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Well, bad news, dad's eye can't be saved. The doctor said the nerve was "shot". Dad wants it removed completely because of the pain, and the doctor thought that would be best to keep infection from developing. So we will continue with the big university specialist on Wednesday and see what their plan is.


Again I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and hugs.


:grouphug:  to everyone.


:grouphug:   Dawn, I'm so sorry. 


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Well, bad news, dad's eye can't be saved. The doctor said the nerve was "shot". Dad wants it removed completely because of the pain, and the doctor thought that would be best to keep infection from developing. So we will continue with the big university specialist on Wednesday and see what their plan is.


Again I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and hugs.


:grouphug:  to everyone.


Oh, no. So sorry.

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Well, bad news, dad's eye can't be saved. The doctor said the nerve was "shot". Dad wants it removed completely because of the pain, and the doctor thought that would be best to keep infection from developing. So we will continue with the big university specialist on Wednesday and see what their plan is.


Again I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and hugs.


:grouphug:  to everyone.


Your poor dad!  I'm so sorry that happened to him. :grouphug:

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Now ask me whose going to teach the kids to write.


Slashaboooya, by the way.



Who's, Slashaboo.  Who's.  




Hey, so long as she's just teaching the mechanics of writing and not grammar, it's all good, right? :laugh:

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I'm offended and leaving. Jerks.



Oh no! Don't leave.   


My own posts are plagued by auto-correcting typos. That's why all my posts are edited, and why I'm never fast enough to win Booya status at the top of the page.    You may bash me for them any ole' time you want, k? 


Seriously.  I'm the President of the Post-Conjunction Comma club, remember?  No grammatical or orthographical snobbery here.  In fact, I'm especially fond of imposter apostrophes.  Might start another club for those.


{pssst….I had to google orthographical so I'd spell it correctly}



Edited to correct spelling of "Conjunction"  

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What did ya do?


My workout regime this weekend consisted of having an awesome rib dinner with friends before the symphony (and getting to feel like a grown up.) Until around 3am Saturday night. When I woke up sick as a dog. I actually had to build a next of towels by the toilet so I could sleep there. Ug. Yesterday, sick all day. Upside.... I should have lost at least 5 lbs. :lol:


Oh and I don't think it was the food. Dh ate half of my ribs and he was just fine :glare:


I was sick 2 or 3 weeks ago and couldn't stop throwing up.  DH took me to a local free-standing ER that night (it all started in late afternoon) where they discovered I had some sort of infection I was fighting.  2 bags of fluid, a number of tests (including a CT scan), some IV meds, and some prescriptions for more meds and I was finally stable enough to go home.  It took DAYS (nearly a week) and MIL's homemade chicken soup before I started to really recover.  I have heard of other's getting this sick, too -- something is going around.


And speaking of that ER -- we got the Explanation of Benefits back from our insurance, and we hope like crazy that some negotiated rates kick in before we are billed by the ER.  We could potentially be facing a bill totaling more than $19,000 (yes, nineteen THOUSAND dollars!) for that visit.  (If we do get a bill that big we are going to challenge it.  One of the itemized charges on the EOB was a $9000 "ER charge".  That is in addition to every test, every med, every doctor's or nurse's time, everything else.  As best we can tell it's because we showed up.) 


That ER is not in our insurance network.  After we saw that EOB DH checked the insurance website to see where the closest ER that is in network is, and it's more than 45 minutes away.  Want surgery?  Want routine daytime care?  No problem, there are in-network places all over here.  Need an ER, especially after hours?  No, we can't use any of the many around us (we have 3 hospitals and several other ERs within 5 minutes of us).  We should go to the one nearly an hour's drive away (assuming there's no traffic or construction.  There's always traffic and construction.).

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Crappy day. Guffaw. Lol


Yeah, you all are getting just a bit too distracting again!  I was popping on for just a moment to post something, got caught up in reading posts as I scrolled to the bottom of the page, and forgot what I was going to post about.  I guess I should go teach my children now.




