, so I begged off the sparring part.  I told the teacher I'd been in the ER yesterday so he gave me a break.  :P  Despite being a bit weak, I felt better today than I've felt in recent memory.


And now tonight I am doing some sort of email change-over.  I'm not sure I quite understand it and I hope I don't screw it up.


Talk to ya tomorrow.

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