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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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DS 19 is home for 2 days :hurray: .


normal morning routine of milking cow and processing twins.


 spent the whole day coaxing ds11 through the bare minimum schoolwork... it is more painful than pulling teeth...... To get me through I consumed way too much chocolate


vacuumed house


3 loads of laundry washed, hung and mostly brought in


refereed U19 boys basketball - I dislike refereeing- I am not a sport person. I do not watch sport, I do not play sport. What am I doing refereeing it.




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Good morning!


I need to take dd to shop for a strapless bra today, so what we get done will depend on how long that takes. She needs one for a formal dress in her performance.



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats


To Do:

breakfast for everyone




laundry (never got to any the last 2 days)

drop off/pick up dd (library)



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Good morning :)


My day looks like this:

--meet w gym trainer at 11

--school w dd: math, chem, APHG

--daily things

--Wednesday-specific tasks

--continue looking for new articles for APHG

--look for additional APHG review materials

--grocery shopping

--dd ballet 6-8

--buy seeds??

--read :D

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Good morning

- tidy house- round 1 done

- transfer $- done

- get $- done

- lunch at dd1's school (remember to bring her shoes)- done

- get groceries- done

- get dd1 from school- done

- dishes

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- baths

- bedtime routine

- try to gather more items for burned out family (we are focusing on the 15 yr old, she's one of our goddaughters and I babysat her for her first 5 years of life)- got it started

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Praise the Lord! The AC problem was only a part which had gone bad. $164! I was afraid it would be a much bigger bill. He said units last about 15 years, and we'll be in the house 11 years this summer. Hopefully this one will survive until dd is done with college.



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Hi guys.  I am stressed out.  Need to call the HMO and see what they say about my old lady troubles.  Don't want to be away when my kids come home from school.  I should have made the call earlier, but I went back to bed after sending them off to school.  Woke up when my chiro appointment was supposed to start, so I cancelled that.  (I probably would have cancelled that anyway.)  Should I make a doctor appointment for tomorrow or today?  I'm thinking tomorrow, so I can get some work done today.  Now I hope I don't have any meetings tomorrow that somehow missed being on my calendar.


So I guess I will make a list for today:

  • Get kids up & out, including lunches.  [done]
  • Take out the garbage.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, some clutter.  [done]
  • Cancel chiro appointment.  [done]
  • Call HMO.  [done]
  • Call 4H.  [nope]
  • Work until about 6:30pm.  [nope]
  • Get the kids started on their homework, piano, scout stuff....  [they did their homework]
  • Dinner - probably order delivery.  [done]
  • Read-aloud during dinner.  [nope]
  • Kids' baths.  [done]
  • Get kids' clothes and bags ready for Thursday.  [done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Order birthday gift for niece.
  • Work from 10-midnight.


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Oh crap, they say I need to be seen today.  Now I have to decide - emergency room or doctor visit - the doc visit is farther away, but I'm guessing it will go faster, but then again, will they just send me to emergency anyway....  what would they do anyway ... maybe I should ask the Hive about this, even though it's TMI stuff...


My kids get home from school a little before 4pm, my appointment is at 2:50.


Not liking this.

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Good afternoon all! I've been out all morning pet sitting, dropping kids off, getting to my 6 week appointment, and hanging out with my friend who watched the kids. Now all I want to do is stay in for the rest of the day but I have to venture out this evening to pet sit more. Still to do


- make chicken broth ( in the process)

- fold and put away laundry

- kids clean their room

- pet sit

- feed kids dinner before we head out to pet sit

- quick clean down stairs

- soak beans for tomorrow's dinner

- plan the rest of the school week since I have no idea what we're supposed to be doing

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It felt amazing to workout! I've got a hard road ahead of me with getting back to my normal 140 but I started that journey today. 3 pregnancies in 3 years messed me up and I'm the heaviest I've ever been. Its weird admitting I have 70 lbs to lose since I don't feel that heavy.


I told my kids if they motivate to reach my goal I'll give them 100 dollars. Then my oldest made a motivate mom chart and now there are 6 different rewards for them for 6 different progress markers of mine.

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oK - sort of feeling better today.  But I'm tentative.  I'm still trying not to talk.  


Got a couple of loads of laundry folded and put away - some with dd's help

Ds put another load of laundry in the washer for me.

Dh is mowing the lawn.  :)

Dd has planned a simple supper.  We'll quick pop over to the grocery store soon.

We all got school done.


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hj, as someone who has seen you in person, you do NOT look like you have 70 lb to lose!

Thanks! It's so funny because that's what people say and that's how I feel but the numbers are what they are. I don't actually care about the numbers though. I care about how I feel. I feel best between 140 and 150. When I was 135 I felt awful. When I was 160 I felt OK but still needed more energy. Anywhere above 170 and I start feeling achy joints and low energy. So between 140 and 150 is where I'm aiming to be at consistently.

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Not much got done this afternoon.  Waited 2 1/2 hours to see doctor.  I finished Stephen King's Dr. Sleep while I was waiting, if that gives you any idea how long that was.  Just got home after driving an hour in traffic.  Dh is going to pick up chicken for dinner.  Yeah!  

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I am seriously going crazy at not being able to talk (very much).  I usually call my sister or a friend when I need motivation to get through chores when I'm tired and achy and I can't do that!  Arrrgh!


OK - I am going to empty the top of the dishwasher and will then come back here:  DONE (earned short rest)


empty the bottom of the dishwasher and come back here:  DONE (earned a short rest)


Load the dishwasher and come back here:  DONE and started the dishwasher (earned a short rest)

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Well, another day went by without me getting much work done.  I did get one mini-crisis out of the way.  But I slept a few hours, laid around at the ER and then at home, and now I am still tired and will probably call it a day soon.


Of course I cannot tell my clients why I am not turning their stuff around as fast as they expect.  All I can do is hope tomorrow is a better day.


I did take care of most of my mom things and my house things.  So that's something, I guess.

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I accomplished something major today. I checked something off of my 'bucket list'. Back in November, for my birthday, Dh surprised me with concert tickets to my all time favorite singer. Seriously, I've loved her since high school. I honestly never thought I'd get to see her live. Not only did he get tickets, he turned the event into a two day get away for just the two of us. Something we haven't ever done. Left the kids with my mom and had a wonderful, relaxing vacation with DH. â¤ï¸

-Leisurely breakfast with just dh-check

-Walked around downtown in gorgeous weather, holding hands with the love of my life-check

-Slept an entire night without being woken up by a kid-check

-Got a massage, facial, and some new 'trendy' clothes to wear to the concert-check

-Felt pretty for the first time in...well, forever-check

-Danced in the aisles and belted out my favorite songs with wild abandon-CHECK!

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