Oh, yeah, I just remembered!  I was going to post a muttering about how much I want a nice, secluded office of my own if we ever build another house.  I have been online trying to address a few homeschool needs, sitting at my laptop at my improvised desk (a folding table) in the middle of the family room (my "desk", an old table, and a side table are wrapped around 3 sides of a pillar there).  It's amazingly hard to concentrate on any of it with all of the noise.  DH's 3D printer is printing away (and I suspect this print will likely fail, since I see something starting to wobble).  Also, it turns out that the location of my "desk" is RIGHT UNDERNEATH our laundry closet.  The humming of the washer is causing the ceiling to reverberate, which is echoing off of our recently-installed tile floor in this room.


I think tomorrow I will be banning all laundry and printing for a day.  I ban printing from time to time when I just can't take it anymore.



It is a mark of just how distracting you all can be that I actually forgot for a few minutes that I was going to write on this -- all while the noise continued to build!  Y'all get a big BOOYAH for that!

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HOW did you do that?????  


I'm blaming it on my browser.  It certainly is NOT user-error.  I mean, obviously.


I think somehow there was a strangely-placed period in the URL you posted.  Something like "tu.be"

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Well, bad news, dad's eye can't be saved. The doctor said the nerve was "shot". Dad wants it removed completely because of the pain, and the doctor thought that would be best to keep infection from developing. So we will continue with the big university specialist on Wednesday and see what their plan is.


Again I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and hugs.


:grouphug:  to everyone.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Oh no! Don't leave.   


My own posts are plagued by auto-correcting typos. That's why all my posts are edited, and why I'm never fast enough to win Booya status at the top of the page.    You may bash me for them any ole' time you want, k? 


Seriously.  I'm the President of the Post-Conjunction Comma club, remember?  No grammatical or orthographical snobbery here.  In fact, I'm especially fond of imposter apostrophes.  Might start another club for those.


{pssst….I had to google orthographical so I'd spell it correctly}



Edited to correct spelling of "Conjunction"  


How about the Society for the Advancement of the Inapposite Apostrophe?    (Is that a correct use of the word inapposite?  If not, all the better.)  


I'm Chair.  

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Well, bad news, dad's eye can't be saved. The doctor said the nerve was "shot". Dad wants it removed completely because of the pain, and the doctor thought that would be best to keep infection from developing. So we will continue with the big university specialist on Wednesday and see what their plan is.


Again I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and hugs.


:grouphug: to everyone.

So, so sorry:-(

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I was sick 2 or 3 weeks ago and couldn't stop throwing up. DH took me to a local free-standing ER that night (it all started in late afternoon) where they discovered I had some sort of infection I was fighting. 2 bags of fluid, a number of tests (including a CT scan), some IV meds, and some prescriptions for more meds and I was finally stable enough to go home. It took DAYS (nearly a week) and MIL's homemade chicken soup before I started to really recover. I have heard of other's getting this sick, too -- something is going around.


And speaking of that ER -- we got the Explanation of Benefits back from our insurance, and we hope like crazy that some negotiated rates kick in before we are billed by the ER. We could potentially be facing a bill totaling more than $19,000 (yes, nineteen THOUSAND dollars!) for that visit. (If we do get a bill that big we are going to challenge it. One of the itemized charges on the EOB was a $9000 "ER charge". That is in addition to every test, every med, every doctor's or nurse's time, everything else. As best we can tell it's because we showed up.)


That ER is not in our insurance network. After we saw that EOB DH checked the insurance website to see where the closest ER that is in network is, and it's more than 45 minutes away. Want surgery? Want routine daytime care? No problem, there are in-network places all over here. Need an ER, especially after hours? No, we can't use any of the many around us (we have 3 hospitals and several other ERs within 5 minutes of us). We should go to the one nearly an hour's drive away (assuming there's no traffic or construction. There's always traffic and construction.).

jeez, you poor thing. That just stinks. We have had the crazy hospital stuff too. When ds was little, he had a stroke. One bill we got had one line item... For $27,000! This was in addition to every other detailed bill for Drs etc. I hope you can get that reduced!

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On a lighter note, I was sitting in the couch reading The Book Thief in the early evening hours yesterday. We live by a lake and 2 ponds, but for some reason the ducks never come by the house. All of a sudden, I heard a cacophony of quacking. I mean, it sounded like the sky was raining ducks. I looked out our back patio door and there were 7 ducks, 6 males and 1 female. Two of the males are fighting like there was no tomorrow. I was seriously concerned that there was going to be a duck corpse laid to rest in our backyard. The others were quacking and watching. Very "Fight Club". The lady just sat there demurely. Finally, one gave up and tried to run away and the other did that wingy, chase thing they do. Afterwards, they were all eyeballing each other and limping around the yard.


It was the funniest darn thing I have seen in a long time. Dh and I decided it was a Battle Royale.


I though Quackers would like that story and to know that her distant relatives all made it out aliveðŸ˜

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I was sick 2 or 3 weeks ago and couldn't stop throwing up.  DH took me to a local free-standing ER that night (it all started in late afternoon) where they discovered I had some sort of infection I was fighting.  2 bags of fluid, a number of tests (including a CT scan), some IV meds, and some prescriptions for more meds and I was finally stable enough to go home.  It took DAYS (nearly a week) and MIL's homemade chicken soup before I started to really recover.  I have heard of other's getting this sick, too -- something is going around.


And speaking of that ER -- we got the Explanation of Benefits back from our insurance, and we hope like crazy that some negotiated rates kick in before we are billed by the ER.  We could potentially be facing a bill totaling more than $19,000 (yes, nineteen THOUSAND dollars!) for that visit.  (If we do get a bill that big we are going to challenge it.  One of the itemized charges on the EOB was a $9000 "ER charge".  That is in addition to every test, every med, every doctor's or nurse's time, everything else.  As best we can tell it's because we showed up.) 


That ER is not in our insurance network.  After we saw that EOB DH checked the insurance website to see where the closest ER that is in network is, and it's more than 45 minutes away.  Want surgery?  Want routine daytime care?  No problem, there are in-network places all over here.  Need an ER, especially after hours?  No, we can't use any of the many around us (we have 3 hospitals and several other ERs within 5 minutes of us).  We should go to the one nearly an hour's drive away (assuming there's no traffic or construction.  There's always traffic and construction.).


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I could rant for days on this subject, but I'll just


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Oh no! Don't leave.   


My own posts are plagued by auto-correcting typos. That's why all my posts are edited, and why I'm never fast enough to win Booya status at the top of the page.    You may bash me for them any ole' time you want, k? 


Seriously.  I'm the President of the Post-Conjunction Comma club, remember?  No grammatical or orthographical snobbery here.  In fact, I'm especially fond of imposter apostrophes.  Might start another club for those.


{pssst….I had to google orthographical so I'd spell it correctly}



Edited to correct spelling of "Conjunction"  



How about the Society for the Advancement of the Inapposite Apostrophe?    (Is that a correct use of the word inapposite?  If not, all the better.)  


I'm Chair.  


She's quoting herself again.  Quackers is quacking up.

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I think somehow there was a strangely-placed period in the URL you posted.  Something like "tu.be"


That's the short link youtube will give you if you want to share. Only, it doesn't work on this board. You have to just copy and paste what's in the address bar.

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How about the Society for the Advancement of the Inapposite Apostrophe?    (Is that a correct use of the word inapposite?  If not, all the better.)  


I'm Chair.  


The first time through my eyes read "Inapposite" as "Inappropriate".  :D

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jeez, you poor thing. That just stinks. We have had the crazy hospital stuff too. When ds was little, he had a stroke. One bill we got had one line item... For $27,000! This was in addition to every other detailed bill for Drs etc. I hope you can get that reduced!


Sometimes I wonder if it is all some sort of bookkeeping/getting funding sort of game they all play somehow, because most of the time the amounts of the "negotiated rates" are a mere fraction of the initially billed amount.


We hope it gets reduced, too.  We will appeal it if it isn't.


I'm sorry to hear about your little boy, and that line item.  Your DS is doing fine now, right?  And how did you fare with that line item?


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That's the short link youtube will give you if you want to share. Only, it doesn't work on this board. You have to just copy and paste what's in the address bar.


Interesting.  I wonder why they would give such quirky shortcut links?


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Being self-pay is even more fun.  And yes, it is absurd.  


I agree.  I also found it very interesting how a few years back it was nearly impossible to get someone to see me when we were on vacation out of state (for a painfully bad sinus infection).  We finally found a clinic that caters to mostly indigent cases, because every place that was "in-network" had a waiting list of several weeks to months for "new patients".

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I agree.  I also found it very interesting how a few years back it was nearly impossible to get someone to see me when we were on vacation out of state (for a painfully bad sinus infection).  We finally found a clinic that caters to mostly indigent cases, because every place that was "in-network" had a waiting list of several weeks to months for "new patients".


When we were forced to switch insurance plans (they stopped offering the plan we had) the costs skyrocketed.  Similar coverage to what we used to have now costs many many times more, and doesn't go as far.  Now we are on a high deductible plan because it's basically the best fit in our price range (almost the only fit in our price range).  We count it a good year if we don't use up the deductible, but that $9000 line item alone will do it if it isn't dropped or reduced.

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It is a shell game.  And if ten people go into Walmart, they are charged the same price for goods.  If ten people go into Supercuts, they are charged the same price for a lady's haircut.


But if you want an appendectomy or a cancer drug, the price will range by thousands of dollars, depending on a complex bunch of factors that no one can even truly understand.  It's wrong.  


Edited by texasmama
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Speaking of healthcare, I'm sick.  Nothing major to write home about. I think its strep throat. I haven't had THAT since I was in elementary, but I remember how it feels and it feels just like this, plus the fever, which I also have. I wanted to take a sick day, but I took one yesterday. I really don't want to go to the doctor.  :( Our insurance changed May 1 and I don't have the new cards yet. It's going to be a giant pain in the backside. Also, this week and next week are dress rehearsal for dance recitals and I don't have a lot of extra time. :(


Thanks for letting me whine. 




ETA:  My children have also been rendered stupid by spring weather. Everything today was a struggle.  No one knew what they were supposed to be doing or how to do it.  I think we are just going to do gentle review for the next couple of weeks and then call it done here.



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On a lighter note, I was sitting in the couch reading The Book Thief in the early evening hours yesterday. We live by a lake and 2 ponds, but for some reason the ducks never come by the house. All of a sudden, I heard a cacophony of quacking. I mean, it sounded like the sky was raining ducks. I looked out our back patio door and there were 7 ducks, 6 males and 1 female. Two of the males are fighting like there was no tomorrow. I was seriously concerned that there was going to be a duck corpse laid to rest in our backyard. The others were quacking and watching. Very "Fight Club". The lady just sat there demurely. Finally, one gave up and tried to run away and the other did that wingy, chase thing they do. Afterwards, they were all eyeballing each other and limping around the yard.


It was the funniest darn thing I have seen in a long time. Dh and I decided it was a Battle Royale.


I though Quackers would like that story and to know that her distant relatives all made it out aliveðŸ˜




Distant is right.  We don't associate with that side of the family much.  

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All I can say is a thousand hugs to all y'all facing all the healthcare challenges.  




We are fortunate to still have a relatively decent plan, but I don't' expect that to last long.  Glad to hear you like Samaritan Ministries, Tex.


(Like that inapposite apostrophe??  Hehehe.  I didn't even mean to, but there it is.)

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Speaking of healthcare, I'm sick.  Nothing major to write home about. I think its strep throat. I haven't had THAT since I was in elementary, but I remember how it feels and it feels just like this, plus the fever, which I also have. I wanted to take a sick day, but I took one yesterday. I really don't want to go to the doctor.  :( Our insurance changed May 1 and I don't have the new cards yet. It's going to be a giant pain in the backside. Also, this week and next week are dress rehearsal for dance recitals and I don't have a lot of extra time. :(


Thanks for letting me whine. 




ETA:  My children have also been rendered stupid by spring weather. Everything today was a struggle.  No one knew what they were supposed to be doing or how to do it.  I think we are just going to do gentle review for the next couple of weeks and then call it done here.


Sounds like a plan.  We've been in that boat recently, too (being rendered stupid by Spring).  I hope your insurance cards come before you need them, you find whatever you need to get you through this, and you get lots of love and appreciation for Mother's Day (and are well enough to enjoy them).


:grouphug: :grouphug:

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We are in school wind-down mode, as well.  And with Nan coming to live with us, I have chosen to keep expectations low.  However, Nan is not disruptive to school.  The number of people in and out of our house is disruptive at times, but we work around it.  Having Nan here has not been a huge adjustment.  I think it is because I am already taking care of so many people and have been for so long that she is just another mouth to feed, a bit more laundry to do, etc.  I have to give her meds twice a day, but since she is on hospice none of them are life-extending so if I am delayed an hour, it is not critical.

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We are in school wind-down mode, as well.  And with Nan coming to live with us, I have chosen to keep expectations low.  However, Nan is not disruptive to school.  The number of people in and out of our house is disruptive at times, but we work around it.  Having Nan here has not been a huge adjustment.  I think it is because I am already taking care of so many people and have been for so long that she is just another mouth to feed, a bit more laundry to do, etc.  I have to give her meds twice a day, but since she is on hospice none of them are life-extending so if I am delayed an hour, it is not critical.


Yay, someone to talk with again.  I have only a few minutes left, and was going to post-pad to get to the next page, but talking with you is more fun.

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We are in school wind-down mode, as well.  And with Nan coming to live with us, I have chosen to keep expectations low.  However, Nan is not disruptive to school.  The number of people in and out of our house is disruptive at times, but we work around it.  Having Nan here has not been a huge adjustment.  I think it is because I am already taking care of so many people and have been for so long that she is just another mouth to feed, a bit more laundry to do, etc.  I have to give her meds twice a day, but since she is on hospice none of them are life-extending so if I am delayed an hour, it is not critical.


We are in wind-down mode of sorts, too.  Yesterday I counted out what remains of many of our curricula, and wrote down which will come to their natural ends in which weeks this month or early June.  I told the girls certain subjects WILL be studied over the summer because we chose to let those slide so much during the school year, but they will otherwise get a break from the other, more mundane topics until Fall Semester.  And I haven't yet decided when we will officially start Fall Semester.  It might be August, or it might wait until after Labor Day week, simply because DH has some vacation time that week and we might go do something.


I was very impressive about it, too.  I gave a State of the HomeSchool report to the kids, and then repeated it to DH after he got home from work.  Thankyouverymuch.

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We are in school wind-down mode, as well.  And with Nan coming to live with us, I have chosen to keep expectations low.  However, Nan is not disruptive to school.  The number of people in and out of our house is disruptive at times, but we work around it.  Having Nan here has not been a huge adjustment.  I think it is because I am already taking care of so many people and have been for so long that she is just another mouth to feed, a bit more laundry to do, etc.  I have to give her meds twice a day, but since she is on hospice none of them are life-extending so if I am delayed an hour, it is not critical.


I hope everything continues to run fairly smoothly for you (it is relative, and not ignoring the animal wars mentioned earlier).  You have got such a lot on your plate and seem to be handling it with such grace and aplomb.  Besides, we are still coming over to your house for that slumber party at some point!  We just want to make sure the cat doesn't decide that we are interlopers, too, and leave us little "presents"....

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We are in school wind-down mode, as well.  And with Nan coming to live with us, I have chosen to keep expectations low.  However, Nan is not disruptive to school.  The number of people in and out of our house is disruptive at times, but we work around it.  Having Nan here has not been a huge adjustment.  I think it is because I am already taking care of so many people and have been for so long that she is just another mouth to feed, a bit more laundry to do, etc.  I have to give her meds twice a day, but since she is on hospice none of them are life-extending so if I am delayed an hour, it is not critical.


So, do you and I get more points if I keep quoting the same post of yours over and over?  What is the record, anyway, for number of times the same post is quoted by the same person?

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I was very impressive about it, too.  I gave a State of the HomeSchool report to the kids, and then repeated it to DH after he got home from work.  Thankyouverymuch.

I had parent-teacher conferences this year with the kids, dh, and I.  :D

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I hope everything continues to run fairly smoothly for you (it is relative, and not ignoring the animal wars mentioned earlier).  You have got such a lot on your plate and seem to be handling it with such grace and aplomb.  Besides, we are still coming over to your house for that slumber party at some point!  We just want to make sure the cat doesn't decide that we are interlopers, too, and leave us little "presents"....



I think my aplomb comes from being old and tired.  It is hard to flap me anymore.  I am unflappable.



Edited by texasmama
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